Fake fouls

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"FS: Camila and Lauren are rivals in basketball but they can't deny the sexual tension between them. In the locker room after the game, they both finally get their frustrations out on each other. g!p Camila please"
"I don't fucking know what's her problem, Mani," Lauren said in anger as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, green eyes piercing on a particular player on the other side of the court.
It was another game of Lauren's school against the team she hated the most because her rival is there. Being the team captain as Lauren is for her own team, Camila Cabello irritates the hell out of the green-eyed girl because of how dirty the brunette plays. It was the final game and if Camila thought that Lauren wouldn't notice the way she would fake fouls on purpose to earn a free throw, she was wrong. With the times she played with this aggravating girl, Lauren knew her moves and her secrets. She knew that Camila would even trip players in hopes to injure them. Lauren knew all of that.
But what bothers her the most, is that Camila doesn't do it to every player in Lauren's team. She only does it to Lauren, and the other girl have started to take it personally that's why she couldn't keep her mouth shut once a timeout was called.
"I know that she's trying to take me down," Lauren said, starting to stand up from the ground as her friends look worriedly at her. "We only have 1 minute left and it's her strategy to fake fouls so they could score without effort. But what I don't get is she's only doing it to me! Why can't she do it to Chelsea or Vero instead?"
"It's because you're the best player in our school, Lauren," Normani said, grinning at her friend. "But you know what? Just try to avoid he or something. Don't come near her until the time ends. You're having the upper hand anyway."
"I've been fucking doing that since the game started but she just won't stop," Lauren muttered, wiping her sweaty nape with her towel. "We're only on 77-76. I'm pretty sure she'll do something about it."
"Then you'll have to do something about it, too," Ally, Lauren's another friend, chimed in. "You're both team captains and if she has something in mind to make their school win, you should have, too. You need to act on it and not let her win this. Lauren, it's a do-or-die for Christ's sake!"
Before she could even respond, the buzzer rang again as it indicated the end of timeout. Lauren threw her towel on the empty seat with her perfectly thick brows furrowed in distress. Camila's taking it easy, as if she knew what would happen to this game. Even if she wasn't on the home court, she had this strong confidence that Lauren always find intimidating. But she shouldn't let Camila take over her game.
It was Camila's team's ball, and their center, Dinah, was already holding the ball in her hand as she looked for free players she could pass it on. However, with the small amount of time remaining, Lauren pushed her team's defense and they're now man-on-man strategy.
Being the same small forward of the team, Lauren was standing in front of Camila with her arms stretched out as her back was facing her to prevent Dinah from passing it to the brunette. Camila on the other hand was only smirking behind Lauren, and the green-eyed girl swore she could hear the action by her ear. Even with the timeout given, the two girls were catching their breath and Lauren shivered when she felt Camila's hot breath hit her nape. The brunette noticed this, only causing her smirk to grow wider as she looked down at the goosebumps by Lauren's dragonfly tattooo.
"Scared that you'll lose, princess?" Camila teased, slightly pressing her front to Lauren as she transfered her gaze to Dinah.
"Shut the fuck up, Cabello," Lauren seethed, sprinting to the other side of the court when Dinah passed the ball to her teammate.
"Oh, please," Camila said as she followed Lauren close behind, "you'll like me better when I'm talking in some other circumstances."
Lauren knew exactly what she meant and she felt her cheeks heat up. Was Camila sexually flirting with her in the middle of an intense game she should be focusing on? And did she like the way Camila's voice sound so close as she spoke?
Lauren shook her head and went back to the game, following the ball with her eyez as it was quickly passed to Camila. Lauren's pulse started to race when she met the most alluring brown eyes she had ever seen that she nearly forgot where she was. What the fuck was she thinking? She should be playing seriously, and not thinking about how gorgeous her rival was.
Well shit.
Camila had already crossed her over, and she jumped before the three-point line and took the shot. The crowd roared as it came in and Lauren mentally slapped herself as she realized it was her fault why their opponent was able to score. She was supposed to defend for her team and keep them from shooting until the time stops but what was she doing? Yes. Admiring Camila's ass as she took a shot earlier instead of running after her to try to block her.
Well, how could you not?
Camila's butt looked perfect even if she was wearing the baggy basketball jersey. It still showed how voluptuous it was and Lauren couldn't take the image out of her mind. Another yes. What the actual fuck.
"Lauren, what the hell was that?!" Her team's shooting guard, Chelsea, complained as she brought their team captain back from her thoughts. "Why the fuck did you let her shoot?!"
"Hey, hey, calm down," Lucy, their point guard, said, pulling Chelsea away from Lauren. "We still got a few seconds before time. We can take that 3 points back."
"The hell we will if only our team captain's focused on the game than the bitch on the other team," Chelsea said harshly before shaking off from Lucy's grasp, walking away from Lauren.
Lucy didn't say anything, she knew that arguing wouldn't help their situation now and she followed Chelsea's steps towards the edge of the court as their other teammate, Keana, held the ball outside of the court. If Lauren could only punch herself without looking idiotic, she would've done it already. How could she admire the person she's been hating on earlier in just a blink of an eye?
Lucy carried the ball across the court before passing it to Chelsea. The group's center, Vero, served as a screen for the shooting guard. But she wasn't going to shoot it, and it was part of their plan. Chelsea jumped, but she pushed the ball towards Lauren's direction whilst she was free from any guard because the people who were supposed to guard her were caught to Chelsea's fake shot. Lauren received the ball and dribbled quickly to the empty space by the ring. It was too late when Dinah hopped on her feet to block, Lauren managing to dunk the ball with the ability to jump that high.
The crowd roared upon Lauren's shot and she grinned in triumph, accidentally catching Camila's eyes as she looked around. The green-eyed girl was even more confused when she had this smug smirk plastered on her face. Lauren thought she knew what it exactly meant.
And she was right.
The smirk meant that Camila was going to do her trick and fake fouls by shooting and purposefully making Lauren's hand hit her forearm every time the green-eyed girl tried to stop her from shooting. This caused their score to go by 77 to an easy 83. Lauren's team was held down by 81 with losing one opportunity to shoot because of Camila's amazing skill at stealing.
With 3 seconds remaining, Lauren has to shoot the ball—either make it a 3-point shot or just a regular one. They just had to score or they'll completely lose this game. The pressure was real for the team captain, seeing that she was already tired to the point that her knees are starting to feel numb, and this was a do-or-die. It will memorable for all whether they lose or win. Lauren tucked her jersey under her shorts as she met Camila's playful gaze. Lauren furrowed her brows when the other girl on the court eyed her up and down, shamelessly checking her out. Lauren didn't know what she was up to but it was definitely not working. She even got fueled by this, not appreciating Camila's action. Lauren turned around and decided to ignore the girl's blatant staring.
The game continued, and wituout enough time left, they did the plan that their coach told them to. Chelsea, known as someone in the team who has a strong pulse to throw forcefully, stood outside the line. Lauren already had her eyes focused on the ring as she was standing by the three-point line whilst Vero was on the other side. The opposing team knew what they would do, but it's only a matter of who would take the shot. It's either they would have to double team Lauren, knowing that the girl could take one down, or they would have to guard Vero, being the tall one and a master for shooting ringless effortlessly. That would leave one player of Lauren alone without defense, and the shooter would actually be Keana, standing close to the ring with no one paying attention to her. If she would remain unnoticed, they would surely have the chance to win even with only a few time from overtime.
Lauren's heart was beating against her own chest and she was afraid that it would fall out as Chelsea passed the ball to Vero, the ball flying across half of the court. This caused two people to run after Vero with 2 seconds left, but she quickly passed it to Lauren. Lauren, with her hands clammy and now trembling legs, chest-passed the ball between Dinah and another opponent to Keana's direction.
1 second.
Lauren waited for another set of cheers from the audience, but it didn't come. It was because Camila was able to prevent the ball from being sent to Keana's hands. The brunette was insanely fast and stealthy that Lauren didn't even see that coming.
Camila's teammates cheered for her instead as she ran to the other court, Chelsea, Lucy, and Vero trying to catch after her. But Camila was quick, performing a monster dunk as the buzzer rang.
Lauren couldn't look at her teammates in shame. No one blamed her, but it felt like it was her fault that they lost. They worked hard to be in the finals and she failed to win for her school—she failed everyone. She felt Ally's small supporting hand as she drank her water, but refused to look at the girl. Lauren wasn't even talking to anyone even when their team manager asked them to participate for a short interview. She wasn't interested at all.
Lauren waited for everyone to finish showering in the locker room before she took one herself. She avoided contact from everyone as she felt horrible by her own performance earlier at the game. She would've done it well if it wasn't for that fake ass bitch.
Camila Cabello.
Lauren's sadness was easily turned to anger, and she brought her closed fist to hit the shower wall. The action rang around the locker room, but she was glad no one could hear her. She was sure everyone went home after the sorrowful loss of their game—not because of her but Camila. How could the referees approve of what she was doing when it was obvious that she was only faking it?
Lauren took a deep breath before turning the shower off, reaching for the towel and wrapping it around her lean body. Before she could even turn, she jumped at the sudden voice she least expected to hear.
"Nice game?" Camila said, more like a question than a statement as the familiar annoying smirk danced on her lips.
She wore her school's sweatshirt with her khaki pants on, hands secured in her pockets as a snapback sat on her long, brown, wavy locks.
"Fuck off, Cabello," Lauren said with rage in her bright green eyes as she walked past her opponent, "you're not even allowed to be here."
"Someone's salty about their loss, yeah?" Camila continued to tease, following Lauren to the metal lockers. "Not used at getting your ass kicked in basketball?"
Lauren scoffed, putting her dirty clothes in her duffel bag on the bench. "You're talking like you played fair." She looked up to meet Camila's impeccable gaze—too strong for Lauren's liking. "Don't act like you deserved to win."
Camila only chuckled, shaking her head as she kept her mouth shut much to Lauren's confusion—not to mention that she was a little scared at how Camila was acting. Lauren turned around to open her locker and jumped when it was suddenly shut closed. Her eyes were wide in shock as she glanced at Camila, the brunette showing no emotion now that made Lauren shiver. She didn't know if it was because of the cold—she was still wrapped in a towel and her hair was dripping wet—or it was because of how quick Camila's eyes darkened.
"Does that still matter?" Camila said, her voice low as she stepped closer to Lauren, making the other girl step back. "Is winning still important to you?" She pulled her left hand out from her pocket to use it to trap Lauren against the locker as her words ghosted Lauren's lips at how close they were. "When you have me in front of you now?"
Lauren gulped heavily, and she wasn't even able to catch her breath when Camila's soft and plump lips attached itself to her cold ones. She felt her head spin as she forgot how to breathe, Camila's other hand resting on her waist. Lauren felt butterflies in her stomach when Camila slid her tongue across her lower lip as it begged for entrance. However, Camila sucked on it first before pulling it between her teeth and releasing it with a pop.
"Do you want to feel like you've won, Lauren?" She asked breathlessly, her eyes never leaving the emerald-eyed beauty's full lips. She slowly reached up to Lauren's cheek, running the back of her fingers on the soft, pale skin. Camila leaned in to kiss the corner of Lauren's mouth, trailing her lips to her jaw until she reached her ear. She licked Lauren's earlobe before nipping on it, earning a soft sigh from the girl. "Because I could make you feel like you did."
Lauren almost felt embarassed when she didn't have the voice to tell Camila to stop, because the truth is, she didn't want her to. She felt something when Camila kissed her, and it was far from something to what her exes made her feel before. Although Lauren knew this was the farthest she would actually want to do with her rival in basketball, for an unknown reason she couldn't bring herself to just push Camila off.
She felt different with her.
The hand of Camila that kept Lauren from getting away stayed against the locker as the other snaked to her waist, pulling Lauren close as she peppered kisses all over the pale skin of her neck. Lauren hands tangled themselves on Camila's hair, accidentally knocking her snapback off when the brunette bit on her sensitive spot. Camila instantly soothed the skin with her tongue, sucking on it thereafter.
"Camila," Lauren breathed out, making Camila's member harden as if she wasn't sporting a hard-on already.
Lauren knew what Camila had down there, and even if she wasn't fond of the brunette, she wasn't disgusted with the fact of her having an extra member. In fact, she felt like it was another reason why she didn't want this to stop. She was curious about it, seeing Camila's bulge sometimes during games she had with her.
Camila pulled away from Lauren, only to take her sweatshirt off and she barely had the time before Lauren was impatiently pulling her back for a hungry kiss. Lauren slid her tongue inside Camila's mouth as the brunette sucked on it eagerly. Lauren's hands traveled down to Camila's abdomen, the muscles on her stomach becoming taut under her the green-eyed girl's touch. As Camila's tongue battled with Lauren's for dominance, she felt the other girl raking on her bare abs and she moaned against Lauren's mouth.
Lauren started kissing Camila's neck as the brunette palmed her ass, pulling her towards her. Camila groaned when their covered centers made contact with each other and Lauren felt the girl's frustration, keeping her mouth on Camila's skin as her hand went down to undo her pants.
Camila cupped Lauren's jaw to bring their mouths together again, trying to focus more on the way Lauren's lips moved than the way her warm palm rubbed her through her boxers as it slid inside her pants. Their kisses became even more heated until Camila couldn't keep it anymore, aggressively yanking the towel off of Lauren's body with a growl. This caught the green-eyed girl off guard, finding Camila's dominance even more attractive. Camila gazed down at Lauren's body, her sexy curves causing her to drool as her jaw literally dropped at the sight. Sure, Camila have been fantasizing a lot about Lauren, and even though she planned this on happening tonight, she was still surprised to find such mesmerizing body like Lauren's.
"You're so beautiful," Camila said, her voice too small that Lauren found it endearing even in this intense moment.
She couldn't help but lean in to kiss the younger girl and Camila met her halfway, holding onto Lauren's vulnerable frame tightly—as if her life depended on it. She wanted to feel Lauren close to her, but she had too many clothes on. She kept kissing Lauren as she slid out of her pants, pulling her sports bra over her head next before embracing the taller girl again. They both moaned when their breasts touched, their hard nipples grazing against each other as they kissed feverishly. Lauren's hand reached Camila's butt as her other hand was tugging on her hair slightly. Camila let out a shriek against Lauren's lips when she unexpectedly spanked her, the brunette pulling away to meet the emerald eyes she easily became fond of.
"I honestly have a weird obsession with your ass," Lauren said confidently, Camila's flushed face and messy hair making her body heat up.
"Well, thanks for being honest?" Camila said, causing Lauren to giggle like a baby. They were too close to each other that the prominent thought in Camila's head was to kiss Lauren once more.
And she did.
Even more passionate than before.
Lauren kept rubbing Camila that she grew ten times her size around her hand. She pulled Camila's boxers down as far as she could and the shorter girl pushed it off completely with her feet. Camila's 9-inch dick sprung up, the head unintentionally sliding Lauren's clit before slapping Camila's own stomach.
"Shit," Lauren moaned at the sensation, breaking their kiss as Camila brought her lips to Lauren's neck. "Camila."
Camila sucked harshly on Lauren's throat, flattening her tongue against her skin until she reached her protruding collar bone. She gave it a teasing bite before sucking on it, too, making the taller girl moan again. Camila turned them around as she kept contact, carefully pushing Lauren back until she was seated on the bench. The younger one settled Lauren until she was lying her back on the cold metal bench, her whole body aching for Camila's touch that she was literally scratching her to come back. She didn't really have to ask twice, and Camila took one breast in her mouth without warning, her hand reaching up for the other to roll her fingers on the perky nipple.
"Oh ... " Lauren threw her head back as Camila sucked her nipple, the other hand slightly pinching. "Camila, please."
Camila was already achingly hard, and she pulled her hand back to pump herself first. She sucked roughly on Lauren's breast, the mark on it becoming an addition to the ones she had made on the green-eyed girl's neck and chest.
Camila released Lauren's bump with a satisfied grin upon seeing the hickies she left, keeping her hand-job as she slowly looked up at the dilated, and now gray eyes of Lauren. "I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby girl."
Lauren groaned as she felt wetness rush out of her just hearing Camila talk like that—she didn't think it would turn her on that much. "Fuck me, baby."
Smirk never faltering, Camila stretched her free hand down to Lauren's entrance before sliding her fingers across her glistening slit. Lauren was lubricated enough but Camila wanted to spend her time so she leaned down as she pushed the girl's legs aside.
"You're so fucking wet," Camila said, her thumb toying with Lauren's clit as the girl writhed beneath her. Lauren released another gush of wetness and Camila swiped her tongue across her folds. "Mmm. So good. Is this all for me, baby?"
"Camila," Lauren moaned loudly, shivering as Camila started teasing her entrance with her mouth.
The slurping sound the brunette was making made Lauren's stomach turn and she took a handful of Camila's hair, desperate to hold onto something.
"Ugh, baby, yes, just like that," Lauren said, the pleading only coming as motivation for Camila. "Fuck, Camila."
Camila hooked her arm around the raven-haired girl's legs and used her fingers to play with her clit as she drew shapes with her tongue. She slid her tongue inside Lauren and felt her clamp around her strong muscle tightly, as if it was really waiting for her to come in. She hummed at Lauren's sweetness, causing vibrations to her clit that made the green eyes see stars. Lauren's stomach became tight as her walls were and with a few more thrusts of Camila's tongue and the constant movement of her finger, the older girl's body started shaking.
"Shit, Camila! I'm coming!" Lauren pulled the brunette's hair and Camila continued her action, trembling legs squeezing her head as she was in between them. "Baby."
Camila slowed down a bit, helping Lauren to ride out her orgasm. Once the taller girl was done convulsing, Camila started cleaning her up and she dipped two fingers inside Lauren, collecting her release. Camila stood up and pushed her fingers to Lauren's lips, earning an understanding look from the other girl before opening her mouth. Lauren hummed as she took in her rival's fingers, tasting herself. She starting pushing and pulling her head as she sucked on Camila's fingers, causing her cock to twitch.
"Good girl," Camila said before pulling her digits away from the raven-haired girl, sitting beside her. "Sit on my lap. I want you to ride me.
The idea made Lauren's eyes sparkle, quickly doing what she was told. She didn't even care about using a condom. She was just as eager as Camila was. Despite her still weak knees, Lauren managed to get in position, her hands planted on Camila's shoulder as the brunette watched her lower herself on her rock-hard dick. Lauren bit her lip as Camila's head came in contact with her wet folds. She was too big for her but slowly, she managed to take Camila whole inside her.
"Fuck," Lauren said, feeling herself stretch on Camila's foreign length.
"You sure you can take me, Lauren?" Camila teased, her signature smirk plastered across her face. "I'm gonna ruin your little pussy and I'm not sure if you're ready for that."
Even if Lauren wanted to punch her at the exact moment, she knew this would lead to the loss of contact of Camila's dick and she'd rather be mocked than not to have the opportunity to be fucked by Camila. Yes, she was that eager—and horny.
"Watch me, Camila," Lauren said, trying to sound confident when she lifted her hips up. Lauren hadn't had something this big in her before so it was sure a bit of a struggle, but she didn't want to feed Camila's pride.
Lauren started riding Camila timidly, and as much as Camila wanted to tease her more, she loved the warm walls of Lauren around her. She also noticed that the girl was tight but Lauren insisted on satisfying Camila, making the younger girl smirk. Lauren was lacking in speed and Camila wanted more but instead of saying something about it, she reached Lauren's ass and lifted her up before laying her down on the bench. Lauren was about to protest when Camila sealed her lips with her own, their tongues dancing with each other instantly.
Camila started moving her hips in a slow manner, not to tease Lauren but to make her get used to her size. She was the girl's rival, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't care about her. Camila's fingertips ran from Lauren's thigh, up to her abs, then finally on her breasts. She rolled the stiffening nipple between her fingertips before squeezing, all the time keeping Lauren's mouth occupied by sucking on her tongue.
Lauren failed to keep up with the kisses when Camila picked up her pace, the brunette enclosing her luscious lips around her neck instead.
"Camila," Lauren moaned, the girl's pelvic deliciously hitting her clit due to their position.
Camila continued her movements, her teeth trapping Lauren's nipple before tugging on it. Lauren groaned in pleasure, her nails clawing on Camila's back and leaving red lines on her skin. Camila felt herself getting close and she pounded harder on the girl, hitting a particular spot that made Lauren's eyes roll to the back of her head.
"Fuck, yes, right there," Lauren said breathlessly, her fingers getting tangled with Camila's hair as she pulled her closer. "Oh my god, Camila ... "
With Camila's stimulation on Lauren's breasts and her cock continuously grazing her g-spot, a few more thrusts was all it took for the taller girl to fall over the edge once again. Lauren pulled harshly on Camila's hair, causing her to retract her mouth from her nipple. The way Lauren's walls tightened around Camila as she came gave a different sensation to the brunette, and before she knew it, Camila was seeing stars.
"Fuuuuck, Lauren!"
Camila shot her string of thick seed inside Lauren, joining the other girl's come inside her with a loud moan. She collapsed on top of her rival, chest heaving as they were barely able to catch their breaths. When the two finally managed to calm down from their high, Camila regretfully pulled out from Lauren, shivering when she saw their mix of pleasure leaking out from the girl's hole of glory. She stood up, the signature smirk back on her face before leaning down to kiss Lauren one last time.
"I guess you feel like you've won now?" Camila asked, her hot breath hitting Lauren's lips.
Lauren chuckled, her finger playing with the baby hairs on Camila's nape. "I'm a fucking champion."

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