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Chris POV
I was sobbing.
I hurt the person I love the most.
I couldn't take it.
My crying was interrupted by a knock.
"Chris?" My mom's gentle voice said on the other side of the door.
"What?" I choked out.
"Gordie's awake. He says he wants to talk to you."
Hearing those words felt like a stab in my stomach. I can't talk to Gordie. He probably hates me.
"I...I can't. I need to be left alone." I weeped.
I heard her footsteps walk away and I continued to cry tears filled with guilt.
Fuck. I really hated myself.
I heard footsteps come back to the door.
"Mom please. I just need to be left alone." I sniffled.
"Chris? Are you ok?" I heard Gordie's sweet innocent voice ask.
My heart screamed. This poor baby didn't deserve any of the shit he got.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine Gordie. Go take nap or something you need to rest." I said, trying to push Gordie away.
"Let me in Chris, you don't sound fine." Gordie protested.
"Jesus fucking Christ Gordie you just got your ass beat go fucking rest! I don't want you to give two fucks about me! Just leave me alone!" I lashed out.
Gordie didn't say a word. But I knew he was still standing there.
"Either you come out or I come in."
Gordie's sweet voice became stern.
I unlocked the door, picked Gordie up, set him down on the couch and went straight back into the bathroom to lock myself up in there for probably another hour or two.
"Ow fuck..." I heard Gordie groan. He probably had a wicked headache.
Gordie POV
I had the worst headache ever.
I tried standing up to go talk to Chris again, but every time I stood up my head throbbed like crazy and I felt dizzy as fuck.
The whole day Chris's mom took care of me. Chris never told me anything about his mom. I don't know why. She's so sweet. She made the swelling on both of my eyes go down. She also fixed up all
the other scratches and shit that I didn't even know were there.
"What's wrong with Chris?" I asked her.
"He...he feels responsible for what Eyeball did to you. He can't take it. I think when he sees your face, in the state that it's in, he just kinda." She paused.
"He falls apart."
That pissed me off. Chris didn't do shit. Nothing was his god damn fault.
"Chris didn't do shit though!" I said raising my voice so Chris could hear me.
"I know. He felt guilty for making you cry yesterday too."
The memory of Chris and my father fighting flashed into my brain. Chris didn't make me upset at all.
Chris's mom glanced at the clock and said "You're father will probably be wondering where you are. You better get home. And don't worry sweetheart I'll beat Eyeball's ass for you." She winked and walked me too the door.
"Thanks Mrs. Chambers." I smiled.
"No problem. You can call me Lauren by the way." She waved.
I waved back and began my walk back to my house.
I felt terrible for Chris and his mom. They are such amazing people living with such assholes.
Once I made it to my house my mother didn't even notice I had two fucking black eyes. I mean sure they weren't as swollen as they were before but holy shit they weren't invisible!
That night I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning thinking about Chris and his poor heart.
He carries so much hate, responsibility, and guilt on his back like a slave.
More importantly I still didn't know what I was gonna do for him in return for getting my Yankees cap back.
I was desperate to see Chris tomorrow at school to tell him how nothing was his fault and he was amazing and kind and I would take all the guilt off him.

The next morning I got ready for school as quick as I possibly could.
I waited for Chris on the street where we usually meet up. He never showed up. I walked to school and never saw him in the hallways either.
We had the same first period class, so if I didn't see him there that probably means he's not showing up for school.
Please Chris. Please be here. I thought.
I even came to first period early and watched everyone walk in, impatiently waiting to see Chris's gorgeous face.
Chris wasn't there.
It was halfway into first period when he did show up, late.
Our teacher yelled at him, but judging by his face I could tell he didn't care.
He was worried about something.
Chris kept his head down as he walked into class.
Chris didn't look at me once.
We always exchanged glances or smiles at each other but today there was nothing.
He looked more nervous than usual too.
Every time I tried to make any contact with Chris he either ignored me or ran away from me.
Chris was avoiding me.
This is kinda just a fill in chapter I guess. Y'all imma be starting a new Lachambers story soon!! Thanks for reading! Ilysm! ❤️

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