Chapter IX

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Naomi was taking a walk in the gardens of the palace when she saw a stooped figure sitting on a bench.
He came up to see better.
He was Esteban.
What was he doing?
Naomi didn't know why, but she felt the need to talk to him.
So she headed towards him.

She was behind his back, but Esteban had not noticed.
He was holding a small portrait of a woman with a sweet look. He stroked the image, a tear fell on it.
A tear?
Naomi did not believe it.
"It's impossible" she whispered.
Esteban turned abruptly.
"Miss Turner? What are you doing here?" he asked hiding the portrait immediately and standing up.
"Oh... I was... I was checking the flowers! They really need to be watered!".
Esteban looked at her puzzled.
"Oh... the flowers" he said.
He had understood that it was an excuse.
"Come on, Miss Turner.
Don't waste time and go back to your work".
Esteban had tried to summarize his serious expression, his confident bearing, his firm tone. But he had not succeeded.
"The truth is that I came here for you. I saw you sad and lonely... I know we do not get along very well... But I wanted to know what happened to you" Naomi said.
So Esteban sat down slowly, took out the picture and said:
"She is my mother".
Then he began to tell:
"When I was in the service of Shuriki, I was blinded by hatred and thirst for power. I wanted to become one of the most important wizards of darkness.
I thought I was almost a king, but I was just a servant.
Despite all, my mother had always been waiting for me, had always tried to make me understand that in reality Shuriki was only using me for his shady plans.
Unfortunately I never gave her straight and I understood it at my expense. One day...
One day Shuriki killed her.
She annihilated her, as she had done with all her other victims.

Only then I understood everything, but it was too late.
I was a traitorous coward,
I hid...
I didn't do anything to stop her... I should not even be here..."

Esteban could not speak anymore, he was crying.

Naomi had never seen him like this.
She was deeply moved.
So she hugged him tightly.
Esteban remained motionless. He was surprised.
But then he hugged her.

When he was next to her he felt good, he did not have to pretend, he could be himself

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When he was next to her he felt good, he did not have to pretend, he could be himself.
"Thank you, Naomi" he said softly.
They both smiled and they looked into each other's eyes.
Esteban no longer saw her as the unbearable girl who works at the port.
Naomi no longer saw him as the unbearable chancellor.
Something had changed...


Elena was in her room, she had just finished dressing.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come on in"
"Hi, Elena"
"Hi, Gabe!"
"What are you doing?" he asked seeing her prepare a small bag with food inside.
"I'm leaving to go and face Shuriki"
"What?? Now??"
"Yes, now. She is about to take possession of the Stone of Darkness. I have to stop her before it's too late" she said firmly, heading for the door.
"Hey, wait!" he exclaimed blocking her.
"You can't go alone. It's too dangerous"
"Sure I can! Don't worry, Gabe"
"No!! Someone has to come with you"
"Maybe Mateo will come with me, but now I have to go. See you soon"
"Mateo? Oh... You can't go only with him! I have to come too"
"It isn't necessary, believe me"
"But I'm your real guard! I have to protect you! I want to protect you!"
"Mateo will be able to protect me much better than you! He is a wizard! Do you remember how the last time Shuriki has thrown you to the ground?
You only have a sword!"
"Why do you always think I need to be protected??!!
I don't need your protection, Gabe!!! I DON'T NEED YOU!".

Gabe was petrified by her words. He felt his heart break in his chest.

"So you think I'm useless..."
"Oh, Gabe... I didn't mean..."
"Every day I risk my life for you and this is your thanks?
I thought you were different, but I was wrong...
After all, you're right. Here I'm just useless" he said in a voice soaked with anger and bitterness.
Then he threw his sword to the ground and went away, slamming the door violently.

Elena felt horrible. She bent down to pick up the sword, a tear ran down her face.
At that moment she remembered that she had a colloquy with an ambassador.
So she stood up and left.


Greeted the ambassador, she immediately went to the guard rooms. She absolutely had to apologize to Gabe.
"Where are you going so fast, Princess?" asked Rico seeing her run.
"I'm looking for Gabe"
"Gabe has resigned"
"What??? When???"
"Exactly an hour ago"
"I must immediately go to him!!!"



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