Chapter XV

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Elena and Gabe were very worried about Mateo.
"He should already be here! What happened to him? We have to go looking for him!" Elena said agitated.
"Keep calm, Elena. He will arrive soon, I'm sure" Gabe said softly, putting his hands on her shoulders and looking into her eyes.
Elena immediately felt better, he made her feel good.
Then she hugged him and said:
"Thank you, Gabe"
"It's nothing".
His heart began to beat faster.
Oh, he loved her so much...

Suddenly a thought came to his mind.
If that was the right time to declare his feelings?
He couldn't hide them forever.
Maybe the moment was arrived... Yes! Maybe it was arrived!

He took courage, took a deep breath and said:

"Elena, I have to tell you something..."
"Tell me as well, Gabe".

He hesitated, his heart beat more and more.

"I... I'm... Er... I..."


"I... I'm... Oh... I lo-"

"Elena! Gabe!".

Gabe could not finish the sentence. Mateo was arrived. No... Maybe it wasn't the right moment...

"Oh, Mateo!!".
Elena hugged him.
"Where have you been??"
"I have a surprise!".
Elena looked at him puzzled.
Mateo turned and exclaimed:
"Well come!".

Elena saw a very familiar looking girl...

"Yes, she will help us" Mateo said putting an hand on Carla's shoulder.
"Hi" she greeted shyly.
"What? But... she is an our enemy!" Gabe exclaimed.
"Not anymore. Now she is with us"
"Are you sure? It could be a trap" Elena murmured in Mateo's hear.
"Don't worry, Elena. I'm sure"
"Oh, well, if it is so... Welcome between us, Carla! We are happy that you have decided to repent and to help us"
"Thank you" Carla replied.

"So we meet again, Elena".

Shuriki was behind them, awfully threatening, with Fiero and Victor Delgado.

But there was something even more terrible...

Elena and her friends didn't believe their eyes...

Shuriki was holding the Scepter of Night... with the Stone of Darkness on its top!!!

 with the Stone of Darkness on its top!!!

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"What... It isn't possible..."

"Yes... it's possible...".

Suddenly she threw purple lightning at them.

"Elena! Take the scepter!" Gabe exclaimed throwing it.
Elena caught it and shouted:
"Blaze!". The Scepter of Light lit up against her, but the Scepter of Night, with that stone, seemed more powerful.
"Obscure!" Shuriki exclaimed stifling the flashes of light.
Fiero and Victor started to cast spells on them.

"Carla! Hit!" Mateo exclaimed.
Carla was confused, now she had to attack his father, now she was enemy of her own father. It was terrible, but she did it anyway. She hit the tamborita against him.
Victor avoided the blow, but when he saw that his daughter had thrown it, she was petrified.
"What... what are you doing???"
"Yes, dad. I have decided to change. I... I'm sorry, but I can't continue to pretend, I can't continue to be one that I'm not really".

He was amazed.

"So your silly daughter is a traitor..." Shuriki snarled.
"I... I don't understand..." Victor said.
"She will do the end of everyone else"
"But... she is my daughter!"
"It's not my fault if she had a foolish father as much as she!".

In Victor snapped something that made him react, that changed him.
Shuriki was about to hit Carla, when Victor landed her and shouted:
"You will not do it, hideous witch!".
Shuriki stood up furious and hit him.
Then she recited a magic formula, a dark cloud lifted off the ground and enveloped Carla, Victor and Mateo.
A moment later they were disappeared into nothingness.

"No! Where did you bring them!!" Elena cried out.
"Oh, I have simply imprisoned them in the dungeons of the castle... They are wizards, I need them alive... But you do not serve anything, so... I will kill you!".
Lightnings and flashes sprung from her scepter.
Gabe and Elena started running while Shuriki and Fiero pursued them.
They were running faster and faster, with their hearts in their throats, avoiding every stroke.

After a long piece of road they stopped exhausted.
"We have leave them behind..." Gabe said turned. Then he said, breathless:
"You are so fast... Princess Elena"
"Yes... You too... Lieutenant Gabe Nuñez" Elena replied smiling, out of breath too.
Gabe noticed a cave.
"Let's hide here".
So they took refuge.
Elena was angry with herself:
"We must absolutely stop her!
Have you seen my scepter??
It isn't powerful enough! Oh, damn... Kitamos said I was ready! I do nothing but make mistakes..."
"No, you are perfect. But I... I have only a sword. I can't do anything...".
Elena looked at him softly.
"No, it's not true. You can do a lot"
"And how?"
"I do not know yet but... I'm sure we will make it! Yes!! I don't want to give up! Together, we will defeat that witch and save the kingdom and our friends!".
Gabe's eyes glowed as he saw her so excited.
Then she approached him and said:
"Me and you".

Me and You❤ - Gabelena StoryWhere stories live. Discover now