Chapter XIII

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Mateo opened his eyes, stunned. Fortunately he had not fallen from several meters in height and had landed on a bush that had softened the blow.
"Ouch!" he said touching his back. He stood up and looked around.
"Where is my tamborita..."

"Are you looking for this?".

Mateo turned and... saw Carla holding his tamborita!
"Hey! Give it back!"
"Ever and never!".
Mateo was about to grab it but Carla threw it and went into the river.

"Oh, no!"

Then she aimed hers against him.
"You have no escape..."
Mateo's eyes widened, his heart was beating madly in terror.
Carla was about to kill him with a spell, when he shouted:
"Please, don't do it!"

Her arm stopped in the air.

She looked at him in his green eyes.

"I know you don't want to do it.
I know you regretted. I feel that" Mateo said in a trembling voice.
Carla lowered the tamborita slowly and bowed her head.
"Yes, you are right. I don't want to kill you..." she whispered. "But my father leaves me no choice...".
She sat down on the ground bursting into tears and covering her face with her hands.

Mateo was amazed.
Initially he thought it was a trap, but then he realized she wasn't pretending.

"I'm just a stupid, insignificant girl" she said sobbing.
Mateo sat down next to her and said:
"No, it's not true. You are intelligent and talented".
Carla looked at him in disbelief.
Then he continued:
"I'm sure you'd be a fantastic wizard, but you must not serve the forces of evil!".
He moved closer to her and said softly:
"Come with me, help us defeat Shuriki. And I could become your wizard trainer! Oh, of course if you want it. Elena would surely give you a lab in the palace!".
Carla smiled, her eyes shone.
She had never felt so appreciated.
"It would be nice but... How will I do with my father?"
"Have the courage to tell him who you really want to be".
Carla reflected for a few moments and made her decision.
"Ok, I willingly accept"
"YEAH!" Mateo exclaimed excited.
"Oh... ehm... you are very pretty" he said timidly.
Carla blushed.
"Are you serious?"
"Of course"
"Oh, thank you... Nobody has ever told me this...".

They looked into each other's eyes...

"It's beautiful stay here with you

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"It's beautiful stay here with you... But now we should go..."
"Oh, yes"
"Oh no! How can I do without my tamborita?"
"Take mine. I'm so sorry..."
"Don't worry, thank you.
Let's go to Elena and Gabe".


Naomi was very bad. She was pale and gaunt. They only gave her a bowl of water and a piece of dry bread, once a day, nothing else. They always kept her locked up in that dark and dirty room. They only let her out to clean the ship. Often while working she had fallen to the ground without strength, but those horrible pirates whipped her and forced her to continue. She could no longer bear that imprisonment, she wondered when it would end.

It was night.
Naomi was trying to fall asleep.
Captain Blackrock entered the room and kicking her shouted:
"A pirate has thrown up, come and clean!".
But Naomi could not even get up, she felt her strength failing her.
"I said COME AND CLEAN! Stupid!" he shouted even louder, giving her another kick.
Naomi groaned in pain.
He understood that it was useless to insist and yelled:
"Time is running out. If your father does not show up with money by tomorrow, this is your last night".
Then he banged the door violently, but forgot to lock it...

Midnight arrived.
Naomi felt weaker and weaker.
She was crying. Hot tears burned on her face.
But suddenly she saw the door open.


She rubbed her eyes.


Esteban ran to her and hugged her with all the strength he had.
"I thought I would never see you again" she said with a voice broken by tears.
"Oh, darling... Don't cry... Now I'm here" he whispered continuing to hugging her and caressing her head.
Then he wiped her tears lovingly and looking into her eyes he said:
"You'll see that everything will be fine, we'll make it".
Naomi hugged him again.

"Apparently we have guests".

Captain Blackrock and other pirates were there in front of them.

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