Chapter XVI

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Shuriki approached the entrance to the cave...
"Here they are, they hid here".
Elena grabbed the scepter.
They fought for a long time while Gabe was trying to land Fiero with his sword.
Shuriki threw a lighting bolt that was about to hit Elena.
"I'm too powerful... Just give up" she said smirking malignant.
"Never and ever!".
Elena was in difficulty, it seemed that everything she did was useless, when... An idea came to her mind.
She raised the Scepter of Light and recited all the formulas she knew.

A huge light spread throughout the cave.

Shuriki and Fiero covered their faces, blinded.

"Blaze, illuminate, reveal...".
Elena kept on reciting the formulas, but she felt her strength failing her.
She was using the scepter too much...

She felt her legs give way, her head was spinning and... she fell to the ground exhausted.

Shuriki made an evil laugh.
"Oh, I knew you couldn't defeat me. You're just a silly princess...
Goodbye, Elena!".
The sorceress cast a tremendous spell that was about to kill her, but Gabe threw himself over her and shouted:

The sorceress cast a tremendous spell that was about to kill her, but Gabe threw himself over her and shouted:"NO!!!"

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He felt the lightings stab him like sharp blades, but he didn't care and kept on tightening Elena to protect her.

At that moment something unexpected happened. The Stone of Darkness broke away from the scepter and fell at the feet of Shuriki and Fiero.
A cloud of darkness lifted off the ground and began to envelope them.
They were abusing that power, just like the ancient maruvian magician. All the evil they had done was coming back to them.
Shuriki was despaired.
"What? What's happening?? No! No! No! NOOOOO!".
They tried to escape but in vain.
They were suffocated by their own evil.

It was all over.

Although Elena was dazed, she had seen everything.

She turned her face and... saw Gabe lying on the ground beside her, unconscious.
"Gabe!!!" she exclaimed bending over him and she put her hands to her mouth.
It was terrible...
He was covered in bruises and had a deep wound on his abdomen that was bleeding profusely.
"Oh, Gabe!!! Can you hear me?? Gabe!!!".
He opened his eyes slightly and whispered:
"Gabe! Hold on, I'm going to look for help". Elena was about to get up, but Gabe blocked her by the arm.
"No, stay here..."
"You must be absolutely rescue!"
"Yes!!! You're losing too much blood!! I'll come back soon"
"No... This area is uninhabited..."
"Maybe there is someone!!"
"Your life is in danger!!!"
"My moment is arrived...".

Elena remained petrified.
"What? No! No, you... You can't say it! You... You are young, you have so many years in front of you, you can't say it!".
But Gabe was in terrible conditions, his breath grew dimmer. The wound was bleeding more and more.
Many tears begin to flow on her face.
It seemed impossible. She tore off a piece of her dress and tried to medicate the wound, but it was useless. She knew there was nothing left to do, but she didn't want to believe it.
"No, Elena... Leave it...". His voice was very faint.
"What?? I can't leave it!"
"Don't worry for me... Go to the palace... To your family..."
"I can't leave you here!!!!"
"You have defeated Shuriki! I'm proud of you. You will be a wonderful queen".
"GABE!! I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU HERE!" she cried out loud, in tears.
She could feel his breath getting weaker, his heart beating more slowly...
Crying, she said:
"You... You have sacrificed your life... For me. Why did you do that..."
"I must always protect you. That's what a real royal guard do, it's not it?"
"But... You're... you're dying!".
Gabe looked into her eyes, gently caressed her and, whispering, said:
"I prefer to die than to live without you".
Elena held his hand tightly close to her chest.
"Oh, Gabe!"
"From the beginning, from the first moment I saw you, I knew you were a wonderful princess.
I never doubted you, I knew I was the luckiest man in the world, because I was your real guard, and I will always be. Even if you don't see me, I will be there. I will never leave you, I will always be there for you, always. Got it?"
Elena was crying desperately.
"Got it".

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