Bunkmates pt.1

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Lauren huffed as she plopped her head onto her pillow in the pitch black of the tour bus. She was absolutely exhausted from the constant performing and traveling that the Neon Lights Tour demanded but she couldn't seem to find sleep. She checked her phone for the thousandth time, squinting into the bright light only to see that she still had no new messages. It was 2am in Miami and Luis had probably fallen asleep by now, he had school tomorrow. At least that's what Lauren guessed, she had no idea what day of the week it was. Huffing again, she sat upright in her bunk and opened up her tumblr app. She had given up on sleeping at this point and thought maybe some mindless scrolling would help her drift off.
Lauren was flicking her thumb over her screen, absentmindedly gazing at various pictures and quotes with half lidded eyes, when she saw that a blog was going on a porn gif spree. It was a hipster blog so they were all pretty tame, showing mostly thrusting under blankets and lovers devouring each other's mouths. She might have paused a little too long on one of a woman being kissed in a little more intimate area. She didn't normally find three second porn gifs particularly exciting, but Lauren felt a familiar throbbing between her legs despite herself.
Great, she thought to herself. Exhausted, restless, and now turned on flying down an unknown highway on a bus full of other people, including her bandmates. It had been awhile since she'd had some relief in that department though. Even though she had Luis now they weren't official and hadn't spent enough time together for their relationship to develop past some pretty hot make out sessions, which of course just left her frustrated with the same thumping in her pants that she had now. At least at home she had a way to easily relieve herself.
It had been a birthday gift from Alexa meant to embarrass her and her plan definitely worked. Lauren had blushed profusely when she opened it in front of her other friends, and set it aside as if to forget about the pink contraption. She blushed even now thinking about her first night experimenting with it. She remembered sitting on the edge of her tub and timidly pressing the power button, causing the pink rubber come to life in her hands, a faint buzzing filling the tiled room. She had blasted Lana Del Rey to remain inconspicuous when she realized there was no way to control her cries of pleasure when the little machine was on its highest level.
But of course she couldn't have brought that with her on tour for obvious reasons. It was a lot easier to hide from her mom than her nosy bandmates. Although with all the rattling of the bus and the constant swoosh of cars passing them the buzzing probably would have flown under the radar. The same couldn't be said for Lauren's unruly mouth, however.
She really shouldn't have thought about her pink friend at home because now all she's thinking about is quelling this aching between her thighs. She had never relieved herself on the tour bus before - it had always seemed strange with her friends surrounding her - but right now she really didn't care. Lauren popped her head out from her top bunk to make sure that everyone was asleep. When she was only met with rattling and soft snores, she closed her curtain once more and slipped her hand into her panties to assess the situation.
Damn, she thought. She was already soaked and incredibly sensitive. It really had been a long time. Slipping her thong off and discarding it at the end of her bunk, she tried to forget about the girls that were sleeping soundly in their own bunks. Ally's snores were pretty hard to ignore from the bunk above her, but Lauren didn't hear any noise coming from Camila in the bunk directly across from her. She hoped that was a good thing. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on something sexy.
Cupping her bra-less breasts though her thin t-shirt, she felt her nipples harden as she kneaded them softly. Giving them a little pinch, she closed her eyes and exhaled in pleasure. She tried to remember that one time Luis had coped a feel when they were kissing in his back seat. For some reason the memory wasn't exactly eliciting good feelings. She felt her mind drift to earlier that day when she had caught Camila openly staring at her chest in her very exposing stage costume. Lauren had to admit the black lace was pretty sexy, but the look on Camila's face spoke volumes. Lauren had made a joke about her eyes being pretty enticing too, but Camila got so flustered when she was caught that Lauren had a hard time forgetting about it. She wondered if Camila would try to touch her as Luis had, if given the chance. Delicate hands palming her breasts, a slender thumb flicking over a hardened nipple...

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