Nothing but a number pt.2

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They played around, splashing each other, Lauren draping herself against Camila's back as they lazily swirled around the pool, the sun heating their skin where they touched. Camila could smell the lilac scent of Lauren's skin, her warm breath tickling her cheek. Despite the water's coldness, her dick stirred. Her throat bobbed. She needed to keep her distance, as far away from Lauren as possible.
But the brunette woman kissed her cheek. Her soft, pliant lips trailing along Camila's cheekbone. She felt Lauren say something but did not hear it. So she turned her head. Met her lips with hers for the briefest of moments.
It was enough. Camila wrenched herself free from Lauren's grasp and swam to the opposite end of the pool. "I'm sorry!" She gasped out. Her cock was probably tenting her shorts, so she couldn't leave the pool. "I'm so sorry, I better leave."
"What? No, Camila. Relax." Lauren said, but she didn't swim closer. For that, Camila was grateful. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have assumed. I'm just a creepy old woman who had no right.""You're not creepy." Camila mumbled, looking up at Lauren. She slowly floated over to the brunette. "And I've always wanted to kiss you. But I wish to be completely honest from the very beginning, and thus certain aspects regarding my anatomy might prevent me from having... Relations with you."
At that, Lauren raised a brow. "What does that mean, exactly?"
Camila sucked in a breath. Released it in one go. "Ihaveapenis."
"Oh." And it took approximately five seconds for Lauren to seemingly digest this fact. "Okay, but does that mean you still want to kiss me?"
Camila blinked. "Um, did I hear that right? Are you okay with this?"Lauren shrugged. "I'm not attracted to you because of what's between your legs. I'm attracted to your wit. Your charm. Everything in between. And I want to kiss you, Camila. Often and a lot. To the point where our lips bruise, and all I can taste is you."
Smiling, Camila reached for Lauren as she swam closer. Their arms touch, and Lauren pulled Camila into her arms until their stomachs were flush, and her lips were on the younger girl's lips. Lauren's fingers curl against the back of Camila's neck and deepened their kiss. Lauren tasted like peppermint and mandarin oranges blooming on her tongue, Camila thought. And she tasted wonderful.
Thus began a new wave of habits, which Camila seemed to be forming left and right upon Lauren's arrival in their quaint Miami neighbourhood. Upon arriving on the brunette woman's doorstep, she would be tugged inside, and together they would stumble into Lauren's living room, where her leather couch waited for their bodies to lay against it. And Camila would recline supine, Lauren the blanket that covered her body with her own. "You're not even going to ask about my day?" Camila whispered, though she was smiling as she was wont to do.
Lauren hummed, her lips leaving a trail along the young girl's jaw. "Oh, alright. How was your day, Camila? How was Siope and Dinah's budding romance? Did he ask her out yet, or is he still begging you for advice on how to approach Dinah?"
"Actually, he wanted me to ask her for him."
"A Duke Orsino in our midst?" Lauren raised her brow. "Don't do it, Camila. He might fall in love with you instead." But Camila looked confused, and Lauren pecked her soft mouth. "Sorry, I keep forgetting that the English curriculum was not the same as it was. Twelfth Night, baby. What play are you studying this year?"
"We had the choice of Macbeth or Othello. I chose Macbeth."
Nodding, Lauren flattened herself once more against Camila's chest. The leather couch groaned and stretched beneath Camila, and Lauren's arm stuck against its sticky surface. "Would you like a drink while you tell me more about your friends?"
In the cool kitchen, the afternoon seemed to be at a standstill. Lauren poured a mix of mango, pineapple, and orange juice into a cocktail shaker, as well as a dash of strawberry syrup. She threw ice in it and shook it around while Camila spoke.
"So, I told Siope I won't do it for him and to just do it because really," Camila huffed. "She likes him, but I think she just enjoys watching him squirm." Lauren laughed and slid Camila a lowball glass full of the mixed juice. She took a sip of it and enjoyed the sweetness.
"He's being ridiculous, then." Lauren said. "He needs to stop overthinking everything and just be a gentleman."
Camila agreed as she finished her juice. The cool drink did wonders for her, and she wanted to go back to their earlier activities. And it seemed that Lauren caught on to Camila's mood. She lowered her own glass and offered up her hand, which Camila took.
Following Lauren into the other sitting area where there was no television, but rather walls upon walls of books decorated the three walls. On one wall was a fabric couch, a coffee table, and a lamp. Lauren tugged Camila towards it, and this time, it was Lauren who laid first before she pulled the dark-haired girl on top of her.
"Am I squishing you?" Camila asked, breathless from nothing but anticipation.
"Of course not. Your weight is nice." Lauren cupped the back of Camila's neck and kissed her. Softly at first, before her tongue licked against the young girl's upper lip to lap up the sweetness from the earlier drink. "You feel so good, and I want you to kiss me some more."
One of her virtues, Camila would proudly admit, was that she listened to her elders, and obeyed them.
One hand on Lauren's hipbone, and her fingers threading through brown locks, Camila took Lauren's bottom lip in her mouth and gave it a nibble. She struggled to keep herself from placing all of her weight against Lauren, but when the brunette hummed and rolled so they were facing each other on their sides, Camila found that this position was definitely better than the last.
The new position allowed Camila's hands to do a little wandering. Her palms dragged against Lauren's sides, along her hip, mouth never leaving hers. Camila indulged herself. She touched every inch of Lauren's body, from her sides to her hips, to the curve of her back and the swell of her ass. She felt every moan and every whimper of breath Lauren expelled. The softness of Lauren, the warmth of her body, Camila thought distantly, as Lauren's soft mouth wandered down her neck, is definitely something I can get addicted to.
In Camila's room, she managed to finish her English Literature reading of George Orwell's 1984, plus discussion questions before the orange glow of the sun began to cast shadows on the wall of her bedroom. The clock read half past six, and cracking her knuckles, tackled the remaining pile of math questions on her desk before dinner. She didn't head to Lauren's house since the brunette texted her that she was out. Which was fine. Camila had a lot of homework to finish, anyway.
A soft tap on her door interrupted her, however, just as she finished the final question. "Come in!" She called out, and in stepped Leroy, wearing a nice pair of slacks and his semi-formal loafers. "Oh, what's the occasion? I thought we were having lasagna for dinner?"
"We are," he said. "Lauren is coming over for dinner."
At this news, Camila's eyes bugged out. Slowly, slowly, panic began to set in. "What?" She demanded, almost livid. "W-why didn't you tell me? I don't have anything to wear! And I could've prepared dessert or appetizers, or something!"
"Relax, Camila." Leroy laughed and smoothed the top of her head. "It's just a pleasant dinner between neighbours. Your dad and I thought she could use the adult company. Not that you're not great, of course." He held up his hands. "And we just want to see how she's fitting right in." Kissing Camila's head, Leroy hummed. "She's coming in thirty minutes. Get dressed by then."
And as soon as the door closed behind her daddy's back, Camila dived into her closet and took out the nicest dress she could find. It was a simple floral dress with red and white lilies, and matched it up with a pink belt. Camila combed her hair in waves, applied a bit of makeup, and headed downstairs when she heard the doorbell ring.
Lauren stood by the doorway, clutching a bottle of wine as Alejandro welcomed her in. Her eyes wandered towards Camila, and a smile curled her lips. "Hello, Camila. You look like a dream."
Camila floated to the bottom of the steps and beamed. "Hi, Lauren. Welcome to our home."
For the moment, Camila did not act as if she knew everything about Lauren, nor did she interrupt when her Papa asked her about how she was finding Miami. She didn't think her fathers knew of the amount of time she spent with the brunette these past few weeks, so for now, she walked with poise towards the kitchen to aid Leroy with the salad, as Lauren and Alejandro walked in.
"Please, sit." Camila said. Alejandro pulled out the chair for Lauren and she sat, a delighted glint in her amused green eyes. "You too, daddy. I'll handle all of this." She disappeared back into the kitchen once the two Cabellos and a Jauregui sat their asses on the ornate oak chairs. Camila emerged and began to serve the salad, along with croutons, freshly-grated Parmesan, and the variety of dressings they had on hand.
Taking the vacant seat beside Lauren, Camila speared her salad greens and took a bite.
"So, Lauren. What do you do again? We know you're a writer, you told us when we first met, but what do you write?" Alejandro asked.
"I'm an editor for this website. It's called Book Riot." Lauren smiled, glancing towards Camila. She knew all about Lauren's work, and even read a few of her articles. While she's not a big reader, Camila appreciated what Lauren did. "We basically talk about books, the publishing industry, that kind of deal. That's my main work," she took a bite of her salad. "I also published a few novels here and there."
"I'm glad that's working out for you, Lauren. Didn't you say you were also a photographer?"
"I manage to sell a few prints online, though that's only on the side."
"Still, it's good to make money any way you can."
Camila rose to clear up the salad bowls. She caught Lauren's eye. The brunette smiled. "Do you need help bringing the main course in?"
"That would help me a lot, thank you."
Together, Camila and Lauren disappeared behind the wall that separated the kitchen and the dining room. The taller, older brunette grinned and pressed Camila against the basalt countertop and kissed her thoroughly, enough to make Camila's toes curl. She could kiss Lauren for hours, and she had in the past. But not right now, with her dads a few feet away.
"It's in the oven." Camila murmured. "The lasagna."
Lauren nibbled Camila's lower lip and moved away to grab the oven mitts. Camila took a breath to steady herself, smoothing out her dress as she did. The lasagna had been warming in the oven for the better part of the hour, and carefully, Lauren brought it to the dinner table. Leroy rose and brought a bottle of red to the table and poured it out into the glasses, but only a bit for Camila.
Alejandro sliced through the dish and plated it all up. "Looks amazing." Lauren commented.
"It's all Camila." Leroy said with a proud grin.
"It's a veggie lasagna though. I hope you don't mind?"
"You know I—" Lauren cut herself off and cleared her throat. "I haven't tried it before, but I think I might like it."
Camila glanced at her dads and caught them glance at each other. She said nothing else, merely smiled and continued eating while Lauren eased the silence by asking Leroy about his work.
Feeling the tablecloth rustle, Camila felt the touch of a warm hand. She caught the ghost of a smile. She laced their fingers together and held Lauren's hand throughout dinner.

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