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Gordie POV
I can't believe Chris Chambers (out of all people) ran away. He's never been scared of anything.
"Chris!" I screamed as he ran away.
My father pushed me inside and yelled
"Pack your shit or we'll leave it behind!"
I obediently went upstairs and started packing all the random crap I had scattered around my room.
Why would Chris run away? Where was he going? Will he be back? All these panicked thoughts flooded my mind.
I got distracted and started thinking about Chris and if I'd even see him again. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even realize my mother was standing right next to me.
"Gordon?" She said, bringing me back into reality.
"I've packed all your clothes. Just pack the things in your room that you want." She said and walked out, without even bothering to look at me.
I finished packing my things and reluctantly dragged my suitcase outside to the front porch.
I desperately looked around the streets and sidewalk searching for Chris but he was no where to be seen.
I felt tears prick my eyes as the once sweet, brave, and gorgeous Chris I knew had left me behind.
I picked up my suitcase and placed it in the backseat of the car.
"What the hell?! What are you doing?!" I heard my father yell. When I turned around I almost screamed.
"What are you doing?" I laughed.
It was Chris, standing on my roof, staring at me, with a goofy smile.
"How'd you get up there?" I yelled, in between laughs.
He shrugged. "I climbed."
"You better not fall and die." I joked.
"I can't promise anything." He smirked.
"Well while your in the hospital saying I didn't warn you just remember this moment, right here."
"Gordon, can you tell me what's going on?" My dad barked.
"It's Gordie." I corrected, not realizing I was talking to my father.
"Excuse me?" He said, glaring at me.
"Can I just get to the point on why I'm up here?" Chris said, making me and my father's head snap back to him.
"Gordie. Gordie Lachance. My life would be actual shit without you. Actually let me say that again. My life wouldn't exist without you. You are my life. I love you so much. Ya know I could talk about you all day but I don't want to waste any time."
My heart was thumping out of my chest. My stomach was filled with butterflies. I was drowning in the best way possible. Chris was the sweetheart that couldn't leave my life.
Chris switched his eye contact from me to my father.
"Me and Gordie are dating. Fags, homos whatever you want to call us, but it's true."
I could tell Chris was proud of himself. He made my father's jaw drop.
My dad turned to me, with wide eyes.
"Gordon tell me this is not true. Tell me this....this sick kid is lying!" He could barely talk. He was so shocked and confused, it was kind of funny.
Since Chris was have a hell of a time I might as well play along too.
I shrugged with a mischievous smirk on my face.
My father put his face in his hands and repeated "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god."
As my father continued to freak out Chris started talking again.
"Anyways, future writer Gordie Lachance." Chris paused to make things more dramatic. "This ones for you."
Chris picked up the radio, turned a few knobs, and started playing a song that him and I couldn't stop listening to ever since we heard it.
Every time this song came on on the radio Chris and I knew all the words. We sang to it as loud as we could, ignoring how terrible we sounded.
Chris started playing Stand By Me.
Being the emotional gay I am, I immediately started crying.
Chris was such a romantic cutie. He would risk his ass just to make you smile, he never failed at doing so.
He was never the best at singing, but for Chris this was pretty fucking good.
Chris kept making all these dramatic hand motions towards me. He was such a wonderful idiot. My wonderful idiot.
I didn't know it was possible, but I started laughing and crying at the same time.
Chris made a heart shape with his hands. I did the same in return. He is so gay.
As the song ended Chris held back tears and said "I love you Gordie. I love you so much."
Then he just let all his emotions explode and he cried.
"I knew you were a fuck up. My own god damn son a faggot. I hope your father knows your a faggot too Chambers. He'll really beat your ass this time." My father furiously grumbled. He opened the trunk to his car and threw out all my stuff. He got into the front seat of his car and said these words which I will never forget. "I never want to see you again, do you here me? Never. I've always hated you, both your mother and I. Goodbye Gordon." Then he drove off. My own father just left me. I always knew Denny was the favorite but, Jesus. I never knew they really hated so much.
I was shocked at first, but it didn't bother me that much. I hated him anyways and I was kind of glad he was gone. One less asshole in my life.
I turned around and heard Chris cursing.
"Shit shit shit!"
Chris just picked himself up from jumping off my roof. He dusted his jeans off, not noticing I was there.
I cleared my throat and as soon as Chris saw me he hugged me. "Oh Gordie. If you left I...I don't know what I'd do."
"You know I could never leave you Chris." I said, hugging Chris tightly back.
Chris looked at me with his pure blue eyes and asked "Where's your old man anyways?"
"Oh....um he uh...he left." I mumbled.
"What?! That bastard! I'm so sorry, I-I mean you could stay at my house but I'll have to sneak you in." Chris rambled. He was freaking out more than I was.
"Chris relax. I'm ok, really. I've always hated him and I guess it's better for both of us." I reassured.
Chris nodded. "But where are you gonna stay?"
It was so adorable how worried he was for me.
I thought for a second. "You really think you can sneak me in and out of your house?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Sure. As long as my dads passed out and Eyeballs not home. Which is most of the time. And maybe we can share a bed like a real couple! Oh and when my dad is awake or Eyeballs home we can just go to the treehouse!" Seeing Chris this excited was nice. I was excited too. Spending more time with Chris sounded like heaven.
Y'all we're coming to the end of this story. The next chapter is the last. Thanks for all the support and love! Thank you for reading! Ilysm! ❤️

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