Chapter IV

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It was four days before the party and the preparations were not going well. The problem was those two: Esteban and Naomi. Elena often did some tasks but obviously could not take care of everything! Although after the accident they tried to get along, they had not succeeded, or at least rarely. When they did not scream, they were detached. Francisco had lost some of his confidence in them and had decided to substitute them, but Elena had intervened as a mediator: "Give them more time, I'm sure they'll succeed"
"I hope so" he answered, sighing.

Elena was reading a good book sitting on a small armchair in her room. Finally she could enjoy a little tranquility after a lot of work! Elena loved reading very much, especially the myths and legends that dotted the story of the kingdom of Avalor. Suddenly it occurred to her that the next day would be...
"The anniversary of Abuelo and Abuela!" she exclaimed, closing the book instantly. She absolutely had to think of a present for them! During all that confusion she had completely forgotten about it. So she began to think about what was the best gift. She thought and thought, but nothing suitable came to her mind. A jewel? Mmm... No, only Abuela would have put it. A portrait? It would take too much time and it wouldn't have been a surprise! A party? There was already too much movement for the welcoming party. Elena reflected for half an hour but to no avail.
"Maybe some fresh air will help me to think better".
So she went into the gardens and found Gabe that was still working.

"Hi Gabe!"
"Oh, hello Elena!"
"Why are not you still on break?"
"I have to substitute a colleague of mine who had to leave for an urgent matter"
"Oh, I see"
"You look tired, all right?"
"Yes, but tomorrow will be the anniversary of Abuelo and Abuela and I don't know what gift to make them..." she replied discouraged.
"Mmm... ". Gabe thought for a moment, touching her chin. Suddenly he exclaimed:
"I have an idea!".
Elena looked at him curiously. "You could make the Pan de l'Amor (bread of love). I heard it was their favorite dessert and they often ate it when they were engaged"
"It's true, How didn't I think about it? They themselves told it to me some time ago, it's a brilliant idea!" Elena said, beaming.
"Well, modestly I'm full of brilliant ideas" he said pretending to brag. They both laughed, but suddenly Elena's face darkened.
"What happen?" Gabe asked. "There's a problem: the recipe of the Pan de l'Amor is very old and very few know it"
"Don't worry, I know it". Elena's eyes lit up again instantly.
"Are you serious?"
"Of course. As you well know, I am a baker's son and I have learned many recipes, even the oldest ones"
"Oh Gabe, you are fantastic!" Elena said hugging him. Gabe breathed in his scent, he loved his scent, he loved her.
"Let's start now!" she said with a wave of her arm.
"Wait, I'm still on duty!" "Someone else will substitute your colleague. Now let's go, the kitchen is waiting for us!".
So they headed for the castle's kitchen.

"Do you think we can get in here?"
"Of course Gabe! Let's get to work". They wore a chef's coat and took the ingredients.
"So... eggs, milk, flour, cinnamon, spices, sugar. Yes, there is everything" Gabe said, checking that there was everything necessary.
"What is the secret ingredient of this cake that is handed down from generation to generation?" asked Elena.
"That's it" he replied, pulling a green sachet out of his pocket.
"Mmm... what a good smell" "It's a mixture of spices, which gives that characteristic taste to Pan de l'Amor" Gabe explained. "My dad prepared it, I don't know what he put in. I found it in my little pantry"
"Perfect Gabe, let's start!".
Elena broke an egg but... it splattered on the table.
"Ops, eh eh eh" she said embarrassed.
"Sorry Gabe, I'm not good at cooking"
"Don't worry, it can happen. Do you think I'm an excellent cook? Well, you are wrong. But we don't give up!"
"Quite right!".
After cleaning up that little mess, they went on quietly.
But when they had to add the flour, one part poured on the ground. A white cloud dissolved in the air.
"Oh, you have some flour on your cheek" Gabe said caressing her face to clean it.
"Thank you. You have some on your nose too" she said taking it off and smiling at him. Then their eyes met. They stood looking at each other for a moment. It was like time was suspended. Gabe was completely lost in her big brown eyes. Elena tried something new, which she had never tried. She was happy and her heart was beating so fast in her chest.
"Let's continue?" she said softly.
"Oh, sure" he replied.
Everything went on for the best.
"Now we have to add the spices... Argh... this thing doesn't open..." Elena said as she tried to open the sachet.
"Wait, I help you"
"No thanks, I can... argh... do it alone... Oh no!". Elena opened the sachet, but with too much force! All the spices spread on the floor.

"Do you have another sachet?" she asked in a whisper.
"No, I'm sorry. It was the only one I had" he replied sadly.
"Oh, I'm a real disaster. I ruined all" she said with her head dawn.
"It isn't true" he said placing his hands on her shoulder.
"Do you give up for so little? This isn't the Elena I know!
What is really important is that you have prepared the Pan de l'Amor with the affection you feel for your grandparents, not those stupid spices!"
"You are right, let's finish our dessert!".


"Best wishes!" Elena and Isabel exclaimed in chorus.
"I have prepared this for you" Elena said handing the cake to their grandparents.
"Oh, Francisco! This is the Pan de l'Amor, do you remember it? We always ate it!"
"Of course, I remember it!". They tasted a piece.
"It's delicious, just like it used to be! Compliments Elena".
She smiled, Gabe was right.
"Elena, do you know why this dessert is so special?"
"Ehm..yes. The mixture of spices. Unfortunately I couldn't put it"
"Oh Elena, it doesn't matter, but that's not what makes it so special"
"No. It's special because it's prepared by two lovers!" Francisco said.
Elena blushed instantly and remained motionless.
She had prepared it with Gabe!
Did this mean they were in love? Or was it just a coincidence?
"We always prepared it together and that was why it was always so good. With whom did you prepare it?".
Elena hesitated for a moment, then answered in a shaky voice:"With Gabe".
"Oh, how cute!" Isabel said.
"Oh Isa, we are just friends".
Elena had said it but she was not so sure anymore.
"Even two friends can prepare it" Abuela said. While Elena was lost in thought, Isabel gave her grandparents her present.
"This is a music box with your favorite melody. I created it with my hands" she said showing it.
"It's wonderful! Thank you, Isabel" they said excited stroking her head.
In the meantime Elena had decided to do something for Gabe...

Gabe had just finished his turn. He was tired and sweaty, but happy.
"Elena! What's in your hands?"
"The Pan de l'Amor?"
"I made another for you"
"Oh, you didn't have to bother, thank you, you're so kind"
"Eat it!"
"Let's eat it together".
So they sat on a bench and tasted it, watching the sun disappear behind the horizon.

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