Trademark girl

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Summary: And by the powers that be, Camila Cabello was so attracted to Lauren Jauregui. That long black hair, punk clothes and a dark secret could only make her want her more.
Camila Cabelo had a very strict routine schedule that she adhered to in nearly all aspects of her life. Using the bathroom was one of them. Every day at precisely 12:30, ten minutes before her lunch period, she excused herself to the restroom and always went to the least used one in the school for the best privacy.
Except, that fateful Monday, somebody else occupied her bathroom. (Her bathroom, because she'd claimed it as such. She was Camila Cabello. She could do those things. Besides, nobody else was ever in here anyway...)
Camila opened the door, humming softly to herself as she did.
The sweet hum abruptly cut off as she looked up to see the last person she'd expected.
"L-Lauren?" Startled, and mildly alarmed, Camila's hand went up to her chest to calm the spike in her heart rate. Yes, Lauren Jauregui had always caused a reaction a bit like this in the brunette, but with her new look, Camila couldn't help but be, well, shocked every time she saw her.
And if she was honest with herself, she really liked the black hair. A lot. And the clothes. She admired them because of their rebelliously artistic nature, of course, nothing more...
The punk girl was leaning against the far wall, one perfectly sculpted eyebrow arched in that consistent expression of apathetic acknowledgment.
"Sup, Cabello," came the cool, slow response. Lauren had the voice of an angel. Be damned how many of those disgusting cancer sticks she'd begun to power through over the summer, one of which she currently held between two long, slender fingers, her sexy husk would never, ever diminish to anything below seductive.
Okay, yes, Camila admitted to herself that her admiration of Lauren Jauregui had always been a bit more than friendly. Camila Cabello was open to all genders, she knew this, and it took one look at the black haired goddess before her to prove that.
She'd never tell Lauren that, but still. Sometimes Camila couldn't help but get a little weak in the knees whenever Lauren spoke to her. Or looked at her. God help her if the girl actually touched her. Camila hated how much of an effect Lauren's mere presence could have on her, even after all this time.
Camila straightened up as she realized she'd been staring and Lauren's other eyebrow had hiked up next to its companion at her blank silence.
But alas, no matter how tempting Lauren could look, Camila wholeheartedly disapproved of cigarettes, especially on school grounds.
"Lauren, while I have no idea of why you've decided to invade the bathroom that I normally come to during third break to relieve myself-" Though after seeing the gorgeous girl, a different kind of relief was in mind, "-I must insist that you do not smoke on school grounds, or anywhere for that matter. Cigarettes are horrible for you, and your voice is already at the perfect husk with your tremulous alto and continued smoking could ruin-"
She was interrupted by Lauren's soft, husky chuckle. Pink lips curled up at the corners as the punk girl shook her head, apparently amused.
Indignant, Camila frowned and crossed her arms and ignored the little tingles that raced across her skin at the sound of that breathy laugh.
"What, pray tell, is so funny about cancer in a stick?" Camila huffed.
"In less than thirty seconds, I've got you rambling, Cabello. You're just too easy," Lauren smiled. Or smirked. Camila could never really tell with that particular expression.
Smug, but sincerely amused.
Camila both loathed and longed for that expression. She pressed her knees together and ignored the familiar rush that went through her every time she had an-an altercation with Lauren.
Camila also didn't really know how to respond to that. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, and when Lauren's smile became undoubtedly a sneer, she rolled her eyes.
"Fine, enjoy your lung cancer and the hole in your throat, Lauren. Honestly, as if I don't have to worry about you enough after-"
Camila cut herself off. Too much, no?
Lauren's eyebrows went up for what felt like the hundredth time at those words, almost as if in disbelief. She shifted off the wall, her leather black vest with all its chains and clinking things rustling over the ribbed black tank top she wore. Or maybe the rustling came from some of the trinkets Camila couldn't identify on her black cargo pants that were stuffed into boots laced impossibly tight.
"You worry about me, Camila?"
Goddamn it, focus, Camila. Yes, her clothes are sexy. Yes, her voice is like sex incarnate. Focus! That crush on her was supposed to be long gone, right?
Uh, no. Obviously not.
Camila didn't say anything. She didn't trust her voice.
It didn't help that Lauren was still very much in shape, and the tone in her arms was just as delicious as it had always been as she lazily flicked ash off the tip of her cigarette into the sink, causing the red bandana around her arm to flex. This invited Camila to scowl at the desecration of her bathroom before the black haired girl took a long drag from it.
When she exhaled, Camila was reminded sharply of a dragon. Like the stream of smoke of the beast slowly stirring awake, ready to breathe fire at a moment's notice. Green eyes stared deep into Camila's, piercing through her.
"Don't you worry about me, Camila. I'll be just fine."
The cigarette was dropped carelessly to the tiled floor and stomped out by an unforgiving boot. The only thing that might have stopped Camila's outrage was the sound of her name falling from those perfect lips.
Camila realized then that Lauren was deliberately trying to get a rise out of her. Her hackles rose, and she could see the mirth twinkling in those striking green eyes.
"Lauren Jauregui, that is not sanitary. The janitor has to clean up every mess in this school and does not need you adding to it with your disgusting habits of which are dangerous both to you and me-and God, how can you stand the smell in here?" Camila waved at the stench that permeated the entire room.
Lauren's staccato laugh made her belly twist with longing, and with an undeniable since of indignity.
"What are you doing here, Cabello? Don't you have to go potty? You always do this time of day, don't you?"
Lauren Jauregui knew how to push every damned button that Camila Cabello had.
"I did, but the smell of your toxic cigarettes has made the need leave me. Pick that up," Camila ground out through clenched teeth. Go potty? How old did she think Camila was, five? "And how do you know I always go to the bathroom at this time of day?" Camila narrowed her eyes suspiciously.
"You've gone to the bathroom at the same time every day for three years," Lauren snorted. "Don't act like I shouldn't know that. Go, if you have to. I'm not stopping you." The black haired girl waved her hand dismissively at the many stalls, which only riled Camila up some more.
"No, your littering is! Lauren, pick that mess up!" Camila reiterated when Lauren made no move to do so, only took another step forward, and then a few more, until Camila's body tensed as it normally did when Lauren got closer.
She could never explain why it did that. Her muscles always knotted up in, what? Fear? No, it was more like excitement.
She could see the amusement in Lauren's eyes, and that infuriating smirk graced her pretty mouth again.
"Make me."
It was a simple challenge.
It was also one that Camila could obviously not win. She could never win with Lauren, not for the life of her.
I hate you, Lauren Jauregui, Camila thought as she scowled and Lauren's eyes kept on twinkling and twinkling and-
"Fine, I'll get it myself," Camila snapped before stomping into the handicapped stall like a petulant child to grab some toilet paper. She didn't miss the way Lauren's eyes flashed, as if disappointed that Camila had given up so easily. It reminded Camila of the way they used to flash in freshman year, when Lauren's insults clearly did not affect the brunette, and it gave the singer a small sense of satisfaction to see it again.
As Camila turned around, however, she saw Lauren stepping into the stall behind her and pulling the door shut. She snapped the lock into place and her gaze was intense enough to cause Lauren to stutter.
"L-Lauren? What are you-"
"You said you worry about me, Camila."
Camila stopped talking, fisting the toilet paper tightly in her hands. Instinctively, she knew something was happening. The air crackled with their energy as Lauren stood blocking the doorway, her voice like a spark dancing through it.
"Yes, I did," Camila responded slowly, confused and wary as Lauren took one step forward, her heavy boots clunking.
"Did you mean that?" The tremor in Lauren's voice was so quiet that only Camila's well trained ears could catch it. Her heart suddenly went out to the girl. What must Lauren be feeling? She must have changed so dramatically for a reason. Camila would bet money that the girl thought no one cared about her...
Well, screw that. Camila cared about Lauren. She'd cared about her for a long, long time, whether the Jauregui girl would accept it or not. She did.
"Yes, Lauren. I did. I don't say anything if I don't mean it," Camila said firmly, looking straight into those stunning eyes.
Lauren's scoff was infuriating, though.
"Lauren, language-"
"Bull. Shit. Camila," Lauren growled, her eyes flashing. Camila tensed, both aroused and unnerved. Lauren could be very scary when she wanted to be. Which seemed to be all the time to Camila.
"You can't worry about someone if you don't care about them, and you can't care about them if you don't know them. And you don't know anything about me, Camila, so stop pretending like you give a shit about me. All you want is for me to come back to your precious little Glee club and you and I both know it."
Lauren moved forward the entire time she talked, like a lioness stalking after its prey, backing it into a corner. Camila ended up hitting the wall as Lauren bore down on her, tall and beautiful and breathtaking.
And now I'm wet. Perfect. Just perfect. Now really isn't the time, hormones, Camila thought. If only Lauren's voice wasn't so enticing.
"That's not true," Camila shook her head.
"Isn't it?" Lauren hissed like an agitated cobra, glaring down at Camila. They were close enough that Camila could feel the other girl's body heat. It made her squirm.
"No, it's not!" Camila snapped back, feeling her body react to Lauren's presence. Everything would be so much easier if I only liked boys, Camila thought. And if Lauren weren't so sexy, especially when angered.
"I do know things about you. You think no one cares when so many people do, Lauren. And even if nobody else did, I still would," Camila said with conviction.
Lauren was unimpressed. Green eyes rolled in perfectly shaped cages while Aphrodite sculpted cheekbones rose in a scowl.
"Name three things you know about me that you'd have to really get me to know, Cabello."
There was no hesitation.
"I know you read a multitude of books in different genres but you favor old classics such as Grapes of Wrath, Pride and Prejudice, and also have a well worn copy of the Art of War because you feel the need to invest yourself into things that matter like the Dust Bowl and old age political romance, and how to keep yourself defended because you've been treated so badly your entire life. I know you listened to music that fits your new persona before you even portrayed this persona, like Metallica, Green Day, A Day to Remember, Brand New and Apocalyptica because they sang about things you could relate to as opposed to pop genres, although Apocalyptica's instrumental style always appealed to your more abstract senses."
Lauren looked a bit dumbstruck.
But the last part was the kicker.
"And I know you picked on me out of a deep sense of repressive self hatred because your parents fostered your need to change into someone prettier rather than loved you unconditionally, no matter what, and I was the only loser you could take it out on."
Lauren's face screwed up in anguish that was replaced rapidly with a furious sense of panic.
"Enough. Enough. I didn't ask you for my fucking life story, Camila. Anybody could guess that stuff. But let's say you're right. You still don't know me because I'm one of those people with a deep, dark secret that no one knows about and would make you hate me," Lauren growled, clenching her fists.
Camila was disturbed at how much it turned her on to see Lauren angry, but also at how much it turned her on when the downfallen moral girl cursed.
"I don't believe that," Camila whispered. "I will care about you no matter what. I'm not like everybody else." She refused to confirm Lauren's misguided beliefs. Her words were true. Whether as a friend or someone she really wanted to kiss, Camila would never let Lauren down.
She could never do that to her. She absolutely refused.
Lauren sneered in her face and then Camila yelped as the black haired girl slammed her palms into the wall on either side of her face, trapping her. Camila wriggled with nerves and arousal.
Lauren was too. Fucking. Sexy.
"You really think so, Camila? Do you honestly believe that? No matter what my dirty secret could be?" Lauren murmured her mouth lowered to the brunette's ear.
Camila didn't know how to take the sudden turn of events. Her heart pounded in her chest. All she knew was that whatever was making Lauren act this way, she wanted it to keep doing so. As long as Lauren stayed this close and continued whispering in her ear like a lover.
"Yes," Camila breathed.
What secret could Lauren possibly have that could make her so sure that Camila would hate her? She really, really wanted to know. So much that it was driving her insane.
There was a long pause, in which she could feel those strong arms flexing next to her face. She felt the urge to press her face into one and run her nose from the tendons in her wrist to the muscles of her bicep.
"Then prove it."
With those words, Lauren pressed their bodies together. That strong, lean frame pinned Camila to the wall and she keened before she could help herself, felt Lauren shudder at her noise. Breasts against breasts, Lauren panting quietly into her neck with hot breath, her crotch pressed to...
What the fuck was that?
"Lauren," Camila squeaked.
No freakin' way.
"Are you wearing a strap on?" Camila gasped. "Is that your secret? Oh my god, I finally get it! All these years, no wonder you drew all those pornographic pictures on the wall! No wonder you obsessively attacked me on a daily basis! Talk about repression. Oh, Lauren, I get it, I really do and it's okay-"
"It's not a strap on."
Camila abruptly stopped talking. What a rare thing to happen.
The bulge pressed through Lauren's cargo pants seemed a lot more, well...Real. Camila could feel Lauren pressed into every crook of her body, but most intimately pressing into the softness of her core through her skirt.
"You heard me. It's not fake. That-what you're feeling...That's my secret. And it's not just a bunch of Christian lesbian repression. It's a whole lot more than just that," Lauren whispered into her pulse point, soft pink lips brushing Camila's tender skin in a way that made her shiver.
Okay, now no freakin' way.
"You're telling me that's a real, flesh and blood penis?" Camila suddenly felt as if she was being played. "Oh, bull! Your dramatic little joke isn't going to work, Lauren, so if you're through messing with me for today-"
"You-you don't believe me? You think-after all this time of thinking that I could tell you of all people and you're just going to tell me you don't believe me and leave? No. Fuck that."
Lauren took one step back, looking disgusted with herself and irritated with Camila as she muttered under her breath. "Like I'd lie or joke about that...Little...I'll show you little..."
Camila was alarmed as Lauren grasped at her belt buckle, unsnapped it and before Camila could even say stop (as if), the punk girl was pushing her pants low on her hips and revealing a pair of low cut red and black boy shorts.
Of which contained a very sizable, undeniable bulge.
To say Camila was shocked would be an obvious understatement.
"Need more proof, huh? Tell me I'm lying now. Look me in the eye and tell me it's not real. Then look me in the eye and tell me you still care about me."
Camila managed to peel her eyes from that glaring, obvious erection in Lauren's underwear at the sound of the girl's voice cracking over the word care.
Camila Cabello had a bleeding heart. Screw being shocked when there was a pretty girl with gorgeous eyes shining with tears.
"Lauren, I...I don't know what to say..."
"Yeah. That's what I thought. So don't go around telling me you worry about me and because it's crap, Cabello. It's complete crap."
Lauren Jauregui has a penis, her mind said. Lauren Jauregui has a penis, her heart said. Lauren Jauregui has a penis! Her body said.
They all had very different reactions.
What the fuckity fuck, her mind said. Wow, that explains everything, her heart said. I want to sit on it, her body said.
Wait, what?
And by the powers that be, Camila Cabello was so attracted to Lauren Jauregui. That black hair, punk clothes and a freaking penis could only make her want her more.
Damn it. All.
Camila felt her folds getting slicker than necessary at this new revelation and she felt her breath hitch.
Deliberately, she stared straight into Lauren's eyes and not at that distracting bulge.
"Lauren Jauregui, I still care about you. That, between your legs? It doesn't change anything. In fact, all it does is explain everything. You, being a hermaphrodite, or whatever you may be, does not affect how I feel about you."
Lies, you just flooded your panties. The only thing that changed was how your fantasies play out.
"Your genitals don't dictate whether or not I worry about you as a friend, as a person, Lauren."
But whatever attraction she had was overruled by the need to reassure Lauren that she did, indeed, care.
Lauren stared at her. The disbelief was obvious on her face. She fisted her hands, swallowing hard. Her eyes darted from Camila's sincere brown doe eyes to her plush lips. Her jaw locked. The look was not missed by Camila, whose breath hitched slightly in response.
"You cannot be serious."
"But I am."
"I have a dick, Camila! A real, throbbing, seven and a half inch cock! Not a vagina! How can you-God, how can you not hate me?"
It was as if Lauren couldn't accept it. Her voice was breaking. And so was Camila's heart.
Seven and a half inches though. What a lovely, magical number. And it was throbbing? Mm.
Focus, Camila.
"I could never hate you, Lauren."
Camila wasn't sure what about that particular statement did it, but it did. Lauren's eyes turned to cold steel. She postured up, rolled her shoulders, tossed her head to the side and cracked her neck before straightening it back up.
Camila almost came.
"If you don't hate me now, you will after this."
And she lunged, like a lioness pouncing on her prey.
Lauren captured her mouth in a hungry kiss, hands cupping the sides of her face firmly, but not controlling. Camila's eyes went wide, and then screwed shut as Lauren pushed them back into the wall and redid their earlier position until their bodies were fitted together, and that real bulge ground into Camila's most intimate area.
She was kissing Lauren Jauregui. Lauren Jauregui.
Lauren Jauregui who had a penis.
Lauren Jauregui, who wanted her.
She'd wanted this since the first day they'd met. The fact that Lauren wanted her back? It sealed everything for Camila. How could she ever fight it?
This thought caused the brunette to moan helplessly as she gripped Lauren's wrists, lost in the feel of a silky mouth pressed to hers. It stayed like that, a heady press of lips, until Lauren realized that Camila was kissing her back and joyously went to kiss her deeper.
Camila allowed Lauren's eager tongue to part her lips and dart inside to stroke along her own reverently. She groaned and couldn't help but note that unlike Shawn's monstrous height, Lauren was the perfect height to kiss. All she had to do was tilt her head slightly up and to the side and bliss occurred.
Lauren's mouth tasted like strawberries and cigarettes. Like poisoned fruit. Ironically, Camila thought of Eve biting into the apple in the garden of Eden before she fell from grace. What a painfully accurate idea.
Lauren kissed her without pause, and rocked her hips every time Camila made a noise. When the girl released her own moan of pleasure, Camila's hips moved to meet her rocking, to meet that warm, insistent erection pressed into her.
Lauren suddenly pulled back, making Camila whine a little as their lips parted with a smack.
"You want this, don't you?"
Camila blushed, and blinked a few times.
"I wouldn't have kissed you back if I didn't want to. I've always found you attractive Lauren-"
"I just showed you that I have a dick and kissed you without asking first, yet you still want this?" Lauren was almost clarifying beyond need, her eyes narrowed and demanding.
"Are you trying to make me say I hate you?" Camila gawked, cheeks red at the predatory gleam in Lauren's eyes.
"You're into some kinky shit, aren't you?"
The indignant look on her face made Lauren smirk that trademark smirk. Before Camila could protest, they were kissing again, so of course any protest she had died into a small little moan that made Lauren purr. Camila's hands went up to Lauren's head to pull off that ridiculous beanie with the pin on it of a bright yellow smiley face so that she could run her fingers through silky black locks. The texture made her fingers tingle.
Lauren's own arm dropped to Camila's lower back and wrapped around her, pulling her even closer. Camila groaned as Lauren began to rock into her, humping her core, separated only by the thin layer of their underwear.
Camila knew without a doubt she could kiss Lauren forever and never grow tired of it. It was like kissing passion incarnate, and her belly roiled with pleasure with every second they stayed connected.
Lauren pulled back to bury her face into the brunette's neck, kissing, licking and sucking, no doubt leaving marks. Camila moaned again, dizzy and beyond turned on, but before she could register what was happening, Lauren was pushing her sweater up over her taut stomach, running her hands all over it and feeling the muscles quiver. Camila shuddered at the feel of those smooth palms. She had a sensitive tummy and Lauren had the most delicious touch.
"Lift your arms, Camila."
It came out as an order, but it was more of a question, a request for permission. Camila hesitated, but the lust of finally being able to get into this with Lauren Jauregui overwhelmed her and she obeyed. Lauren looked delighted as she yanked it over her head.
Starbursts of gold and emerald traced the swell of her breasts in her simple, white lace bra. Lauren's eyes on her made her hotter than it should have.
"Goddamn, Camila. All this time, you've been hiding those under your godforsaken animal sweaters?"
Camila shivered, yearning for Lauren's touch. The compliment made her cheeks flush and her chest heave a bit. She wanted to know what it would feel like to be gripped in those strong hands, squeezed, and massaged.
"You know, they look even better without the bra in the way," she breathed, pushing her chest out enough to entice Lauren's already hungry eyes.
A low growl met her words.
"Yeah? Let's find out," Lauren smirked, and Camila's insides sizzled at the expression. It promised debauchery and the touch of intimacy.
She unclasped the offending garment and tossed it on the floor with Camila's...Delightful...Animal sweater.
Lauren moaned, literally moaned at the sight of Camila's breasts in all their naked glory. She pressed her washboard abs into Camila at the sight, making the singer wriggle as her clit brushed against those perfect abdominals with amazing pressure.
"You have amazing tits," Lauren muttered before diving in and latching onto her little brown left nipple for dear life. She squeezed them both as she kissed and licked all over them, making Camila a writhing, hot mess. Her nipple was stiff and swollen when Lauren finally released it, but not without the nick of teeth across it. Camila hissed in pleasure.
"Oh, you like teeth, huh? Figures you'd be into something like that," Lauren chuckled before giving the other breast the same treatment.
"Like what?" Camila huffed dizzily, only semi-aware that she was being mildly mocked.
"Something dirty," Lauren groaned in between her breasts as she began sucking and biting to leave a hickey. She wanted to leave her mark all over this pretty golden skin.
Camila moaned in response and Lauren shivered. She could feel herself soaking through her panties, and it was more than embarrassing.
"Fuck, Camila, I can feel how wet you are. Did I- Is that because of me? Did I make you that hot?" Lauren sounded unbelievably smug for someone so disbelieving.
"Yes," Camila admitted, blushing now.
"You really are kinky. Finding out a girl has a dick only gets you going, doesn't freak you out. You like being bitten and you're willing to let me go as far as I want in a bathroom stall? Dirty girl, Camz, dirty girl..."
Camila discovered quickly that she liked when Lauren talked to her like that.
"Keep talking," she pleaded as Lauren kissed and nipped at her neck some more, leaving more marks. She let out a little yip of pleasure when Lauren rocked her stomach into her, pressed into her panties and began to grind into her. Her little clit twitched with every brush.
"Oh, yeah? You like dirty talk too? Jeez, what don't you like baby?" Lauren murmured, the sneer evident in her voice.
Camila's head was swimming as Lauren's mouth pressed into her again. She was slowly beginning to lose it under the touch of the ethereal being lavishing the inside of her mouth with a tongue as strong as all of her other muscles.
"Touch me," Camila whimpered. She couldn't fight it anymore; she didn't care how or why, as long as Lauren did something to soothe the ache that was rapidly becoming unbearable between her thighs.
Lauren paused. For a long moment, Camila feared she'd gone too far as Lauren breathed her toxic, intoxicating breath into the corner of her mouth.
"I am touching you, Camila," Lauren murmured against her mouth, pressing her hands to Camila's lovely breasts and squeezing. Camila fought not to let her eyes roll back.
"You know what I mean," Camila replied, a hint of frustration in her voice.
"Yeah. I do know what you mean. And I'm not going to," Lauren said, and took a step back.
Not going to? Um, excuse me, no, that's not how that works.
"You're not going to?" Camila gawked and Lauren's condescending expression both infuriated and thrilled her.
"No, I'm not."
"Are you kidding me? You can't just-just kiss someone out of their mind and touch their chest and not follow through. You're-you're a tease, Lauren."
Camila realized her mistake immediately as emerald eyes darkened dangerously. Camila knew she was out of line, and it was unfair to accuse Lauren of something because maybe she wasn't comfortable going further, or whatever reason she stopped.
But a pitiful part of her was unquestionably turned on by the flash of anger in those gorgeous eyes.
"I'm a tease? Are you fucking kidding me?" Lauren practically snarled. "You walk around in those short, tight skirts all day, showing off that ass that everybody knows you worked hard to make look that good, and I can't tell you how many times I've seen you flash your hot little panties when you lean over to get a drink of water from the fountain. You've been teasing me for years, Cabello."
"L-Lauren, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"
"Get on your knees."
Camila, once again, gawked like a fish out of water. Her mouth opened and closed in disbelief, outrage, and of course, the ever present ache that shot through her pussy.
"Excuse me?"
"Get on your knees, Camila. You say you're sorry? You say you don't care that I have a dick? Well now you're going to prove it to me. You obviously want it if you're so pissed that you'd dare call me the tease just because I wouldn't touch you. And let me get to second base so easily," Lauren sneered.
Camila stared hard at Lauren for a long moment, fiddling nervously with her skirt. Lauren's words always had a way of stinging brutally with just the right amount of truth to make you bend to her will.
If she really was a fallen Greek angel, she could write the poems of the gods to bring the world to its knees, and speak them in that seductive, haunting voice to truly hold absolute power.
But even if that wasn't the case, it was more than enough to bring Camila to her knees. She sank down slowly, half glaring, half staring in admiration at Lauren's perfect, pretty face.
"Jesus, Camz, look at you. You're actually doing it. Do you know how long I've wanted to see you like that? To finally get you where you belong," Lauren breathed and stepped forward, until her huge erection was centimeters from Rachel's nose.
"Lauren," Camila ground out through clenched teeth, feeling her own indignation return at those words. She almost stood back up, until Lauren put a hand on the back of her head and tenderly stroked her soft brown locks.
She practically turned into a squirming, purring kitten on the spot. It didn't hurt that submitting to the other girl completely also made her cunt ache.
Wow, I really am some kind of fucked up, Camila acknowledged silently to herself. The yearning in her loins kept her from getting upset at that thought.
"Do it, Camila. I know you want to see it. See if I really am telling you the truth. I know a part of you still doesn't really believe me, really get it. Go ahead. If you don't like it, stuff me back in my underwear and we'll be on our merry way. But considering your current track record, I don't see that happening anymore," Lauren murmured in that voice like burning silk, her smoky tone enticing Camila forward.
And somehow, Lauren Jauregui always read her like an open book. She did want to see it, to confirm what Lauren was saying entirely. With trembling hands and a stomach flipping nervously, she reached out and put a hand over the bulge, squeezed gently. Lauren's quiet rumble, so quiet that Camila almost missed it, spurred her on.
She hooked her fingers into the waistband of those sexy boy shorts and tugged determinedly, desperate to see what had actually made Lauren Jauregui want her, Camila Cabello, of all people. (No, Camila did not honestly believe that Lauren could actually want her without the all consuming need of a penis. It was a thought she was hopelessly trying to ignore.)
She revealed Lauren inch by tantalizing inch as she tugged her underwear down around her thighs, starting with a bulbous, weeping pink head.
Why was everything about Lauren so pink?
Camila was overwhelmed by how turned on she was, seeing such a private, erotic part of Lauren that no one else had ever gotten to see.
"It's so big," she gasped, staring unabashedly. Seven and a half, indeed. She was a Jauregui, so of course she wouldn't be caught with anything average.
Lauren, who had been looking uncertain, smirked instantly, all shyness or insecurity gone with one statement, which made Camila roll her eyes.
"I regret saying that considering what it's going to do to your ego," Camila mumbled, but continued looking in awe anyway. It was just so...Pretty. Just like Lauren, which figured.
It looked smooth, and soft textured but so stiff, almost painful. She could see one long, thick vein running along the underside of it. She imagined running her tongue along it, wondered what kind of sound Lauren would make if she did.
"Can I touch it?" Camila inquired, already reaching out an eager hand.
"Yes," Lauren hissed, almost like a duh. Camila felt a thrill of power rush through her at the way Lauren's knees nearly buckled and her eyes rolled back as soon as her tiny hand wrapped around the length. Camila gave her a gentle squeeze, reveling in the feel of rock hard flesh against her palm.
"So hard, Lauren...Why are you so hard?"
Camila couldn't resist moving her hand. She wanted to touch Lauren some more. A lot more. The older girl wasn't the only repressed one in this school. Camila had been having sexual fantasies about her for years, healthy or not, they'd been there.
They were just altered a bit.
She tugged lightly and Lauren let out a little grunt that made Camila's pussy clench.
"That's what you do to me, Camila. I told you just having it wasn't my only secret. God, how do you not hate me knowing all this?" Lauren's head lolled back and she stared at the ceiling as if it had the answers.
No, that just would not do.
"Look at me," Camila said. "Look at me," she insisted with a harder tug on Lauren's dick, inviting a low growl that had her belly getting all knotted up. Dark green eyes met her own, and she shivered. Lauren looked so hungry.
"Because you're Lauren Jauregui, and I've been attracted to you since the day I met you. So attracted to you not just by your looks, but by your intelligence, your collected demeanor and this badass look you've adopted turns. Me. On," Camila admitted and each tug on the last three words was hard enough to make Lauren's eyes nearly cross. "As if I could be upset that you would be attracted to me..."
"Fucking-easy, Camila. Your hand's not wet or anything," Lauren panted, though her protest was a little pointless considering how she kept bucking into Camila's palm, trying to fuck her hand as if it were her-
Camila's thighs clenched.
"You know how you can get my dick wet, though, right?" Lauren murmured as Camila shifted on her knees.
Camila should have seen that coming.
"Lauren Jauregui, if this is your way of requesting a blow job-"
"C'mon, Camz. I wanted you to prove that you really are sorry for calling me a tease..." Lauren's voice was needling, but instead of being irritated, her semi-plea only made Camila want to do it.
Yes, she really, really wanted to see if Lauren tasted as good as she looked. Not to mention she wanted to test out her lack of gag reflex. The thought of sucking the girl made her clit throb.
"Fine, but if I do this, you have to stop with your whole 'poor me, hate me' attitude. I always thought you had more dignity than that Lauren," Camila bargained, and before Lauren could snap out the retort so obviously lingering in the scowl of her lips, the brunette leaned forward and swiped her tongue over the head of her cock.
The taste of salt and some kind of fruit tickled Camila's taste buds. A peculiar taste that she wanted to try more of. Not to mention the little kick of Lauren's hips at the simplest of touches from her tongue.
Camila latched her mouth onto Lauren's tip, sucking her into her mouth.
"F-Fu-" Lauren shuddered as Camila began to tease her head, before hesitantly sucking an inch of her deeper into her mouth.
Camila found herself thoroughly enjoying Lauren's little hisses and whimpers, and began to bob her head slowly, taking more of her length into her mouth with each return of her head. She sucked and slurped for show, and also to get more of Lauren's taste into her mouth.
""F-Fuck-Suck it, Camila, fucking suck my dick. Feels so good, ugh!"
Lauren's hands flew to her hair, her grip bordering on painful as she clutched a handful of it. Camila smirked a bit, proud of herself. Not many could say that they'd made Lauren Jauregui lose it like that.
Every moan and grunt from Lauren was amazing. She wanted more of them. "Mm," Camila moaned softly as she sucked Lauren deeper, halfway in before deciding to test out her gag reflex. She swallowed all of her in the next bob of her head, sucking her entire length into the back of her throat.
No choking.
Only Lauren's strangled cry that made her impossibly wet, along with the feeling of having her mouth full of Lauren. She swallowed around the older girl repeatedly, hands on the girl's hips to steady them as her lips pressed to the base of her dick.
"Shit, shit, shit-" Lauren couldn't even say anything but swears. Camila knew instinctively if she held her there in the back of her warm throat any longer that the girl would blow her load. She glanced up with coy eyes and saw Lauren staring down at her in awe. Camila's cheeks were hollowed out and her lips were swollen as they stayed wrapped around Lauren.
She released the girl before that face could screw up in the bliss of orgasm.
"You taste so good, Laur," Camila whispered as she released her with a wet pop before kissing down to her hilt and tentatively nuzzling into her balls.
Camila was enjoying this way too much to feel demeaned by it, though she probably should have.
She was unsure of how this part of Lauren would taste, but she was delighted at how neat they looked. Even, and large but not too large, enough to make her clit throb. They were heavy and swollen, but uniform. Perfect, like the rest of her.
They tasted good, too, like Lauren's dick. Only when she lovingly suckled on them Lauren released a high pitched yelp.
"You-you're really licking my balls, right now, Camz? Such a slut, fuck, you want to suck on them, don't you? Suck on my nuts, Camila. Do it, baby, do it..."
Okay, yes. Camila definitely should have felt demeaned at that point.
But Lauren's domineering attitude mixed with her submissive, helpless need for Camila to just not stop overruled it.
Plus...She was right. Camila was kinky, and it turned her on to be belittled like that.
"Stop. Stop," Lauren hissed after a little while of this, pushing Camila's head away. For a second, Camila thought she'd done something wrong.
"You're gonna make me cum if you don't stop. And I'm not finished with you yet. Not by a long shot," Lauren grunted and tugged lightly on Camila's hair, urging her to stand.
Camila happily and a little smugly crawled back up Lauren's body and kissed her, letting Lauren taste her own precum. They kissed deeply, moaning together until Lauren pushed her back.
"How far will you let me go, Camila?" Lauren whispered in that lovely husky voice. "Tell me what I can and can't do, but just so you know, I want to do everything. I can't hide that from you. I won't hide anything from you anymore."
Camila paused. This was an important decision. How far was she willing to let Lauren go?
The answer was without a doubt, all the way. As far as she wanted. She just needed Lauren so badly. The ache in her walls was becoming unbearable. She was soaking through her panties.
"You can do whatever you want to me, Lauren," Camila breathed back. She watched Lauren's eyes spark with pleasure.
She kissed her once more before reaching out to yank down the rest of Camila's clothes, pulling them over one shoe and restlessly leaving her underwear hanging off of her ankles.
"Turn around and bend over. Hands on the wall," Lauren ordered. Camila hesitated, locked her eyes with Lauren's.
She realized she had no choice. She'd do whatever Lauren said to be touched. She yearned at the thought of what Lauren would do when she obeyed.
So she did. She turned around, bent over and exposed her lovely apple shaped ass to Lauren's roaming eyes, the dripping slit of her pussy. Her arms trembled as she pressed her palms to the cold bathroom wall.
"Uh, fuck. You're creaming all over yourself and I've barely even touched you there, Camz," Lauren let out a guttural moan. "Do I really do that to you? I've got to get a taste of that pussy."
Camila's ears burned at the words, but her eyes flew wide and she squealed when Lauren pushed her legs apart and pressed her tongue against her. She struggled to see over her shoulder, to see that pink head work between her legs.
Then it was all a blur as Lauren's warm, wet magical tongue swiped through her folds, swirled her helpless clit in circles, then pushed inside of her.
The thought of what Lauren was doing, just the thought of someone having their mouth on Camila down there made her walls clench tightly.
"Lauren!" she cried, digging her fingers into the tile to steady herself, though it was useless.
"Like that?" Lauren mumbled. Then she suckled on Camila's nub, pulling it out from its protective hood with nothing but the suction of her soft, warm lips.
"Ugh, Laur-Lauren-"
Okay. New favorite thing. Having her clit sucked on was too good. Camila came, just a little at the feeling.
"Did you just...?"
Lauren pulled back to stare at a shaking, disheveled Camila. Big, brown eyes stared over golden shoulders at her. Lauren could feel that sweet girl cum all over her chin. She licked her lips to get more of the heady taste and arched an eyebrow as Camila nodded feebly.
"A little, yeah..."
Lauren growled.
"I can't get enough of your taste, Camila. I can't get enough of you being so submissive for me. You'd do anything just to get me to touch you, wouldn't you? You want me to fuck you, don't you, baby?"
Camila's spine bowed inward slightly, and she nodded, ashamed and aroused beyond belief. Lauren placed a hand on her lower back, possessively. The feel of it nearly drove her insane.
"I need you to touch me Lauren. I've needed you to touch me since I walked in and saw you, since the first damn day that I saw you."
"All this time, you've wanted me too? All this time I could have had you..." Lauren shook her head in disbelief. "Don't you worry, Camz. I'm going to take care of that neglected pussy real soon."
Camila felt Lauren press the tip of her dick against her entrance. She keened. Lauren grabbed a hold of her painfully stiff cock and she struggled not to let her eyes cross as she slid it over the brunette's folds. Her jeans hung low on her hips.
"Mmf," Camila whimpered when the bulbous head bumped her swollen clit.
Lauren's head lolled back, because she could barely stand just how good the girl's outsides felt on her dick; slick and warm and so, so soft. What would her insides feel like?
She looked down and growled at the sight of her cock splitting Camila's pussy lips, running all over her.
"You want me to fuck you?"
"Yes, Lauren. How many times do I have to say it?" Camila gasped brokenly, pushing her hips back.
"Just one more time," Lauren teased her, though she could barely stand not to ram herself into Camila right then and there. It was a game of power. It had always been a game of power between them.
Lauren loved when she was winning. And right now, with Camila bent over, pleading to be fucked by her?
Definitely winning.
"Fuck me," Camikla hissed, beyond exasperated and frustrated and saturated between her legs.
"As you wish."
Lauren positioned herself and then pushed, swift and deep, penetrating Lauren's tight hole. She thought she might die before she could even get into the hilt, her cock singing with bliss at the velveteen walls that gripped her so well.
Camila's cry almost did her in.
"Yes, yes!" she panted. Camila felt full, stretched. She was no stranger to the feeling; she'd actively played with toys ordered online (without her father's knowledge) but they were much smaller, and she'd trained her pussy with exercises to keep it tight.
Lauren was big, and the slight pain of being stretched by her only made it feel that much better.
"So tight..." Lauren hissed as she slowly began to thrust, in and out, mesmerized by the sight of her cock pushing in and out of that wet, pink pussy. She hissed every time her cock slid past ridged walls, being gripped and slowly embraced, as if Camila's insides were curiously getting to know her.
"Fucking take it Camila. Take my dick. All of it. Look at you, baby. Soaking my dick in your cum. You're already close, aren't you? I can feel you squeezing me, baby. It turns you on, doesn't it? To be fucked like the whore you are in a bathroom stall?"
Lauren's words lit the fire in her belly. She thrust back onto her cock and whimpered when it hit every nerve of her walls.
"Faster," Camila whimpered as Lauren hit something inside of her. It felt so good, her toes curled. Lauren was filling her up so well. She couldn't take how good it had begun to feel. Lauren's cock was too big to miss a single spot. She mewled as her walls clamped when the older girl bucked forward.
"Yeah, Camz? Feels good, baby?" Lauren smirked that trademark smirk, running her hands over Camila's sweaty, tensing back.
"Mhm..." Camila nodded, only further turned on by Lauren's words. The desperation of it only made it better.
Lauren picked up the pace. She was overwhelmed by the need to make Camila climax, to feel those walls spasm around her dick, feel Camila completely come apart around her.
The brunette cried out helplessly as Lauren began to pound her, rapidly sinking in and out of her pussy. Lauren was getting in so deep, as if trying to push her very soul into Camila, taking her like it was her job.
"So close," Camila whimpered, her legs shaking. She could feel it building, the tingling her walls reaching a fever pitch.
"That's it, Camila. Be a good girl and cum all over my dick. Just like the desperate slut you are. The one that bends over for girls with dicks because that's how desperate she is to be filled," Lauren hissed, bending over to whisper the words against a flushed, heated cheek.
Camila let out a long, loud moan as Lauren's hand flew to her clit and circled the swollen nub. Her insides overheated, clenched and clawed for purchase on the soft, excess skin of Lauren's cock and the rigid flesh impaling her over and over.
Lauren groaned into her ear, and couldn't stop her knees from buckling. She wrapped her arms around Camila's waist, overwhelmed by the sensation of Camila quaking around her in orgasm as they fell back and her ass hit the floor with a painful thud.
"Fuck. Fuck," Camila panted, her head falling back onto Lauren's shoulder, exposing her sweaty throat as her walls continued to flutter with the aftershocks of a wonderful orgasm.
"Just did," Lauren chuckled breathlessly, arms wrapped around the petite girl sitting on her lap.
They sat there for a while, regaining their breath. Lauren grunted in pleasure when Camila suddenly rocked her hips though.
"Yeah, you did. Now it's my turn to fuck you, Jauregui."
Startled enough so that she couldn't protest, she felt Camila lift off of her cock, exposing her painfully hard erection to the cool air. It glistened with Camila's fluid, and looking at it made Lauren even dizzier than she already was.
"What are you-"
Camila turned around and promptly sat right back down on her dick, encasing her in that blissful grip of her cunt once more. Her ass sat flush to Lauren's thighs and the girl yelped and bucked up.
"Feels good?" Camila cooed, mocking the girl's earlier words. Lauren's broken, weak nod and the grimace in her brow made Camila shudder. She pushed up the girl's tank top and braced her palms against her abs, delighting in the feel of them clenching.
"Camila," Lauren groaned as the brunette began to ride her, slowly at first before picking up speed. Lauren reached out for that amazing ass, squeezing it in her hands and loving the feel of the firm cheeks as Camila rose and fell on her shaft. She slapped one, then the other, Camila bucking both times at the sting against her flesh. "Ride me, Camz. Just like that. Bounce on my dick. Fuck."
Lauren's muttering of words caused Camila to do as she wanted; she lifted up high till she could do nothing but squeeze Lauren's tip, felt her walls cling to it in panic at the thought of pulling out completely before she slammed back down hard, sending Lauren's head slamming back into the floor. Every nerve in her cock was turned on and enjoying the feel of slick, tight heat. It was all so slippery and warm.
"Like that, Laur? This what you want? You want me to ride you like this? Gosh, and you say I'm the slut."
Camila could see why Lauren loved to hold that power over her. She could feel it racing up her spine. To see Lauren Jauregui beneath her like this, helpless to her body, wanting and needing her. She watched Lauren's eyes flicker from her face to her breasts that bounced up and down. She got off on the feel of them slapping her chest.
It was incredible.
"What would you do if I stopped right now, Lauren? You'd probably cry, wouldn't you? You wouldn't be able to stand it if I left you right now, hard and helpless. I already got to cum, but you'd be left here waiting to burst without a warm pussy around to milk you for your load. It'd kill you," Camila panted.
Lauren's eyes rolled back. Her hips surged up again and again to meet Camila's. She cried out, knowing their roles had been switched, both loving and hating it.
"I think you're the slut for my pussy, aren't you, Laur? You'd do anything to stay inside me right now, wouldn't you? You'd have done anything, all these years just to be able to fuck me, huh?"
"Yes," Lauren admitted, shameless. "Don't ever stop, Camila. Please. I need you so much," she sobbed, working her dick up higher, deeper into that beautiful girl above her.
Camila shuddered at the admission, feeling herself getting closer.
"Was it always me, Lauren? Or are you just a slut for every girl in the school? You'd stick your cock into anything, right?" Camila panted, though these words made her heart ache.
Lauren was the only one she fantasized about as she did. The only one who could make her feel the way she did. And even though she knew she wasn't the only one for Lauren's desires, that didn't mean it didn't hurt.
"No. Fuck no, Camila. It's only you. It's always been you. God, always you, only you!" Lauren gasped brokenly, their hips moving in a sloppy rhythm, beginning to lose pace as they neared orgasm.
As if Camila could question her feelings...As if she knew...
"That's my secret Camila, that's the one that could make you hate me. Not the dick you're riding, but the fact that you're the only girl I've ever wanted in this run down town. You're the only one I could ever look at and want more with. It was always you, just you. That's my secret."
Camila's eyes widened and her heart raced even harder than it already was. Was that even possible?
Lauren braced her feet flat on the floor, locked her legs and then lifted up on the tips of her toes to fuck Camila. The brunette yelped as she was flung forward, her arms tucking against Lauren's body and her face propelling right up next to her. She grasped at the collar of her shirt, shocked by the power in Lauren's hips though she really shouldn't have been, knowing how strong the lean girl was.
"God, Lauren! Yes! Do it, finish me. Cum, Lauren. I want you to cum inside me!" Camila moaned brokenly against Lauren's lips. She was possessed by the need to be that close to the other girl. Both of them were.
It was these words that finally sent them over the edge. How could Lauren ever deny such a request? Her hips rutted up into the girl she'd yearned for since the day they'd met; she spurted. Warm, thick ropes painted Camila's insides as the brunette came around her again, milking her cock well. She was trying to spill her very soul into the girl. She felt an extra spurt shoot from her tip at the look of ecstasy on Camila's face.
Lauren clutched at her sides, almost passing out from how good it felt as their mouths pressed hungrily together, moaning and mumbling with tiny hip jerks to prolong the bliss.
"So good, Camila...You're so beautiful, Camz, so beautiful..." Lauren mumbled into the top of Camila's head, the smaller girl's face buried into her neck as they rested. "Only one...Only one," she whispered softly as Camila's breathing mellowed out.
"The only one I ever wanted."
Five minutes later and well past Camila's lunch break, they were all cleaned and freshened up. Well, as fresh as they could be.
Lauren stood at the sink, washing her hands and smile-smirking to herself as Camila fixed her hair in the mirror next to her.
"Where do we go from here, Lauren?" Camila said as she turned off the faucet and began to dry her hands.
The brunette honestly didn't know. Her emotions were all over the place. What did she want from Lauren? Their fornication was highly inappropriate and definitely not what Camila would have wanted for a first time with the girl she'd been wanting for so long, but god it had been so worth it, to hear Lauren's admission and the orgasm...Ugh, the orgasms.
Lauren Jauregui having a dick was most definitely okay by Camila Cabello.
But what would they do? Did Lauren really mean what she'd said? Would she even want to talk to Camila now, or was it all bullshit to get into her pants?
Camila thought she might be sick at the thought. She couldn't handle that. She couldn't handle being used by Lauren like that.
It would be her own fault, though-she'd let it get that far, wanted it to get that far. But God, she wanted Lauren to keep wanting her.
She wanted Lauren to want her so much that it was clearly beyond purely physical, and Camila knew that, and she was terrified, and oh Christ she couldn't breathe-
"Camila. Camila, hey. Look at me."
Camila's panic was written all over her face. She blinked rapidly, surprised when Lauren cupped her cheeks.
"I can see you freaking out. Stop it. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. I can't, won't run away from you anymore. Calm down. I'm right here."
Camila slowly relaxed and leaned into the touch.
And as beautiful as Lauren was when she was cocky and sexy, in control and full of her Jauregui swagger, Camila knew she would give all of that up if it meant Lauren would look at her the way she was looking at her right then.
"Lauren," she whispered, and swooned when the older girl gave her that trademark expression though she could finally see the infinite softness in it. Lauren leaned in and pressed a sweet, tender kiss right between her eyes.
Camila Cabello absolutely melted.
"I don't know what we do now. I know what I want to do. I've known that for a long time," Lauren murmured against her forehead, and wrapped one arm around Camila, tentatively pulling her close to her body so their eyes were close, the connection intimate.
Lauren had turned on her charm, and by God, Camikla could not resist it. Holy shit, she was a sucker for this more than she was for her swag. She truly was a romantic at heart.
"What do you want to do, Lauren?" Camila inquired.
"I want to take you out on a date. I want to hold your hand and tell you all the emotional shit that I'm trying very hard to smother right now to keep from running from you like I usually do. I want you to keep looking at me like you really do care before you realize the secrets I've told you are just too much and you leave and never look back at me again."
Camila's breath caught in her throat. Lauren's eyes were shining. It had been a long time since she had seen Lauren cry.
"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not going to stop caring about you, Lauren," she whispered.
"Till you let me take you out on a proper date, since we did this way out of order because I'm an idiot and know it's easier to give into my lust for you than my l-feelings for you."
Excuse me, finish that word please. That one with the L. Yeah, you know the one.
Lauren looked terrified at her slip, but Camila kissed her softly on the mouth.
"Yes, we did this ridiculously out of order and I will be preparing a power point displaying why we really shouldn't have had sex in this disgusting high school bathroom and how big of a waste it was for our first time-"
"Wasn't a waste to me, and by the way you were moaning, I don't think you really believe that," Lauren smirked, eyebrow hiking up in that cocky manner.
Yes, it still made Camila indignant beyond belief.
But now it also charmed the hell out of her.
"Sex with you could never be a waste to me, Camila. No time spent with you ever could be. I don't care how, when, or why it happened, because if it's you, Camz, it's going to be special to me. No matter what."
Dead. That's it. Lauren Jauregui has officially killed her.
Lost for words and floundering at the genuine smile on Lauren's face, she struggled to speak.
"Yes, w-well...You will still be making up for the inappropriateness of this by taking me on a proper date, Lauren," Camila huffed, crossing her arms.
"Okay. Cool. Friday at eight good with you?" Lauren said nonchalantly, leaning against the sink.
Stupid punk attitude and apathetic coolness. Distracting Camila.
"Yes. Sounds delightful. And you're not getting out of that power point, either."
Take that, you smug Jauregui!
"Even if I tell you that we had an English test last block and completely missed it because I was too busy making you scream my name?"
Camila bolted for the door, even though it was 3:15 and school had already been let out and there was no humanly possible way besides a time machine to make up for skipping the entire last bit of the day.
Lauren just laughed.
"See you next time, Camila!" she called, reaching for a cigarette in her pocket despite how tacky and douche-baggy she thought it was to smoke after sex, especially sex with the girl she'd been in love with for three years after exposing her biggest secret that she had a dick and in fact only wanted said girl and no one else.
Fucking sue her, her emotions were running haywire and that whole Play it cool, Lauren act was wearing off fast. She needed a cigarette.
A moment later, Camila's head popped back in the door and Lauren guiltily jerked her hand away from her pocket.
"Oh, and if I recall, you were the one screaming my name there at the end, Lauren."
Lauren just smiled that smile.

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