Chapter VI

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Naomi was in a room of the palace that Elena had reserved for her.
Curled up on the bed, she was crying in silence holding a pillow tightly.
She felt only a foolish and useless girl, just as Esteban had said. She had decided to resign from the Grand Council and continue her quiet life at the port, but at that moment she only wanted to drown in her own tears, far from everyone.

Suddenly she heard a knock.
She stood up trying to compose herself and went to open the door.

She found Esteban in front of her.
Esteban? What was he doing there?
Esteban took a deep breath and said:" Naomi... I-"
"I know, I have to go. Now I will take my things and remove the trouble" she interrupted him opening a drawer and starting to take away some of her belongings.
"No, wait".

The girl stopped and turned to him.

"I... I apologize for all the things I told you. I behaved horribly.
You are a strong, beautiful and intelligent girl. You are more than suitable for the Grand Council. I hope you forgive me".

Having said these words, he bowed his head sadly.

Naomi was amazed, she had never seen him like this.

She approached him and Esteban raised his head, looking at her with his bright, brown eyes

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She approached him and Esteban raised his head, looking at her with his bright, brown eyes.
"I forgive you" she told him smiling.
Esteban immediately felt better and smiled too.
They stood looking at each other for a few moments.

They stood looking at each other for a few moments

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What was happening?Then Esteban said:"Well, Miss Turner

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What was happening?
Then Esteban said:
"Well, Miss Turner. Now we have a lot of work to do so... Let's go!".
The chancellor left the room with a quick step and Naomi followed him enthusiastically.


The days passed fast...

Finally everything was ready for the big reception party!
Esteban and Naomi had managed to organize everything in the expected time! Elena was over the moon, everything seemed to be going right.

"Hi, Naomi!"
"Hey! Hello, Mateo!"
"How are the preparations for the party going?"
"We did it, I managed to get along with Esteban"
"Well, I'm happy for you. Would you like to help me in the lab? I really need a hand"
"Of course!".
So they headed for the laboratory but as soon as they set foot there...

"Oh no! My lab is... Destroyed!".
Naomi put her hands to her mouth.

It was a total disaster.
The furniture, the books, the potions, there was nothing left, just a pile of rubble...
"Who did it?" Naomi asked in a whisper.
Mateo bent down to pick up some pieces of a broken jar, then looked at them closely and said:
"Black magic"
"Black magic? So do you think a sorcerer entered here?"
"No... A sorceress"

Naomi became pale instantly.
"On these pieces there are traces of her spells, this thin green powder..." Mateo said showing it.
"Shuriki is back"
"But... this is terrible!".
Mateo observed with lucid eyes what was left.
Naomi put her hands on his shoulders and said:
"I'm so sorry. If you need me, I'm here"
"Thank you so much, Naomi. But now we have to warn Elena".


Elena was petrified by what Mateo and Naomi told her.
Also Gabe was present.
He recalled his nightmare, it was indeed a premonitory dream.
"Are you sure it was... Shuriki?" Elena asked.
"Yes, we are. Look" said Mateo opening his hand and showing her the dust found on the shards of the jar.
The princess touched it with a finger.
All of a sudden all the terrible memories of the past assailed her, like obscure hidden monsters ready to attack.

"Elena, are you ok?" asked Gabe worried.
She seemed impassive.
"Oh, yes. Excuse me" Elena answered shaking her head.
Then she continued:
"We can't let Shuriki come back, we must absolutely act"
"Do you intend to cancel the party?" Naomi asked.
"No, by now everything is ready. The party will be this evening, as expected. Shuriki won't be able to terrorize us.
We will increase security.
Gabe, can you warn all the royal guards?"
"Of course"
"Well. Immediately after the party we will think about how to face that wicked witch. Now you can go, thank you friends".
Elena smiled at these last words. Then she approached Mateo and said softly:
"Don't worry, Mateo. You will soon have a new lab"
"Thank you, Elena".

Gabe had stopped to look at them at the door of the room.
"They are really in love" he thought sadly.
He decided to stop hoping for something that would never happen, he decided to repress his feelings and accept the harsh reality.
But it wouldn't have been easy...
When someone really loves, he loves with all of himself, and Gabe really loved her, with all of himself.

When someone really loves, he loves with all of himself, and Gabe really loved her, with all of himself

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"Now I have to do my duty" he thought.
So he left.

In the meantime someone, hidden in the shadows, had listened carefully to the whole conversation...

"Do you want to attack tonight?"
"No, let's let them enjoy the party... Then it will be my turn..."


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