Chapter II

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"The king and queen of the Valley of the Sun will soon come to visit us. The Valley of the Sun is a kingdom full of goods that would serve a great deal here in Avalor, which is why we will should make an excellent impression to be able to undertake commercial exchanges with them. We will organize a party to welcome them! "

"Yes, hurray! A party!" exclaimed Naomi excitedly.

"You see that you grew up on a ship, Miss Turner! Organizing a party is not as easy as it may seem!" Esteban said with his knowing air.

"It takes time, work, organization..."

"Of course, but a party must be fun, not boring!" Naomi interrupted him.

"Er-er" Francisco said to shut them up. Then he said:
"The king and queen of the Valley of the Sun are very fond of parties, dances and music, so let's make it a pleasant event"

"It will certainly be. Entrust me with the direction of the party!" Naomi said enthusiastically and self-assuredly.

"Oh, give me the job. I've always been in charge of these events and you have always been satisfied with it" Esteban said with pride and boldness.

"And then..." he whispered in Francisco's ear, "that little girl could mess it up"

"Look, I heard you!" she exclaimed, banging a fist on the table.

"Please, calm down!" said Francisco.

"You will take care of the party together"

"What?" asked the two in chorus.

"Me with him?"

"Me with her?"

"Yes, just like this".

They looked appalled but accepted however, even if annoyed and rather irritated. They sat down with folded arms. The Grand Council continued less animatedly and ended at lunchtime.


Elena was walking through the palace gardens. The bushes of red roses were the thing she loved most.

"These roses could be the main decoration of the big party" she thought admiring the wonderful flowers that were at the height of their beauty.


"Hi Gabe!" she greeted him smiling.

"Are you taking a walk?"

"Yes. As you well know, I love the outdoors, and what do you do?"

"This is my break time, so... I was thinking of going to rest a while"

"Of course, go well"

"But first I have to give you something...".
Gabe pulled a light blue earring out of his pocket.

"My earring! I lost it in the rush of this morning, thanks Gabe!"

"Nothing. See you later"

"See you later". After saying goodbye to Elena, Gabe set off for his little room. But as he headed he saw that Mateo had reached Elena. They were arguing merrily.

So he stopped for a while to look at them.

"Perhaps Mateo is much more than just a friend for her..." he thought sadly.

"And I'm just a real guard." Gabe, despite hiding it well, was very jealous of Elena and every time he saw her with Mateo, deep sadness was born in him, convinced that Elena loved Mateo. He didn't hate him, on the contrary, they were good friends, but every time he thought that one day Mateo could be her beloved's husband, his heart broke.

But Gabe was not one who was crying at all. He faced the problems head-on, he was fearless and brave.

So he left with a firm step.


That evening Elena could not really sleep. She turned and turned over in bed, she counted the jaquins, tried to fall asleep peacefully, but nothing to do. She had a lot of thoughts on her mind. She thought of Isabel and how beautiful and intelligent she grew up, she thought of Abuelo and Abuela who were always close to her and advised her, she thought of Mateo, a sincere and trustworthy friend, but above all, she thought of Gabe.

She thought of all those moments when she had made her laugh and in which he had protected her, when he had trained her in the game of fencing, when she had trained him in the game of olaball and when, in the adventure of the Temple of the Gecko, he had jumped in her arms scared by a floating bottle.
To this last funny memory, a giggle escaped her. Then she thought of his sculpted musculature, his light brown eyes and his smile...

"Oh, why do I keep thinking about him? We're just friends" she told herself. But how long would they have been just friends?

Not even Gabe could sleep!
And guess who thought? To Elena, of course. It was useless to deny it: he loved her with all his heart and for her he would have renounced life too. Not for nothing he decided to become a royal guard. Sometimes he thought about how many chances he would have to get engaged with her if he was a prince, but soon he realized that being a real guard, that being always next to her and being able to protect her, was the most beautiful role he could have ever occupied and that it was a blessing from heaven. He thought of her long, wavy dark hair always gathered in a high tail that fell on his shoulder, her big brown eyes, her beautiful laugh.
"Why do I keep thinking about her? For her I'm just a friend and we will always remain friends!" he told himself. But would they really remain friends forever? So they both fell asleep sweetly, thinking of each other.

Me and You❤ - Gabelena StoryWhere stories live. Discover now