You're burning me up inside

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A surprisingly mild winter's evening painted the perfect backdrop for the Jauregui Foundation Christmas Ball, the lack of finger-freezing frost in the air causing a sigh of relief for all involved. An exclusive and elite event, no expense had been spared: the imposingly breath-taking town hall had been hired out, a doorman with a voice smoother than velvet had been employed, and a glass of complimentary champagne –1996 Boerl & Kroff Brut Magnum, only the best for the fortunate attendees – on arrival.
The delicate clinking of glasses and a subdued bubble of laughter crept under the main doors and gently tapped the ears of the two elegant figures, immobile at the top of the stairs. One, a 23-year-old woman, the other, her 18-year-old brother, both dressed to impress in their tailored suits and custom made leather shoes.
"I just don't see why we have to attend," The boy grumbled, eyes crinkling with frustration as he glared at the source of the merriment, hidden from his scathing gaze by the oak doors and the waiting doorman.
"It's only once a year, and we are already late because of you and your grooming," His companion chided him, but there was no real severity behind her words – she, too, disliked the pressure of this annual ball. Her brother grinned at her words, quickly adopting a mock-arrogant pose.
"But I have got to look good for the laaaddiiiiiessss, at least one of the Jauregui siblings has game – hey!" His cheeky remark was cut off as his sister quickly and ruthlessly flattened the hair that was the cause of their tardiness. She chuckled, but the morose expression adorning his face quickly sobered her up and she waved his hands away, stepping into his space and efficiently restoring his hair to its former glory.
"It's for Mum, and Dad," She reminded him, gently smoothing his lapels, "And you know how important this ball is for them. So let's go in there and make them proud," She clasped his forearm, turned and strode towards the doorman, his face betraying only mild irritation at the siblings' reluctance to enter as soon as they had arrived. She nodded, her brother by her side. The doorman smiled and opened the door, allowing his deep voice to resound around the room.
"Lauren and Chris Jauregui!"
"And by the way, we both know that I have infinitely more game than you, little brother," Lauren winked and descended down the stairs elegantly, leaving her brother behind with his mouth gaping open.
"Oh, thank God," Lauren exhaled as she allowed the dark amber liquid to slip down her throat and ease her tension. Her jacket now unbuttoned, she had escaped to the bar after her parents had introduced and re-introduced her to all of the 'important' people in the room – which, due to the exclusivity of the event, was an awful lot of people.
A familiar hand appeared next to her, signalling the bartender, and she raised an eyebrow.
"Following in my footsteps, little one?" She teased, knowing how much he hated the nickname.
"Just trying to avoid Alie," He mock-whispered, ducking his head as said woman appeared in his peripheral vision. Lauren just smirked and took another long sip of her Macallan 1926, the indulgent liquid sending pleasant warmth through her veins. She was more than used to the line of girls and women falling at Chris's feet; his rusty hair and cheeky-but-charming demeanour had successfully hooked him many a partner, something that he delighted in. However, as Lauren knew all too well, some women simply just didn't get it, 'it' being the knowledge that one night wouldn't turn into two.
Alie was one such woman, and although Lauren empathised with her brother, she found it amusing nevertheless.
"Who is that?" Chris's stunned voice broke her reverie, and as Lauren followed the path of his gaze, she completely understood why – she was stunned, too.
Smiling and laughing with her parents was what Lauren could only describe as a goddess. She was wearing an open back dress that accentuated her toned but curvy body, and it clung to her ass in a most sinful way. Oh my God, that ass... Lauren groaned quietly and closed her eyes, trying to cleanse her mind of the ridiculously inappropriate but oh-so-delicious thoughts running riot in her head. Opening them slowly, she had to bite her tongue to silence herself when she saw that the vision had turned. Her stomach was flat, and her dress hinted at wonderful breasts that Lauren just needed to bury her...
Stop it!She chastised herself, reluctantly dragging her eyes away from those beckoning beauties, up over collarbones that were just begging to be bitten, a mouth that was the most kissable mouth she had ever seen, and then she came to her eyes.
The earth met the sky and the world burned around them.
"I'm gonna go get with her," Chris proclaimed cockily, and Lauren was too caught up in pulling her eyes away from the bewitching blue to try to stop him. She watched curiously as Chris confidently approached the stunning woman, and a knife twisted jealousy in her gut as she watched the woman laugh at something Chris had said.
"Stupid brother, stupid charm," Lauren muttered, wrenching her eyes off the couple and downing the rest of her drink. She tapped her tumbler; the barman knew better than to keep her waiting. She took another long draught, trying to drown the irrational jealousy that was bubbling in her stomach. She knew she had no right to be so possessive over someone she didn't even know, but something in her had been awakened by the other woman and she found herself clenching her fist at the thought of her brother being the one to worship her. Not that people are possessions, Lauren. Don't be such an idiot. She smiled wryly at her inner berating, taking another smaller sip of the expensive liquid.
Suddenly, the familiar hand reappeared, and Lauren watched incredulously as her brother proceeded to do 3 shots of Patrón, not even wincing in the process. He cut his eyes at her and flipped his middle finger up at her vehemently before disappearing into the throng of people. What the hell? Lauren rose off her stool, intent on finding her brother and getting an explanation for his horrendous behaviour.
"He doesn't take rejection well, then," A throaty voice stopped Lauren in her tracks. The woman was even more striking up close, and Lauren unashamedly raked her eyes over every inch of the goddess in front of her, starting at her feet and rising up until her heated gaze once again caught the eyes of the other woman. They were mischievous, with a hint of pride in them as she watched the other woman devour her with her eyes.
"I would say so, as you are the first to reject him," Lauren replied, smirking as the other woman bit her lip at the sound of Lauren's voice. "May I enquire as to your reason for spurning him?" She asked, mostly teasing but with genuine curiosity underlying her words. The woman suddenly stepped forwards, effectively trapping Lauren between the mahogany bar and her own lovely body. The suited woman gulped once, but regained her control quickly before anything could give away how incredibly turned on she was.
"Well," The brunette whispered into Lauren's ear, causing her pants to tighten uncomfortably, "I simply said that it wouldn't be fair... to make him second best, when I have been focused on nothing but you, and how amazing it would be to undress you, kiss you, touch you, since the moment you walked down those stairs. Oh, and I may have told him off for interrupting our eye-fucking,"
Lauren's breath hitched, not only because of the provocative words and the enticing fantasies they had produced, but also because the woman, on finishing her sentence, had taken Lauren's earlobe into her mouth, sucked it once and then bitten it.
"Not fair at all..." Lauren murmured, trying to focus on calming herself down and removing any potential issues. In her flustered state she in fact brushed the object of her discomfort against the brunette woman's leg, and she bit her lip anxiously, waiting for the look of disgust, and the inevitable rejection.
The woman's eyes, already dark, blackened.
She surged forwards, and upon feeling just how well-endowed Lauren was, moaned into her ear, unable to control herself at the thought of how good it would feel when clothing was no longer an issue. Lauren shuddered once, feeling her nerves dissipating into thin air, and let a smirk appear on her face as she allowed her natural instinct to take over. She grasped the brunette's hips, spinning them round and pressing her against the bar as subtly as she could. Her leg slid in-between her partner's, and she sucked air in through her teeth as she felt the heat radiating from the brunette's centre. She pressed forwards slightly, revelling in the way the other woman leaned her head back, exposing her pale neck and submitting. Lauren leaned forwards and ran her teeth from the woman's ear down her neck, licking the hollow of her throat before dragging her tongue up the sweetly scented skin and pausing on her mouth, letting the ragged breaths ghost over her own. At the lack of any more stimulation, the brunette opened her eyes, the sapphire almost completely obscured by obsidian.
"Waiting for an invitation?" She snarked gently, the rapid rise and fall of her chest giving away how affected she was. Lauren let a genuine smile curve her mouth gently before stepping backwards slightly, giving the woman some space.
"Lauren Jauregui," she stated, and recognition cleared the woman's cloudy features. She cleared her throat of lust before offering her own smile.
"Camila," she held her hand out, "Camila Cabello,"
Lauren took her hand and brought it up to her lips, dusting a kiss on the palm before stepping right back into the other woman's space.
"And that, Camila," Lauren growled, the object of her desire's eyes rolling back into her head at her next words, "Will be the last coherent thing you say tonight, apart from my name."
"Fu... Lauren, please!" Camila gasped, hips writhing around, trying to find friction against the teasing tongue. Lauren simply blew gently on the swollen clit in front of her, smirking at the pained moan of pleasure that it produced from the frustrated body above her.
Lauren hadn't even waited to get Camila inside her apartment before starting to undress her, pressing her up against the wall next to the door and undoing the dress from top to bottom before Camila could even realise.
"Wait, Laur..." Camila's attempt at a protest was cut off by the press of Lauren's lips against her own, admittedly much more gentle than she had imagined. Her plump lower lip even trembled slightly, and Camila felt a rush of affection flood through her, followed by a flood of something else as Lauren started to command the kiss. She licked along Camila's lower lip, immediately slipping her tongue in when the brunette moaned slightly in response, and had been pleasantly surprised when her partner held her own with the kiss, sliding her tongue against Lauren's and curling it against the roof of her mouth in a way that made her weak. Overcome with lust, Lauren slammed Camila against the wall, and the guttural moan that burst out of Camila's mouth had Lauren almost coming in her pants. She had paused for a moment, anxiously locating her key, a task that became infinitely more difficult when the brunette started kissing her neck, licking her ear and whispering about how she couldn't wait to be fucked by her. After a few heated moments of fumbling, Lauren had managed to get the door open and dragged her partner in after her, kicking the door shut so it locked automatically. They had stood for a moment in silence, letting their eyes adjust to the darkness, and just before it could have become awkward, Camila shifted her shoulder slightly, causing her dress to slip off her body and pool gently at her feet, leaving her in matching lingerie and heels. Lauren bit her lip, she couldn't believe that this goddess was even looking at her, let alone half-naked in her hall. She stepped forward, reaching out to touch the soft body in front of her, ensuring that she was in fact real. Camila seemed to notice her sudden shift in mood, and tapped her teasingly on her chest, motioning her to remove her clothing. Lauren slowly unbuttoned her shirt, her confidence re-growing as she watched the brunette lick her lips at the unveiling of the toned stomach in front of her. She threw her shirt off to the side; Camila's eyes stayed fixed on her abs. Before she could lose her nerve, she pushed her trousers down, essentially leaving herself as naked as the girl in front of her. The shade allowed for some modesty, so Camila couldn't quite make out her prize, much to her annoyance. She quickly closed the gap between them, stopping right in front of the brunette and leaning forward to whisper in her ear.
"Why am I so coherent?" Lauren growled at the blatant challenge and picked the brunette up, preening inside as the brunette gasped at her strength and wrapped her legs round her body, her centre hot and wet against Lauren's stomach. They had made it to the bedroom, where Lauren had slowly but surely turned Camila into a writhing mess.
Starting at her collarbones, licking them firmly before nibbling and biting them, not hard enough to hurt but enough to leave a mark that would remind Camila who had been there. Her hands slowly unclasped the silk bra, pulling it off her arms slowly, taking her time to reveal the perfect breasts that had been hidden by it. Camila's nipples were already erect, so Lauren wasted no time in taking one in her mouth, swirling her tongue around it before sucking it sharply and grazing it with her teeth. She used her other hand to delicately tease the other nub, flicking it and rolling it between her fingers. She moaned slightly against the flesh in her mouth before taking it in and sucking it hard, determined to leave a mark. Camila's hands, which had been grasping at the bedsheets, flew to Lauren's hair, pulling her closer to her breast and rolling her hips up in need. Lauren was so hard she could have burst, but she simply switched breasts and gave them the attention they deserved, taking her time on them until she could feel Camila's need burning beneath her. She kissed her way down her stomach, pausing to dust kisses and nips along her ribs, before coming to the edge of the lace underwear. She caught Camila's eye and winked before baring her teeth and using them to drag the sodden underwear down Camila's long and slender legs, the now-naked legs falling open with lust and her eyes darkening even further at the display of domination.
And that is what brought them to their current position, Lauren teasing Camila's pussy with her tongue, waiting for her to beg, to break. After a particularly mean trick where she sucked the brunette's clit into her mouth and grazed her teeth over it before releasing, Camila reached breaking point.
"Please! I can't, can't take this anymore, I'm going to burn up, please just fuck me," Camila begged, desperation evident in her voice. Lauren smiled at the plea and instantly upped her pace, thrusting two fingers into Camila with no warning and smiling wider as the brunette's head fell back in wordless pleasure. She added a third, wonder in her eyes as she watched Camila stretch to take her in, and then picked up the pace until she was practically thrusting Camila into the headboard. No sounds were coming out of her open mouth, her eyes were rolled back in her head and her chest was heaving.
"You can cum now, baby," Lauren murmured, and gently sucked Camila's clit into her mouth at the same time as curling her fingers up to find that spongy spot on her lover's front wall, massaging it firmly. Camila's hips bucked wildly and her entire body tensed before exploding, her back arching off the bed and her vision blurring. Lauren kept her fingers inside her, unmoving, letting her come down from her high before removing them. She sucked them slowly, smirking as Camila zeroed in on her mouth.
"Lauren..." Camila's voice was hoarse, and the brunette crawled up her body gently, delicately kissing her delectable lips before pulling back. Despite her exhaustion, Camila felt her libido rising at the sensation of Lauren's cock pulsing against her. She pushed gently at Lauren's shoulders, moving her so that she was sitting, and before Lauren knew what was happening, Camila had her boxers off and her erection was ramrod straight and throbbing for attention.
Camila's eyes widened; Lauren was huge. Lauren waited for a moment, slightly nervous, but then Camila's eyes met hers and her lips curled up in a feral grin and Lauren just leant back and waited.
A tongue flicked the slit in her head and she trembled, willing herself to stay calm. Slowly, Camila's mouth enveloped her head, her tongue swirling round it, her hand coming up to palm at her shaft. Inch by inch, Lauren watched as her cock disappeared into the velvet heat of Camila's mouth until she hit the back of Camila's throat. Instead of gagging, Camila simply opened her throat and kept going until her nose was brushing Lauren's pubic bone. Lauren just sat there, eyes wide in disbelief, never having had her 9 inches deep throated before. The sensation was incredible, and then Camila swallowed. Lauren physically jumped, provoking a smile from the brunette, who then proceeded to give Lauren the best blow job of her life. After only a few minutes, she felt the familiar tightening and reluctantly tapped Camila, who looked up at her grumpily as though she'd interrupted her last meal. She slowly dragged her lips back over the shaft and head, sucking the pre-cum that had been left behind. The sight of Camila in front of her, naked, legs spread wantonly, and the fact that she had just had her cock in her mouth, made something in Lauren snap. She grabbed the brunette's knees and pulled hard, flattening her into the mattress and proceeded to back off the bed, pulling Camila with her. She stood, cock in hand, watching as realisation dawned on her lover's face.
She dipped her fingers into Camila's cunt, using her juices to slowly lubricate her own shaft before positioning herself at Camila's entrance. An eager nod was all the consent she needed to slowly start sliding her dick into the silky, fluttering entrance. Once she was bottomed out, she waited a moment for Camila to adjust, using the time to focus on her breathing. She was so worked up and the woman in front of her was so beautiful that Lauren knew she wouldn't last long, so she deep breathed until she felt a clench round her cock. She opened her eyes to see Camila grinning mischievously at her, and then another clench around her already sensitive shaft made her decision for her: hard and fast. She picked Camila's legs up and placed her ankles on her shoulders, watching for any signs of pain, but the only change was Camila's mouth opening in pleasure as the angle changed. She smirked, and withdrew slowly, before pounding back in in one long, hard thrust. The moans from the woman wrapped around her were enough to confirm that she was doing the right thing, so she let herself go. With Lauren jackhammering as hard and as fast as she could, Camila was soon reduced to a body only capable of twitching in pleasure and releasing gasps and moans. Lauren was so deep in her, and the noise of their skin slapping together only made the heat in Camila grow hotter. Suddenly another finger was added into the mix, rubbing tight circles on her slippery clit, and that was all the stimulation necessary to throw Camila headfirst into the burning fire of oblivion. Lauren came with her, her orgasm bringing her to her knees at Camila's feet.
There's nowhere I'd rather be, she thought to herself, gently removing herself from Camila's innermost self. The brunette had passed out, body driven past exhaustion, and Lauren smiled tenderly before fetching a damp flannel to clean the woman's thighs. She lay down beside her, pulled the covers up over them both and turned to her side, waiting for sleep to take her.
When she woke up, she woke up to the sight of a brunette head bobbing between her legs, her cock about to explode.
They had breakfast together, more life-affirming sex, and Camila stayed for dinner.
One night turned into two, two nights turned into three, and three turned into forever.

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