Chapter I

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The sun was already high in the sky and the fresh morning air came in through the half-open window of the room. The birds whistled happily and the smell of freshly baked bread was already in the air. Oh, how nice the mornings were in Avalor! Elena was still sleeping unaware of what time it was. The door opened slowly, then opened wide. It was Gabe. He walked silently to Elena's bed and stood for a while looking at her smiling. "She's so sweet when she sleeps" he thought. And he also imagined how good it would be there lying next to her and having been able to wake her by caressing her hair. But he was only a royal guard and now he had to carry out his task diligently without getting lost in those silly dreams! He shook his head and returned with his feet on the ground. Then he whispered in Elena's ear: "Elena, wake up". Since he did not get any results he repeated in a louder voice, but the princess didn't seem quite intent on waking up. On the contrary, she curled up in the blankets. At this point Gabe decided to implement his most effective tactics. He ran into the closet next to the room, caught his trumpet, returned immediately to the room and ... PEPPEREPEEEE.

Elena woke up with a start.

"What? How? When? Gabe?"

"Sorry princess but I had to resort to the last remedies, I could not wake you up"

"What, really? Oh, my goodness, I was sleeping so deeply" she said, her voice still thick with sleep, rubbing her eyes. Then she stretched and yawned loudly.

"I'm sorry, I would not rush you but... I had to wake you up because today-"
Gabe could not even finish the sentence that Elena interrupted him, wide-eyed: "The Grand Council! I'm late!".

She threw herself off the bed but she didn't pay attention and stumbled into a piece of blankets. She was about to make a big tumble on the floor when Gabe promptly took her in his arms.

"Be careful or you will not get all the way to the Grand Council" he said, looking into her eyes.

"You're right, Gabe, thank you, but now I absolutely have to go!" she answered, rushing out of the door. In a flash she reached the bathroom and rinsed his face with a little water. Then, as quickly as she could, she changed her clothes. Maybe a little too fast. In fact, she had put her dress on the contrary, had a different earring on the other and had fastened the necklace around her head.
"Oh, damn it!".
In a flash she dressed (this time correctly) and in a hurry she reached the room where the Grand Council would be held.

"Here I am!" she exclaimed still with the trouble for the ride she had made. There were all, as usual: Naomi, Abuelo, Abuela and the chancellor, his cousin Esteban, who as usual had that unsatisfied expression.

"See Esteban? Elena has arrived!" said Francisco (Abuelo of Elena).

"Yes, but with three minutes and forty-five seconds of delay!" Esteban replied, waving his hateful index finger in the air.

"Oh Esteban!" Naomi said, sighing.

"Now I'm here and I'd say we can start" Elena intervened, sitting down at her usual place. Abuelo cleared his throat and spoke: "Well, let's get started. Before discussing the situation in the kingdom, I have to give you a very important announcement". Everyone became curious and paid more attention.

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