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Chris POV
Yeah, I was avoiding Gordie. I had to. Every time Gordie and I did something together something bad would happen to him. I guess you could say I was trying to protect him. But I also couldn't see him. And I mean that literally. Looking at Gordie was just too much. He would always be stunning even with swollen eyes and blood all over his face but just knowing that was my fault....Jesus it hurt. It hurt a lot. He was in pain because me and my stupid brain.
When Gordie left I finally cleaned up Eyeball's room. It was pretty fucking embarrassing too. Ace and Eyeball wouldn't leave. They just watched me and laughed. Sometimes they would throw so random shit at me. But I didn't really care about anything they were doing. I was too worried about Gordie.
The next day I was planning on not going to school but my mom forced me too. I was late too, which is always fun.
I kept my head down when I walked into the classroom. I could feel Gordie's eyes on me. Watching everything I did.
I never looked at Gordie that whole period. It was pretty different. I always looked at him or stared at him.
Today I couldn't.
When first period was over Gordie rushed over to me, calling my name.
I ignored him. I just walked out of the classroom not even looking back.
"Chris!" Gordie grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him.
I felt my hands start shaking.
Gordie noticed. "Hey man are you ok...?" His voice was filled with concern.
My eyes widened as I heard his voice again. I didn't want to hear his voice.
My palms started sweating.
I couldn't speak. I opened my mouth to talk but no words came out.
Gordie looked shocked. I knew why. He's never seen me so freaked out and nervous. I never let anyone see me like that. But today I couldn't hide it.
I shook my head and quickly walked away from him.
"Chris!" I heard him yell again.
I started running away from him.
The rest of the day went kinda like that.
When school was over I saw Gordie looking for me in the front of the school. When his back was facing me I started running home.
Luckily he didn't see me.
As soon as I got home I locked myself in the bathroom, again.
Gordie POV
Chris is pretty fucking sneaky. I didn't see him leave school. I stayed at school for an hour and a half looking for him. I realized he probably made it past me and I was fucking pissed.
Come on Chris please just let me talk to you.
I thought as I walked home. Something I couldn't get off my mind was how scared Chris was. That was very new for him. Yesterday Chris's eyes were sparkling with hope and today they looked scared and defeated.
When I got home I did something...really weird. I walked around my house wondering what I was going to do for Chris in return for getting Denny's Yankees cap back.
As I was pacing around in my parents room something caught my eye.
There was a bright blue book tucked under her pillow. I pulled it out and started looking through it. As soon as I opened the first page I started smiling. It was a scrapbook of Denny. As I looked deeper into the book I was struck by an amazing idea.
I tucked the book back under my mom's pillow and started looking around my parent's room for another scrapbook I saw my mom working on right before Denny died.
She stopped working on it when he died. I looked in her closet and saw it on her top shelf.
"Shit." I groaned.
I went to the kitchen, carried a chair upstairs, and placed the chair in the closet. I stood on the chair and grabbed the book.
I hugged it tightly and ran to my room. I hid it under my bed and ran back to my parent's room. I put the chair back and ran back to my room. I took all the old pictures of Denny out and placed them inside my pillowcase.
Later that day I went to Teddy's house and Vern's house asking for pictures of Chris and I.
I filled the scrapbook with them, but there weren't enough.
I searched my house for pictures and only found two. Not a surprise.
It was around 2:30 am when I finished decorating it.
It had to be perfect.
There weren't enough pictures to fill the whole scrapbook so I took a small piece of paper and wrote
Let's make more memories so we can finish this together.
I placed the note on the first page that was empty, my heart jumping out of my chest.
That night I slept with a smile on my face.
Y'all the next chapter is gonna be really cute!!! Thanks for reading! Ilysm! ❤️

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