The beach is where love is made

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Lauren slid the keycard into the lock and pushed the handle down to open the door of their hotel suite. She turned and set the bags down. "No, don't look yet." She waved her hand at Camila, then kept the door open with her foot as she picked Camila up bridal style to carry her inside, Camila a mess of giggles in her arms. "Second honeymoon is officially a go."Her arms curled around Lauren's neck, Camila kissed her cheek with every step she took into the suite. "The honeymoon has been on-going ever since I gave you that handy on the plane." She teased, getting off Lauren's carry to look around the room. "Which was terrifying because the flight attendant kept walking by and staring at me. I had to turn on that little fan because I was sweating so hard."Camila giggled and pulled Lauren with her as they explored the suite. "But judging from how much you came, it was worth the risk." She tugged Lauren out to the balcony so they could view the beach and the ocean. "It's the high risk that makes me do that, you know."Camila leaned against the railing and trailed her palms up Lauren's arms before linking her fingers behind Lauren's neck. "Thank you for bringing me here.""Of course. Only the best for my wifey. Plus, you're the sugar momma, so it was mostly you." Lauren teased. Laughing, Camila turned to face the beach, wrapping Lauren's arms around her waist. She leaned her head back to rest her head against her shoulder to kiss her strong jaw. "Let's go unpack and start exploring." She murmured. "Or, you know, go looking around for places where we can have sex."Lauren gave Camila's waist a squeeze at that. "Both are one in the same." She placed a few kisses on Camila's cheek. "After you, darling."They returned into the hotel room, tugging the luggage into the bedroom to unpack their clothes and store them in the drawers. Camila wriggled out of her jeans and shirt to change into a flowing white sundress that brought out the tanned glow of her skin. "Let's go to the beach first. It's been a long time since we've been at the beach and I miss it."Lauren pulled out a pair of dark boardshorts and a tank top to wear. She took in the sight of Camila with a soft hum, her eyes roaming her body while she was turned away from her. "You brought your flip flops, right?""Of course I did," Camila grabbed them from her bag. She took her handbag that she threw on the couch earlier and handed Lauren one of the key cards. In the handbag she placed tanning lotion and her bikini in case she decided to stay in the beach and sunbathe. "I'm ready to go."Lauren nodded and laced her fingers with Camila to head out to the beach. She led them down the path and kicked off her flip flops in favor of feeling the sand on her bare feet. "We need to go to the beach more, babe.""We definitely should, if it means I get to bask in the sun all day." Camila said, going barefoot on the warm sand. She wiggled her toes and smiled at Lauren. "There are some chairs over there," she said, pointing towards an area where palm trees swayed, shading a few chairs. Some chairs were also exposed beneath the sun allowing for people to tan. "Unless you want to go for a swim?"Lauren hummed and looked between the chairs and the water. "Do you want to swim? You're in a dress.""I was asking more for your benefit, darling." Camila said, tossing her handbag on the chair. "And I brought my bikini with me, so I'm going to change. Wait here." She pointed towards the changing rooms and disappeared there, only to emerge carrying her folded dress and clad in her bright pink swimsuit. Camila returned to where Lauren was and sat down, legs stretched before her. Once Lauren caught sight of Camila, she whistled. "Is that new?" She leaned over and ran her palm along Camila's thigh. Eyeing Lauren's hand, Camila tossed her the bottle of tanning lotion. "While you're getting handsy, might as well put some on me." She said, grinning. "And yes, it's new. I take it you like it?"Lauren caught the bottle with her free hand and popped the top. "I love it." She put some of the lotion on her hands and ran them all over Camila's legs, stomach, and arms. She lingered along the sides of Camila's breasts, brushing her lips against the bumps of her collarbones. Beneath Lauren's hands, Camila shuddered at the way her hands roamed. "Flip."Camila cleared her throat and rolled on her back. Her chin rested on the back of her hands. She hummed, the sensation of Lauren's hands all over her body making her warm all over. Lauren rubbed more lotion on the backs of Camila's legs and her back. She gave her ass a squeeze, the tips  of her fingers digging into the flesh of Camila's thighs. "All done." Lauren leaned over and kissed her cheek, giving her ass a slap for good measure. Camila rolled on to her back and stretched with a yawn. "Do you want me to do you as well?" She asked, running her fingers along Lauren's arms. "I mean, any excuse to get my hands all over my wife, I'll take it."Lauren smiled at that. "Sure." She pulled her tank top off, fixing her black bikini top so it set right on her chest. "Have at it, baby."Pouring a bit of lotion on her palms, Camila rubbed it all over her hands first before running it along Lauren's skin. She started with her arms, squeezing the toned muscles of her biceps, and then her chest. She tugged at Lauren's bikini top, grazing her nipples with the tips of her fingers and humming innocently. Her hands travelled down to Lauren's abs, her touch lingering along the garter of her shorts. Lauren's stomach flexed and looked around the beach to make sure nobody was watching them. Camila then moved to Lauren's legs. She squeezed and massaged her thighs and her calves before kissing Lauren's lips. "Turn over.""Okay."
Locking eyes with Lauren, Camila smiled and straddled her butt before smearing the lotion all over her back. Her fingers slipped in the top of her bikini bra, grazing the sides of Lauren's breasts before wandering down to the small of her back. "Too bad you won't get rid of these," she said, tugging at Lauren's shorts. Camila kissed the nape of Lauren's neck and scooted down to finish spreading lotion all over the backs of her thighs and calves. Camila kissed Lauren's shoulder and moved to sit on her beach chair.
Lauren chuckled low at the insinuation. "It's not a private beach, sweetheart, or else they would be. I can't go scaring off the locals." She turned onto her back and rubbed Camila's thighs as she looked up at her. "Though, they might get jealous." She wiggled her brows.
Camila laughed and leaned in for a kiss. "Come on, let's take a walk. I want to see the rest of the beach."
"Mm'kay." She tapped Camila's thighs to get her up and walked down the shoreline. "The water is cool."
Camila reached for Lauren's hand and let her feet dip into the water that soaked the sand. She watched the other sunbathers and swimmers spread out all throughout the beach. She almost didn't notice a cluster of trees near the edge of the beach with no one in its vicinity. Remembering its location, Camila smiled up at Lauren. "Before I forget, I stopped taking birth control a few days ago." She swung their joined hands to and fro. "So, you know. Baby-making is definitely in progress now."
Lauren was looking out at the crystal water when she heard what Camila said. Her head snapped towards her so fast, she got a cramp. Lauren winced and rubbed the crick in her neck. "What? You're ready? Since when? Why didn't you tell me?"
Camila reached up to rub Lauren's neck when she spun at her, hearing the crack of the joint and seeing the look of pain in Lauren's features. "We've been planning it for months. I thought this was a good time as any to actually go through with it." She looked at Lauren, her brow furrowed. "Should I not have done it? Are you not ready?"
Lauren shook her head. "No, no, I'm ready. I just didn't think you were. I thought you were going to take that next show." She put her hands on Camila's hips. "Of course I want to start a family with you." She looked into Camila's eyes.
Smiling, Camila cupped Lauren's face in both hands and kissed her. "Good," she said, relieved, peppering Lauren's face with light kisses. "Because otherwise you're going to have to find condoms, sweetheart."
Lauren scrunched her face at the kisses. "No condoms." She shook her head. "We're gonna make some babies."
They spent the rest of the day wandering the resort, lounging on the beach chairs, and alternating between drinking Mojitos and Piña Coladas. By the time the sun went down, Camila was bronzed and glowing, sated from the day underneath the sun. They climbed up to the hotel room after a lovely dinner, buzzed and touchy from the wine.
Camila opened the door to the balcony to find the secluded spot she saw earlier on her walk with Lauren along the beach. "Are you tired, baby?" She asked, running her fingers through dark locks. "Want to go on a walk?"
Lauren had a slight stumble to her step when she followed Camila into the balcony. "Sure, we can do that. I'm not tired, just stumbly."
Guiding Lauren by the waist, Camila kissed her cheek a few times. She grabbed a spare blanket from the cupboard and the key card she stuffed into Lauren's shorts. They made their way down, past the empty lounge and even emptier beach, much to Camila's surprise. She half expected that all of the lovers would be there, having the same idea that she did.
She found the spot she saw earlier and spread out the blanket across the sand. It was big enough for both of them to lie side by side, not that they would be doing something like that. Camila sat, smoothed the blankets on either side of her and crooked her finger towards Lauren. "C'mere."
Judging from the look in Camila's eyes, Lauren knew immediately why she brought her out here. "Well, Mrs. Cabello-Jauregui.. Are you trying to seduce me into public sex?"
Camila shrugged and fluttered her eyelashes, feigning innocence. "I don't think I need to seduce you since you'd be so willing, Mrs. Cabello-Jauregui." She smirked, reaching up to tug Lauren close by the belt loops of her shorts. Camila made quick work of unbuttoning and unzipping them, allowing it to pool down Lauren's feet. She kissed Lauren's hip and guided her soft cock into her mouth to suck on.
She shifted on to her knees and bobbed up and down Lauren's meat, her tongue stroking the underside. Camila could feel it harden, stretching out her mouth. She sucked hard on the upstroke, her muscles flexing around the tip each time it hit her throat.
"Fuck..." Lauren tilted her head back and her fingers raked through Camila's hair, guiding her up and down on her shaft. She looked down to watch, teeth sinking into her lip. Her shaft pulsed hard at the hard suck on the upstroke.
Humming as Lauren's cock fully hardened, Camila pulled away and licked her lips. She wrapped both hands around her thickness, suckling the tip while stroking the length of her shaft, making Lauren's hips twitch. Looking up at Lauren, her lips puckered, tongue dipping into the slit of her cock, Camila smiled. "Are you going to fuck me or not?" Lauren licked her lips as she looked into Camila's eyes.
"Yes, I definitely am." She got down on her knees on the blanket and pulled Camila flush against her, kissing her. "Tell me how you want it, baby." She husked against her lips.
Fingers in Lauren's hair, Camila moaned into her mouth and caressed the line of Lauren's jaw. She locked eyes with her wife and lowered herself to lie on her back on the blanket. Taking Lauren by the hand to guide her on top of her, Camila wrapped her arms around her neck and hiked up her skirt. She pulled her panties aside and guided Lauren inside her, a low moan spilling from her throat.
Lauren put her hands on the blanket to keep herself up, her eyes never leaving Camila's features "Oh..." She let out in a low moan, pushing her hips forward until they were flush with Camila's. "I guess like this." She teased and started a slow, deep pace.
Camila smiled and held Lauren by the hips, her breath catching in her throat with each deep thrust. She pulled Lauren down so their chests were flush, Lauren's weight on top of her. Lauren moved her arms so that she was held up by just her forearms beside Camila's head, her elbows digging into the sand beneath the blanket. Camila buried her face against Lauren's neck and panted, her thighs squeezing Lauren's waist. "Harder..." She managed to moan out.
Lauren complied, lifting her hips up then snapping them down, their hips meeting with muffled claps. "Oh my god." She bit into Camila's ear.
Camila squeezed Lauren's ass and pulled her in harder, her walls clamping around Lauren's cock. She stroked her clit, her pussy coating her pumping cock. "I'm close," she whimpered against Lauren's neck. "You're so deep, baby. I want to feel your cum inside me."
Lauren grunted low at Camila's words. She reached down and knocked Camila's hand to take over rubbing her clit. "I wanna feel you come first, Camila."
Biting down on Lauren's neck, Camila's body tensed as Lauren rubbed her clit. She grasped her shoulders, back arching as cum gushed out of her pussy, coating Lauren's cock with warmth. "Oh my god..." She whimpered, legs shaking, her breasts heaving with every intake of breath.
"Fuck yes.." Lauren managed a few more hard, shaky thrusts before her hips snapped forward hard, burying her cock as deep as she could get it as she spilled inside Camila.
Camila was panting, humping Lauren's cock to squeeze out the rest of her cum from her still hard cock. She kissed Lauren's forehead, nose, and lips with a soft hum. She caressed Lauren's back and hips, relishing the feeling of being filled with warmth. "You're going to have to carry me back up," she said with a breathless laugh. "I don't think my legs are going to work after that."
Lauren closed her eyes and let the feeling of Camila's hand be the only thing she concentrated on. "I have no problems with that, sweetheart." She leaned down and gave her a deep, slow kiss. "I love you."
Stroking the base of Lauren's spine, Camila dragged her nails against the curve of her back before scratching the nape of her neck. "I love you too."
Lauren was pleasantly sore when she woke up the following morning. Memories flooded her eyes from the previous night on the beach, a smile forming on her face. Without opening her eyes, she cuddled closer to Camila, her hips flush with her ass. "Baaaby..." She whispered into her ear. "I think it's time to wake up."
With a groan, Camila leaned her head back and kissed Lauren's cheek. "Why? I don't want to get up from this comfy bed." She said, yawning. She wriggled her hips and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, feeling Lauren's cock digging into her ass. "Oh, is that why you want me to wake up?" She asked, brow raised.
Lauren placed a few kisses on the back of Camila's shoulder and nodded a little. "You don't even have to move." She reached under the blankets and gripped the base of her cock. She spread Camila's legs and guided her erection into Camila. The warmth that encased her cock was heaven.
Gasping softly, Camila moaned into Lauren's cheek. She reached back to stroke Lauren's hair and neck, fingers brushing her ears. "I love how you feel inside me, baby."
Lauren placed her hand on Camila's lower stomach and started thrusting slow, but hard as Camila's fingers brushed her ears. "Yeah?"
Camila nodded, guiding Lauren's hand up to her breasts. Lauren squeezed Camila's breasts, her thumb and index finger closing on her nipples. She gave them a gentle tug. Her hips sped up until she was pounding hard and fast into her. Camila turned her head to press her face against Lauren's cheek. She caught her earlobe in her mouth and focused on devouring her ear. She nipped and bit the shell, her tongue tracing the shape of it.
Camila whimpered into Lauren's ear at the faster pace. "Oh god, yes..." She clung to Lauren's arm, her thighs tightening together. "I'm so close." She gasped, her body beginning to tremble.
Camila bucked into Lauren's hand, clit grinding into her fingers. She stiffened, her orgasm flowing through her, making her scream. Wave after wave of her orgasm made her thighs shake, her walls clamped tight around Lauren's cock. "Come inside me, please." She begged softly into Lauren's ear while she fucked herself on her cock.
Lauren bit the inside of her lip as Camila. Her cock pulsed hard but she was determined to hold off a little longer. She rolled so Camila was on her stomach and she was straddling Camila's hips. Lauren propped up on her hands and dropped her hips hard down into Camila's pussy, groaning as she started to come. "Fuck! Take it..." Her hips slammed against Camila's ass and held them there, feeling her shaft pulsing with each spurt.
Her face buried into pillows, Camila whimpered with each rough thrust and each spurt that Lauren shot inside her. "Ooooh..." She sighed, turning her head to the side to look at Lauren, smiling. "I love it when you fuck me like this." She said, keeping her legs closed, her pussy tight around Lauren's cock.
Lauren draped herself over Camila's back and kissed her cheek repeatedly, her hips stilling. Camila smiled and caught Lauren's mouth into a deep kiss. "So, what do you want to do today?"
Lauren kissed her back with a hum. "As long as I'm with you, I'm good."
"So, how about some breakfast?" Camila asked, rolling off the bed to call for room service to bring up some breakfast and a large pot of coffee. "And we can cuddle all day." She got up and off the bed, stretching her arms over her head and arching towards the sun.
"We can eat on the balcony." Lauren suggested while she watched Camila stretch, her eyes glued to her chest. Camila leaned in for a quick kiss on Lauren's lips before disappearing into the bathroom for a shower. "Leave the door open please. I want my peeks." Lauren called out after her.
Camila kept the door open and tried not to put on too much of a show for Lauren. She dried herself and wore a white button down with only the last three buttons clasped together. Room service arrived and Camila took the food, thanking the attendant. She brought the trays into the balcony and sat on the couch.
Lauren got up and pulled a pair of boxers on, opting out of a top. She came up behind Camila and kissed the side of her neck, her hands slipping into the open part of her shirt. "I think you should wear these more often."
Camila tilted her head sideways and kissed Lauren's cheek. "I'll try, sweetheart." She said, munching on some strawberries. She held a strawberry between her teeth and smiled at Lauren. "Want some?"
Lauren sat down and pulled Camila into her lap before leaning in to take the strawberry from her mouth, pecking her lips after she took it. "That's really good." She put an arm around Camila's waist and reached out to get another one. Camila smiled and grabbed the plate of pancakes. She drizzled syrup all over them and ate in small bites, occasionally feeding Lauren. She sucked off Lauren's lip for any remnants of syrup when they finished the pancakes.
"You like feeding me, don't you?" She looked up at Camila. "Not that I mind. I think it's adorable."
"It makes me feel like I'm taking care of you, that's all. And I love doing that."
"You always take care of me, Camila." Lauren kissed her cheek. "In a lot of ways."
Giggling, Camila licked her lips and reached for her coffee cup. She took a sip and hummed. "Have you ever thought of fucking me on this balcony?" She asked as if only talking about the weather. "And I don't mean at night, either. I mean in broad daylight." She eyed Lauren over the rim of her coffee cup and grinned.
Lauren glanced at Camila at the question. "I always think about places where I can fuck you, and yes, this couch did cross my mind."
"I was actually thinking more like against the railing." Camila put her now empty coffee cup on the tray and cupped Lauren's face, fingers trailing her jaw and neck. "While you fuck me from behind."
Lauren mashed her lips together at the mental image, her cock already swelling in her boxer briefs. "Yes, please."
Camila grinned and kissed Lauren's cheek. She stood up, stretching again, before leaning against the railing. She didn't look back at Lauren but kept admiring the still ocean and the empty beach, since it was still pretty early for sunbathers.
Lauren stood up and ran her hand along Camila's ass, giving it a firm slap. She lifted the shirt up and palmed her crotch to get herself harder. Once she was, she slid inside Camila, grinning at her lack of panties. "Dirty girl." She whispered into Camila's ear.
Camila bent forward against the railing, butt high up in the air. She flashed Lauren a smile over her shoulder. "What are you waiting for, darling?" She husked, wriggling her hips to take Lauren deeper inside of her. "I thought you were going to fuck me?"
Lauren raised her brow at that and gripped Camila's hips tightly, pulling them back as she thrust forward, making her cock hit deep. "Like that, baby?"
Camila nodded and grasped the railing. "Pound me, Lauren. Give me that cock."
Lauren mashed her lips together and thrust as hard and fast as she could, holding in a smirk at the echoing slaps of their skin meeting. Camila could already feel her thighs shaking from Lauren's rough thrusts. She was so deep, knocking the air out of her lungs with every snap of her hips. Curling her toes and reaching back to grasp the back of Lauren's neck, Camila mouthed along her jaw and bit her ear. "Fill me up with your cum," she panted, nails digging into her skin. "Please."
Lauren let Camila pull her closer, the slapping of her hips turning into muffled claps as she made sharp, shallow thrusts. "Yes..." She reached down with one hand and rubbed Camila's clit. The first clench of Camila's pussy sent her headlong into a powerful orgasm, her thighs shaking. "Fuck!" She muffled her yell with Camila's neck, her hips humping against Camila's ass.
A low, steady moan spilled out of Camila at the sensation of warmth pooling inside her. She leaned back against Lauren and came as well, hips humping Lauren's hand that was on her clit. "Y-yes..." She whimpered, her body limp, only held up against Lauren. "It feels so good, baby."
Lauren curled her free arm around Camila and held her tight against her front, her fingers still working her clit. "Come for me again, baby."
Camila bit hard on her lip, unable to control the trembling of her legs. She held Lauren's wrist, her hole flexing around her thick cock still buried deep inside her. "F-fuck..." She gasped out, her walls clamped tight around Lauren. Camila shuddered when she came, her chest undulating with every ragged breath. "Sit down, baby? My legs are so weak right now."
Lauren moved back and sat down on the couch. She moved her hands and unbuttoned Camila's shirt and cupped her breasts in both hands. "Move those sexy hips, sweetheart."
Camila leaned back against Lauren, her head resting on her shoulder and on the back of the couch. She moved her hips in slow circles, feeling Lauren's cock swelling inside her again. She craned her neck for a kiss, coaxing Lauren's tongue out to suck on it. She bounced hard on her cock, moaning at how deep she was. Lauren kissed Camila back, her fingers tugging gently on her nipples.
"It won't take much..." Lauren whispered, her palms cupping Camila's breasts.
Whimpering into Lauren's mouth, Camila arched her breasts up to her hands. Legs clamped together as she felt her orgasm building up, her walls fluttering around her shaft. "I'm coming, Lauren..." She gasped out, holding on to Lauren's arm as she rode her cock hard, sending her off the peak of her orgasm. She muffled a scream against Lauren's lips, her entire body shaking.
Lauren grunted and managed a few shaky thrusts before coming. She buried her cock as deep as she possibly could, legs squirming. "Goddamn..." She held Camila's hips down so she couldn't move.
Camila sighed, resting her head against Lauren's and rubbed her stomach. "If that doesn't get me pregnant, I don't know what will."
Lauren giggled softly. "We'll have to check in a few weeks."
Camila smiled and sat sideways on Lauren's lap, her cock still buried inside her. She kissed her cheek and hugged her by the neck. "I can't wait to start a family with you, Lauren."

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