Do something sexy

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"Maybe this was a bad idea, guys. I mean, she has a new girlfriend now, this won't go well," Lauren mumbled to everybody in the house. There was going to be a little surprise 'reunion party' for Lauren and Camila since they hadn't seen each other in years since the break up. People were scattered around the house with drinks in their hands waiting for Camila's arrival and Lauren's cue to surprise her.
"No, it's a good idea. She'll be happy to see you. She's being driven home from the airport right now... You should've seen her while she was in New York. I'm not a geography genius, but I'm pretty sure New York and New Jersey are pretty close," Dinah explained.
"No way. I can't trust myself alone with her, are you kidding? I'd lose it... I'm still in love with her, you know. It's been a while but I still feel the same." Dinah sympathetically patted Lauren's back.
"You'll be fine, don't stress!" Lauren nodded and took a deep breath. The sound of a car engine was heard outside. Camila was home from New York. The door slowly opened. There was a delay before Camila walked in because she was lifting her luggage behind her. Lauren held her breath, and made her way to the door.
"Uh, erm, surprise," Lauren said, with a nervous smile as she helped Camila with a bag. Camila looked up and saw her. It took her a second to process what was going on. When she realized who it was, her jaw dropped and she gasped.
"Lauren!" She yelled, jumping on to her. Guests in the house, 'awed,' 'whooed,' and even clapped. Lauren smiled so big, hugging her back with one of her bags still in her hand. After the reunion, Lauren and Camila and her family sat down to catch up. Camila noticed that Lauren has physically changed so much in two years. She was more built and more paranoid and jumpy than normal. Lauren had always worn a leather jacket since she fell in love with the movie, "The Outsiders." So much so, she called herself Lauren Ponyboy for years. She bought a beautiful new jacket every year. She was wearing her newest one with a white T-shirt underneath. Her shirt was tight enough on her that her breasts could be seen through it. Camila found that attractive and caught herself staring several times.
"So you've dated people since we broke up, huh?" Lauren asked with her voice getting quieter than before. Camila nodded.
"Yes, you know that. But I've never asked if you had a girlfriend since me... So have you dated after me?" Lauren looked down and shook her head.
"Nope. All two years we've been apart... Man... My heart has been hurting. The mere thought of being with somebody else felt weird, and... I don't know, I just couldn't find myself to do it," she explained. Camila looked angry for no good reason.
"Well, you really should do it, since we don't have any chance together, Lauren. You ruined that years ago when you left for New Jersey. Instead of trying to make me feel sorry for you, open your eyes and realize that it's your fault. It's always been your fault."
"Camila!" her mom yelled with authority. Lauren was confused and hurt, and she just kind of turned her face the other way so nobody saw the angry and upset tears forming in her green eyes. Camila looked around at everybody, realizing what she said was uncalled for and wrong, and made her way towards the door. Just as Camila was walking out the front door, she locked eyes with Lauren. She didn't smile, she didn't do anything. Just sat next to Dinah, watching her. Turning quickly, she closed the door behind herself.
"Why did I say that? She's going to hate me forever... It's not her fault she had to move across the country. Ugh..." Camila shook her head at her own stupidity. She had only been back a few hours; it was too soon to see everyone, especially Lauren. God, how she had changed. She looked so, good. So beautiful, she thought. It was hard for her not to throw herself at her feet and beg for forgiveness. How could she have been blinded for all those years? Having not seen what had been in front of her that whole time. Just waiting for her to say the word and she would have been there. Would have loved her with everything she had, she would never had hurt her-not like her passed girlfriend did. Ever. Hunting through her bag, she fished out the keys to her car. Thankfully she'd only had one drink that her mom let slide so driving home wouldn't be a problem. Just as she was unlocking the car door, the keys were snatched from her hand and her whole body was spun around and pressed against the side of the car.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Lauren asked with angry eyes.
"Going to the Malibu house." She replied smartly.
"You were going to drive?" She asked.
"Well, yeah. How else am I supposed to get home, Lauren?" She closed her eyes as she spoke her name.
"You've been drinking," she replied opening her eyes slowly.
"One drink is all I've had. I'm more than capable of driving home on just one drink."
"No?" Camila repeated.
"No, you're not driving to Malibu."
"Well I'm not walking. And excuse me, who the hell made you the boss of me?" Lauren just looked at her, an amused expression on her face.
"What's so funny?" She snapped, trying to pry the keys from her grasp.
"You're not driving, Camila," she whispered. Lauren's raspy voice sent such a shiver down her spine.
"I want to go, Lauren, please give me my keys." She held out her hand.
"Fine," Camila yelled. Ducking under her arm and walking towards the main road. "I'll walk," she shouted over her shoulder. Before she had even taken two steps Lauren had grabbed hold of her arms, slamming her against the side of the car. Her whole body pressed against the petite girl, holding her in place. The heat from her skin felt comforting, her warm breath fanned across her face as she stared at her in shock.
"I told you, Camila," she breathed, dark eyes watching her closely. "No." Camila couldn't speak. This was a side of Lauren she had never seen, the dominant side. The Alpha female side. Lauren buried her face in Camila's hair, inhaling deeply. "You still smell exactly the same," she purred. Her nose ran across her cheek, as she kissed her neck softly. Her tongue trailing a path across her jaw. "I've always wondered what you taste like," she breathed in her ear.
"Oh," Camila moaned, barely able to hold herself up. She was hyper aware of every touch, every breath Lauren made. Lauren's hips shifted against her own, she could feel her. Feel how hard she was.
"Lauren," Camila whispered. She didn't answer, just stared at her. Lauren had her arms pinned either side of Camila's head, warm fingers wrapped around her delicate, thin wrists. She made no attempt to move and neither did she. Camila wanted to ask what she wanted, what was wrong. But she didn't want to break this, what ever it was that was happening between them.
Lauren shifted her hips again, she could do nothing more than moan, as her eyes fell shut. She could feel her rub against her. When had she become so confident?
Opening her eyes, she was met with a look of pure smugness. Lauren knew exactly what she was doing to her. Camila shifted then, trying to move her body away from her, but the green eyed girl just pressed her harder against the car.
"You're not going anywhere, Camila."
"You can't keep me pressed up against my car all night, Lauren."
"Wanna bet?" she cooed at her. Her eyes shifted towards the house. No one had followed her. "They won't come out here, Camila. They know better than that," she said as her face lowered, closing the distance. Camila's eyes fluttered from her green eyes, down to her lips and back again. Watching as her lips twitched slightly. "Something you want, Camz?" she asked smugly.
"I, um no," she shook her head.
"You sure?" she murmured against her lips. She was that close-she could feel them brush against her own.
"I, what?" Lauren just smiled at her. That amazing, full smile, the one that made her smile along with her. They stayed like that for god knows how long, Lauren was so close all she would have to do was shift slightly and their lips would be touching. But she wasn't going to be the one to do this; if Lauren wanted her then it was up to her to end this game she was playing. Lauren hardly spoke to her the whole time she lived in New Jersey, and then as soon as she leaves she stops her? Well screw her, she thought. She was not going to give in first. She wasn't.
"What, Lauren?" she snipped. "What do you want?" Her eyes narrowed slightly as she moved back.
"What do I want?" she asked before laughing. It wasn't a joyous sound. "What do I want? Something I've always wanted. Do you know what that is, Camila?" she asked pressing against her once more. "What is it that I've wanted more than anything, hmm?" She shook her head.
"Come on Camila, don't act like you don't know," she growled. She was angry. She could feel the air change around her.
"I don't know," Camila's reply was barely a whisper.
"Please," she spat. "You know what it is, Camila, Jesus, everyone fucking knows, everyone's always known. Even you, when you played your little games." Her eyes snapped to his.
"I never played games."
"Yes you fucking did," she snarled, before calming herself. She took long deep breaths. "You led me on," she whispered into her ear. Camila shivered.
"I didn't mean to."
"No, you didn't," she agreed. She watched her closely. She could feel Laurens thumbs rubbing circles into her skin; her green eyes ran across her face, taking in every detail. "You still look exactly the same as you did two years ago," she said. "Although, you have gained some extra curves," she chuckled grabbing at herrear for a second. The small girl glared at her.
"What? I'm not saying it's a bad thing," Lauren shrugged. "You look amazing, always have."
She blushed then.
"I've missed that," she whispered.
"Your blush."
"I'm still me, Lauren."
"Yes you are," she stated before claiming her mouth. She was unprepared for the onslaught of emotions. Lauren's hands still held hers against the car, as she struggled against her-wanting to touch her, needing to. But Lauren refused to release her hold on her. Her one knee worked its way between Camila's legs, widening her stance as she pressed against her. Rocking in such a way that she had her moaning into her mouth. There were no words to describe how her mouth felt. Soft yet firm as she took control, tongue exploring and teasing, lips tasting as she kissed her-as she claimed her.
The sky clapped above them as the first sounds of a storm erupted. And still she continued to kiss her-thighs rubbing against places that had her whole body tingling. She pressed down against older girl's leg wanting more friction. Needing more.
Raindrops fell then, hitting their faces softly. Lauren must have felt them as well, as she slowly pulled from the kiss. She watched as she licked her lips, Camila 's hungry eyes watching every movement of her tongue.
"You're wet," Lauren breathed huskily. She dragged her eyes away from her lips.
"You're wet," she breathed emphasizing the word wet, with a gentle knee nudge.
"Oh," she blushed madly. She could feel Lauren's eyes on her as she avoided her gaze. She was embarrassed that her arousal was so strong, that she could tell. Once she regainedsome control over her over-heated skin, she chanced a look at Lauren. The heated stare she was giving her stopped her breath.
"I want you," Lauren stated honestly. She licked her lips as she watched her move closer. Her hands finally released her own, which quickly grabbed at Lauren's shirt, pulling her closer.
"I want you," Lauren repeated.
"I want you," she replied. The older girl hummed happily, before grabbing her around the thighs. She wrapped her legs instantly around her waist, as Lauren held her to him. Walking them god only knew where.
Lauren's lips were back on hers. Every step she took caused her to bounce slightly in her hold. Her hands were entangled in her dark locks as she hungrily kissed her back.
Jesus, had she always been such a good kisser, Camila thought. She allowed herself to remember back to that kiss they had shared before at New Years. Even back then she had set her world alight. Lauren's warm lips and delicious taste had her wanting more but her blinded love for her last girlfriend stopped her. But never again; never was she going to deny her. If she was honest with herself, she had come back for Lauren. Hoping and praying she still wanted her.
Large hands squeezed her ass. All previous thoughts were lost. Lauren pulled away from her lips. "We're here," she said. Looking over her shoulder, she realized they were walking towards a large house. One that was partially hidden by trees. Lauren's new vacation home.
"Who lives here?" she asked, shocked at how breathless she sounded.
"I do," Lauren answered.
"It's yours?"
"Yes." No more was said as she walked up the few steps and pushing the door opening. As she walked her inside, she expected her to place her on her feet, but she kept a firm hold on her as she walked around the house. Flicking lights on here and there.
Lauren made her way towards the kitchen, opening the fridge and taking out a large bottle of water-handing it to Camila as he closed the fridge. Camila gave her a look.
"You're gonna need it," was all she said. She swallowed thickly.
Finally reaching the bedroom Lauren lowered her carefully to the floor and placed the water on the sideboard. She turned to face Camila as she sat slowly on the edge of the bed, leaning back on her arms so she could watch her, an amused expression on her face.
Camila shifted nervously from foot to foot. Lauren's green eyes on her made her extremely self-conscious. "Come here, babe," Lauren's voice sounded sinful. She locked eyes with her as she moved closer. The older girl opened her legs so that Camila could stand between them. They didn't say anything, just watched one another. Lauren sat up which brought her face within perfect height of Camila's chest. She looked down at Camila with hungry eyes before pulling off her leather jacket as slowly, and seductively as possible. Lauren smiled smugly before pulling her T-shirt off in one fluid motion. She found it hard to breathe, as she watched the muscles flex under her skin with every movement. She tossed the shirt to the side, leaning back; giving her a perfect view of her sculpted abs. She licked her lips subconsciously.
"See something you like, baby?" she teased. Camila smiled then, that was the first time she had used her nickname for her. She nodded, not trusting her own voice. Lauren heldout a hand. She stepped closer placing her own in hers. Lauren quickly pulled her to him, so that she was straddling her lap.
"Okay?" she asked.
"Yes," she nodded, shifting slightly. Her hands were on her hips as the otlder girl held her.
"Kiss me," Lauren said. She blinked at first, not sure she had heard her correctly. Moving slowly, she placed her hands on Lauren's shoulders. The warmth from her skin seeped into her cold hands, causing her to sigh. She brought her lips closer, licking her own before touching them against her softly, carefully.
"I'm not gonna break, Camila," she said. "And neither will you." Lauren wrapped her arms around her-one around her waist, the other on the back of her neck; her thumb brushing against her pulse as she took control of the kiss.
She could do nothing more than hold on and let herself go. Her lips were relentless against her own, her tongue dominant and demanding, yet soft and careful.Lauren broke the kiss to trail her hungry lips down her neck, licking at her collarbone. Hands moving to unbutton her shirt.
"Clothes. We are wearing too many." Camila panted out. Lauren chuckled.
"Yes, we are."
"Oh," she blushed not realizing she had said that out loud.
"But I'm working on rectifying that," Lauren removed her shirt as she kissed an exposed shoulder. Teeth biting at her bra strap.
She threw her shirt across the room, allowing herself a moment to look at her-Lauren eyes ran across her exposed skin. She felt self-conscious and made a move to cover herself, but Lauren easily caught her wrists.
"No, don't do that," she said softly.
She moved them back to her sides.
Lauren smiled at her softly before standing. The green eyed girl undid her jeans, slowly lowering the zip. Camila watched every movement her hand made with hungry eyes. Hooking her thumbs into the side of her jeans, she slowly pushed them down her hips. Camila blushed. Lauren wore nothing underneath, her hardened length jutted out proudly in front of her, as she kicked her jeans to the side. She swallowed nervously-Lauren was very large.Everything, it seemed, fell into proportion.
Sitting back down, Lauren slowly raised her hands, to gently cup each breast. Camila's eyes closed from pleasure.
"Take it off," she whispered. Her hands were moving before she was even aware of it. Undoing the clasps at her back, Lauren's fingers slid the straps down her arms.
Their eyes locked on one another. It was only when Lauren had dropped the garment to the floor did she look at her body. Camlila watched as her eyes took in each breast-hands followed her eyes as she cupped them, squeezing them, causing her to moan.
Her warm hands on her body had her crying out in pleasure. She ground herself onto the older girl as she teased her, kneading. Her hands wrapped in her black hair pulling her closer to where she wanted her to go.
Warm hands ran down her stomach as Lauren popped the button free on her jeans, hands slipping inside to cup her ass and squeezing it hard as she began kissing her. Lauren pulled away from the kiss focusing on her hand movement.
"Oh god," she moaned loudly. Lauren removed his hands.
"Lay downfor a sec," Lauren said with a look like she had an idea. Camila obeyed her. Lauren looked down at her leather jacket that was thrown on the floor. "Do something sexy," she almost chuckled, grabbing her jacket, and handing it to her.Camila shyly put on the jacket, so it was just covering her breasts. She got a little more confident and bit her lip seductively.
Lauren growled deep within her chest.
She successfully did something sexy for her.
And Lauren was ready.
"Stand up," she ordered. Standing on shaky legs, she allowed Lauren to remove her jeans. Lauren's hands brushed down her thighs as she buried her face against her stomach. She ran her fingers through her dark locks as she stayed pressed against her, lips kissing her stomach softly. She could feel her thumbs rubbing against her thighs. Gentle movements, softly working their way up, until they were hooked in her underwear.
Slowly she tugged them down her legs.
She didn't even think about stopping her. After all, it was Lauren. Her Lauren. Someone she had known her whole life. And if there was anyone she trusted, then it was her. Once her underwear was free from her body, they were thrown towards her other clothes. "You still smell so good," she purred as she lifted her leg. She had to shift slightly, turning her other foot so that she didn't fall. Lauren must have sensed her worry."I won't let you fall, Camz" she said, dark eyes watching her closely. "Promise."
Smiling at her, she ran a hand down her face and cupped her cheek. Lauren kissed her palm. Camila's leg was held under the knee; she watched in awe as Lauren lowered her face to her, kissing her rougher and more aggressive than before. Camila pulled away surprised at her dominance. Lauren has always been the big teddy bear, and to see her like this was a shock to her. "Holy shit, Lauren" she whispered, smiling, and clutching at her hair as she continued kissing her body. Lauren kissed her lips again. Tongue delving inside her mouth before teasing her.
"I'm not the little innocent Lauren you used to know," she mumbled. She moved her lips down to her neck and kissed, sucked, and licked. Camila's weakness.
"Lauren" she cried out, body shaking from pure pleasure.
Without missing a beat, she grabbed hold of her, moving her around so that she was now lying on the bed with Lauren's face still buried in her neck.
"Oh God," she panted, hands twisting in the bed sheets, as Lauren started making her way down to her stomach. As soon as she got down to her waist, she made his way back up, teasing her.
"Lauren, please." she begged. Lauren ignored her and kept kissing her perfect body everywhere. She panted above her as she finally removed herself from her stomach, letting out a sigh of relief as she moved her body over hers, her hips resting between her legs. She could feel Lauren-hot, hard and heavy-resting against her opening.
Lauren watched her closely, kissing her lips softly. She moaned as the kiss got heated, then licked her lips, causing the older girl to growl deep within her chest.
Lips bruising against her own as Lauren dominated the kiss, her hand wrapped around her thigh and lifted her leg, slowly sliding inside her. Her breath caught as she stretched her slowly. She was bigger than anyone she had been with. Even though there had only been three before her.
A shift of her hips had her crying out as she slipped in deeper.
"Jesus Christ," sh moaned.
"Lauren," she whispered.
Lauren lifted both of her legs then, giving her better access. Her hands moved around to cup her ass as she rocked into her.
"How many?" Lauren breathed out. Camila didn't answer, confused by her question. "How many before me?" She growled.
"Jesus, Lauren." Was she really asking this now, she thought.
"How many, Camila?"
"Lauren." A thrust had her answering quickly. "Just three!" she practically screamed out.
Lauren growled then, thrusting harder. "Oh, God," Camila cried out as she clawed at her back.
"Mine," Lauren growled, circling her hips before slamming into her. She moved her again, her legs wrapped around her waist as she slid her arms underneath her body to hold on to her shoulders.
"Hold on," Lauren purred as he slammed into her. Her head thrashed from side to side as she fucked her. Their bodies bounced on the mattress as she continued her punishing rhythm. "Lauren," she cried out as her orgasm hit her fast. Her walls clenched around her dick as her whole body arched towards Lauren.
"Jesus Christ," Lauren panted, slowing down her thrusts while Camila rode out her orgasm.
Camila's eyes opened slowly, locking onto her face. Lauren's eyes were closed and her mouth open slightly. She continued to move in a slow steady pace.
Her hand cupped Lauren's face causing her eyes to open; she smiled then moving her body yet again, her arms resting on either side of Camila's head. She changed her rhythm to long deep strokes which caused her eyes to roll back in her head, breath catching as the pleasure from her movements rushed through her.
"Fuck," Lauren hissed, eyes locked onto her hands, licking her lips as she continued to thrust into her.
"L-Lauren," she moaned.
"What, Camila?" she asked.
"Harder. Please," she begged. Lauren smiled at her, leaning down to kiss her softly, before whispering.
"What? Why?" she moaned.
"We're doing this my way," She stated.
"Please," she begged.
"My way, Camz. I'm gonna fuck you so you never forget it, never want anyone else."
She moved again then, sitting on her calves as she pulled Camila onto her-her hands running up the length of her body: cupping and squeezing each breast, before wrapping gently around her neck, thumb brushing against her cheek.
Her hips snapped against hers as he set a hard pace.She lifted Camila's legs with her other hand, laying them flat against her chest; her light skin against her darker one looking incredible together.
Lauren lifted Camila slightly, gaining a better angle-hitting places that had her gasping, her thumb forgotten as it traced against her lips. She was so close, she could feel her body building up to the orgasm which was going to rip through her, especially if Lauren continued to hit that place right there. Then she stopped, didn't move, didn't withdraw.
Camila opened her eyes, wondering what was wrong; she was shocked to see her watching her-eyes intense, as they looked at her appraisingly.
"Lauren, what's wrong?"
"Do you trust me, Camila?" she asked.
"Yes, yes of course I do," she tried to move.
"Stay still," she barked, eyes clenching.
She lays back down.
"I'm an Alpha, do you know what that means?" she asked.
"Yes," she replied. "You have responsibilities."
"No," she cut her off. "It means I'm not the same submissive girl I once was. It means I'm in charge, Camila. I need you to understand that; that I have to be in control. I have to take charge."
"Okay, you have to be in charge," she repeated, not truly understanding.
"I don't think you understand." She took a deep breath. "Look at me Camila, look at my eyes. Tell me, what you see?"
She looked at her, her eyes locking on to one another. At first she didn't notice anything different, but then just on the outer rim of her iris, a thin yellow color.
"Your eyes," she whispered.
"Camz, I am dominant in every aspect of my life. I don't know if I can be gentle with you."
"But you have been gentle."
"That wasn't gentle, Camila and you know it. That, in all honesty, that was me holding back. A lot," she admitted.
She swallowed thickly, nervously biting her lip. If that was her holding back, what was she like when she let go?
"You know I trust you Lauren, and if I say stop, I know you will," she tried to comfort her. Lauren nodded. "I will."
"Show me, show me the real you."
Lauren growled then, deep and feral. Handling her into the position she wanted. Lauren's whole body vibrated with excitement as she slid down her sweat slicked body, licking her stomach before locking eyes with her
"I wanna taste you," she growled. Camila nodded, expecting her to lower herself to her but she didn't. Lauren flipped her around until she was sat hovering over her face, her arms wrapped around the top of her thighs. Holding her to her as he licked her.
"Oh my God," Camila tried to pull away, but she held her in place.
She was still so sensitive from previously that her body convulsed instantly. She had to grab hold of the headboard, as Lauren ate her pussy. Camila's whole body went into pleasure overdrive, twisting and turning, trying to escape her tongue. She growled against her, then. The vibrations adding another sensation as she bucked on hher. She could feel her orgasm fast approaching. This time Lauren wasn't going to deny her release.
"Oh God, Lauren," she screamed. She didn't answer.
Her orgasm crashed into her like waves breaking on the shore. She screamed again, bucking wildly. Lauren quickly lifted her, sliding her down her body and impaling her on her long hard length, causing another small orgasm to burst forth suddenly and violently.
"Oh shit," she gasped, throwing her head back as she ground her hips against her. Hands held her in place as her body recovered.
Lauren slowly rocked into her, small upward thrusts. She was already so exhausted but the older girl showed no signs of slowing down.
"Put your head back, Camila," she whispered.
She did as she asked.
Lauren smiled as her hand wrapped around her hair, pulling her head further back. She moaned from the feeling.
It was different, not being able to move; her back was arched and her neck exposed-it was a vulnerable position to be in. But she trusted her.
Lauren had a firm grip on her as she thrusted into her-she had nowhere to go, nothing to hold on to. So she settled on holding onto her own thighs as Lauren's other hand gripped her hip hard, fucking her viciously.
"Oh, oh Lauren," she cried out.
"Cum for me, Camila," she urged.
Her eyes fluttered shut, as her body contracted again. Camila had lost count of the number of orgasms she'd had, but Lauren was moving again. She had some how manage to sit up, maneuvering her to the edge of the bed.
Lauren held her arms behind her back as she stood, her whole body at an angle; her head was tilted towards the floor. She could feel the ends of her hair brush against the rug as Lauren continued to thrust into her. She couldn't speak; the noises she made were incoherent and made no sense-deep moans followed by shallow panting and blabbering.
"Fuck, Camila..." she whispered, biting his lip.
The sight of Lauren seductivley gnawing on her lip sent shivers down her spine.
She chuckled a little. "You liked that, huh?" She did it again trying to tease her.
"Lauren," she whispered. "Please."
"I'm not done with you yet, Camz," she cooed. Lauren added an extra tilt at the end, hitting something deep within her, causing her to cry out.
"Fuck," she panted angling to hit that spot again and again. "Yes, yes!" Camila cried out. She didn't care that her arms hurt from the hold Lauren had on them, or that there would be bruises tomorrow. All she cared about was her. Like this.
Lauren spun her around then, her back hitting the bed as she bent her legs back. Her ankles were next to her head as the Alpha girl pounded into her, the position causing her to go deeper-hitting places that had her seeing stars.
"Oh God," Camila groaned. She couldn't move under her weight. Lauren had her pinned to the bed, arms trapped underneath her as her whole body held her legs in place. Her hot breath fanned across Camila's neck as she panted.
Lauren grunted loudly and long while her hand cupped her cheek, thumb rubbing against Camila's cheek.
She pecked her lips, still trying to catch her breath with her hand wrapped around her neck, her thumb still managing to brush against her cheek as she applied some pressure. Not a lot, just enough for her to know hse was there.
"You like me manhandling you, don't you, huh, Camz?"
She didn't wait for an answer.
"Of course you do," her nose ran across her cheek. "You have no idea, what I want to do to you," she purred. "But not today; today is just a taster, a tease to let you know what you can have."
She moaned, trying to get some friction, but the steady pace she had going wouldn't let her gain any ground. Lauren was in control, she set the pace, and she decided when she would reach her point.
"But hear this," she moved her head so that she could whisper in her ear. "If you stay with me-if you want this, if you want me, you are mine. So think carefully, Camila, before you answer because if you say yes," she thrusts hard causing her breath to catch. "If you want me," she thrusted a few more times making her see stars. "Then you," she thrusted again. "Will be mine to claim, to mark."
"Yes... Yes. Please." The incoherent blabber was ignored by Lauren. She knew that wasn't her answer. Even if it was, she wouldn't accept it. Not until she had time to process what she had just told her.
Lauren smiled, crashing her lips to hers. It was hard and punishing but she loved it-loved every nip, every clash of teeth.
"Mine," she growled as she set a hard pace. She removed her hand from her neck and lowered her legs.
"Harder," Camila begged. She growled as she pounded into her.
"Fuck," Lauren yelled flipping her over onto all fours.
She didn't have a chance to move before Lauren was lifting her up and sliding back into her. Her fingers gripped the bed sheets as she held onto her hips, slamming into her.
"Shit," she groaned.
She needed to be released.
The relentless fucking had her a quivering mess and she needed to climax badly. Sliding her hand down to her clit, she were denied release as Lauren gripped her wrist, pulling her flesh against him. Lauren's fingers wrapped in her hair, as she held Camila to her-hips circling before thrusting into her.
She cried out as her orgasm swept over her. Lauren held her to herself as her body shook.
She thrusted a few more times before climaxing with a deep groan. Camila could feel her twitch inside her as she slumped forward slightly, arms still wrapped around her, her breathing hard, on her neck.
After a few moments, she still made no attempt to move.
"Lauren," she patted her hand gently.
"Hmm?" was her reply.
"Can you move please? My legs are hurting."
Lauren slid out of her carefully. Watching with a satisfied expression as her body quivered, slumping on to the bed, exhausted. Leaning over her, she grabbed the bottle of water. "Here, drink this," she said handing it to her. She hadn't even realized how thirsty she was.
Lauren smirked as she drank deeply.
"Told you you'd need it," she chuckled.
"Shut up," she laughed slapping at her.
Lauren just pulled her to her, moving her so that they were both lying on the bed. She had her cuddled into her chest protectively, as she pulled a sheet over their bodies.
She fell asleep almost instantly. Lauren smiled to herself. She had never expected Camila to respond to her like that. She had been so willing, so submissive. She knew waiting for her had been the right thing to do. She could have taken many a mate, but she didn't want just anyone-she wanted Camila.
Always had.
And now that she had her, she couldn't be happier. She was someone who she could really explore her dominant side with-a willing partner, someone who trusted him.
Lauren kissed her head softly as she tightened her hold on her.
She was going to find out exactly who Lauren Jauregui was.

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