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Chris POV
I felt so guilty for making Gordie cry. Jesus, what was I thinking?
As I walked home I saw my mom's car pull up in front of our house.
Since my father didn't have a job my mother was a prostitute. That's how Eyeball and I were born.
My dad hired her and I guess the condom broke or he just didn't wear one and she got pregnant. Twice.
Eyeball and I really were accidents, my father doesn't just say that to make us feel bad he's telling us the truth.
Usually my mom drives out of Castle Rock to find jobs. She is gone for about three to four weeks and when she comes home she probably stays for about three days.
When she comes home with a wad of cash she immediately has to give it to my father.
She stays with my father becomes of my brother and I. She always tells us she needs to stay and support us but Eyeball and I think she should just leave and get a better life.
My mom isn't the best mom, sure she smoked in front of us and was a prostitute but she loved Eyeball and I a lot, even though we were just accidents.
She hopped out of the car and smiled once she saw me.
"Hey, baby." She said and put her gentle loving hand on my cheek.
"Hey, mom." I mumbled.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"I made Gordie cry, again." I confessed and saying that out loud sounded even worse than it did in my head.
My mom knew I liked Gordie. I always talked about him to her.
I always told her how kind, beautiful, talented, smart, creative, thoughtful, and perfect he was.
My mom didn't judge me either, she always said
Look at what I do for a living, who am I to judge?
"Oh, you're little boyfriend?" She teased.
"Mooooom this is serious." I groaned.
She nodded as she took out two cigarettes, handing me one.
"Let's sit down." She said as we sat down on the front porch.
"Ok tell me what happened." She said as she lit my cigarette.
I told her the whole dramatic ass story in full detail. From Gordie getting a girlfriend to what just happened today.
I took a long drag from my cigarette and watched her process what I just explained.
"What a dick."
"Who, Gordie's dad?"
"I know right! He didn't pay attention to his son for one second and now he can't stop annoying him...he's probably being yelled at right now. It's all my fault."
I inhaled my on cigarette as she spoke.
"No it's not, Chris. All you did was try to make sure your boyfriend was ok. And he wasn't. And you noticed that and wanted to change that. Sure, you pissed that motherfucker of a father off but who cares?"
She took a slow drag from her cigarette.
"Gordie wasn't upset with you either. At least I don't think he is. He probably just wants to get away from his dad. And he's probably upset that you were fighting with his dad. That's not fun when you're boyfriend fights with your dad."
She inhaled on her cigarette.
"I mean the first time you made him cry in the treehouse that was all your fault, you totally exploded and let all your jealousy out on him, that's why he cried and ran away. You apologized too so you shouldn't feel bad anymore, Gordie accepted your apology. This time though, you shouldn't feel guilty. Not everything is your fault, baby. Don't take the blame for everything." She explained.
I nodded, hugged her tightly, and kissed her cheek.
"Thanks mom."
"No problem. You know I bet he's thinking about you right now." She said and elbowed me.
"You think so?"
"Of course. You're gorgeous after all. You definitely
have my looks."
I smirked.
"I love you, mom."
"I love you too, baby."
"One more thing, mom."
"Do you think he'll be at school tomorrow?"
"I hope so, but I'm not sure. It's up to that asshole he calls his father." She sighed.
"Now I gotta go give this money to that asshole you call your father." She then got up and walked inside.
I put out my cigarette and walked back to Gordie's house, repeating in my head what my mother had told me.
Idk if Chris's mom was actually a prostitute... I just thought this would be "nice" or whatever. If y'all have any prompts feel free to comment! Thanks for reading! Ilysm and thanks for the amazing comment I love them so much! ❤️

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