Chapter X

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"Gabriel! My dear!" Blanca exclaimed as soon as she saw Gabe and hugged him tightly.
"Hi, mom".
She smelled of sweets, as always.
"Oh, son! Welcome back! What brings you here?" Roberto asked.
They were so happy to see him.
"Hi, dad. I'm here because... I decided to work with you at the bakery".

Roberto's eyes lit up instantly.
He was amazed.

"You're joking, right?"
"No, I am not joking"
"'s fantastic!!! Oh, sonny!
Finally you have understood what is your way!"
"Oh... Yes".
Blanca immediately noticed that there was something wrong with him.
"Everything is alright? I see you a little troubled. Why this hasty decision?" she asked.
"Don't worry, mom. It's all right. I simply understood that I had to stop being a royal guard".
But she didn't believe it.
Mothers have a sixth sense and understand immediately if there is any problem.
"Tell me the truth, mi amor" she said softly.
But Roberto said:
"Oh, Blanca! He has just arrived and I bet he can't wait to..."
"Mum is right" Gabe interrupted him.
Then he bowed his head and said sadly:
"I had a fight with Princess Elena. I... I love her but..."
"Avalor is full of beautiful girls! You'll soon forget her!" his dad exclaimed giving him a strong pat on the shoulder.
"But she isn't like the others..."
"Oh, Gabriel, I understand you very well. You'll see that everything will be fine" his mom said stroking his cheek and giving him a pastry.
"Thank you" Gabe replied smiling.
Although they had flaws, they were fantastic parents.
So he began to make some loaves and put them in the oven. Roberto was over the moon seeing his son working with him.


Everyone turned.

"Elena?" Gabe whispered in amazement.
"Oh, here you are... I..." Elena could hardly speak, she was out of breath.
"I... I'm sorry..."
"Have you run over here... for me?"
"Yes... I... I did wrong... I want you to return to be my royal guard. Please, forgive me".
Gabe smiled, his heart was full of joy.
"Ok, but on one condition".
Elena looked at him curiously.
"I want a big portion of tamales prepared by your grandmother"
"Of course!" Elena said laughing. They hugged each other very strongly, as if they had not seen each other for years.
Then Gabe turned to his parents.
"Mom, dad, I would..."
"Don't say anything, son. Go well"
"We are always here for you".
"Thank you!" he exclaimed hugging them.
Then he said:
"Let's go, Princess Elena. We have a very important thing to do"
"Yes, you are right".


Elena was about to leave the castle, but when she passed Esteban's room, she decided to go and say hello.

"Hi, Esteban! What are you doing?".
The chancellor crumpled a piece of paper he was writing on and threw it immediately behind him.
"Oh... I'm not doing anything"
he mumbled putting his hands behind his back.
"You were writing something..."
Elena said curiously approaching the crumpled sheet and collecting it.
"No! Don't read it!" Esteban exclaimed trying to get it out of her hands.
But Elena managed to unroll it and read aloud:
"Your eyes are deeper than the sea... Your hair..."
"I said NOT TO READ IT!!! He exclaimed again, taking the sheet back.
"Oh... I have understood... You're in love!" Elena said with a roguish smile.
"What?? Me?? In love?? What does it jump to your mind?"
"I know you well, cousin. Who is the lucky girl?"
"There is no lucky girl!! I said I'm not in love!!!"
"Ok, so... I am forced to sing that song you hate so much..."
"No, please, no!!!" Esteban said putting his hands in his hair.
"A little jaquin flits around meee! Play with meee, play with meee! Two little jaquins flit around meee! Play with meee, play with meee! Three little jaquins...".
Esteban lost his patience and shouted:

A grave silence swooped for a few moments.

"Naomi?" Elena asked, whispering.
"Yes... Now you know..."
"Oh... It's strange. You two don't get along very well..."
"Yes, but lately things have changed..."
"Really? Oh... how cute! You would be a nice couple"
"What foolishness!!! Do you believe that she would like someone like me??"
"You can't know it"
"I'm sure!! I have no time to lose in these idiocies!"
"But love isn't an idiocy. Now I have to go... Remember, always follow your heart" Elena said coming out of the room.

Esteban remained silent.


"Everything's ready"
"Wait! I have to take my tamborita!".
Gabe, Elena and Mateo were about to leave. The big moment had come.
"We have to pick Naomi up, she's waiting for us at the port" Elena said climbing on Skyler.
"Thanks for everything, Skyler.
You do a lot for the kingdom"
"Nothing, princesa. It's an honor for us" he replied taking flight.
Gabe and Mateo followed them with Luna and Migs.

Soon after they arrived at the port.
"Hi, Naomi!"
"Oh, hi guys. I have to tell you something...".

Everyone looked at her curiously.

"Unfortunately I can't come with you. My parents need help. Strangely many sailors got sick and here there is a lot of work to do. They need me, I can't leave them alone. I'm sorry"
"Don't worry, Naomi. We understand you" Elena said approaching her.
"Oh, you are fantastic friends!!" Naomi exclaimed hugging them all.
"I will think of you every day"
"We will do the same"
"See you soon! Good luck! I recommend, be careful!" She greeted them aloud waving an arm, seeing them darting in the blue sky.

Then she decided to check the mailbox and found there a folded sheet.
It was written: "For Naomi".

"For me? Strange..." she thought.
She opened it and read these words:

"Your eyes are deeper than the sea.
Your hair is more splendid than the sun.
You are the most beautiful girl
I can ever see.
When I saw your smile my life really begun".

Naomi smiled. It was such a beautiful and sweet poetry.
Who could have written it?
A secret admirer?
She didn't believe it but... Suddenly she felt something hit her head very hard!!!
She staggered for a few moments and fell unconscious to the ground.

Me and You❤ - Gabelena StoryWhere stories live. Discover now