Chapter XI

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Naomi opened her eyes, still stunned.
She felt like she was swaying.
"Where am I..." she whispered.
She was in a dark room, she couldn't distinguish objects well, but she certainly wasn't at home.
Suddenly she understood where she was.
She was on a ship.
She tried to move but her hands and feet were tied and saw the door open slowly, letting in a dim light.
An imposing black figure stood out. Naomi did not know who he was.
"So the girl woke up..." the shady figure said approaching her. His voice was hoarse and disturbing. He was a sturdy man with dirty hair and a greasy beard, an eye patch, an aquiline nose, a breath that smelled of alcohol and smoke and two witty eyes that flashed like headlights in the night.
"Who... who are you?" Naomi asked in a whisper.
"It's none of your business..."
"I want to know who you are!" Naomi exclaimed trying to hide fear.
"If you care so much... I'm Captain Rockblack, the most feared pirate of all the seas!" he said with an evil laugh.
"Why am I here? What do you want from me?"
"Oh, how many questions! You're a real nuisance... I'll tell you everything...
I was an your father's friend, many years ago. But one day he decided to become "good" and no longer wanted to go raiding with my crew. He wronged me... I never forgave him.
Now I found out where he was hiding with his pathetic family and I managed to kidnap you...
I sent him a letter...
Or he will pay the sum I asked for or... he will never see you again"
"What? You can't do this!". Naomi was about to cry.
"Shut up, stupid girl. Go back to sleep" he said leaving the room and locking it.
"You won't get away!" she shouted wriggling trying to free herself, but she couldn't.
So she gave up, a myriad of terrible thoughts assailed her.
Se was in anguish.
Who knows how her parents were worried...
She thought of her friends and... of Esteban. Until a few months ago she hated it, but now she wanted to have him beside her and hug him as hard as she could. She loved him so much. She loved all of him, both his qualities and his faults. She missed him terribly. But thinking back to him she decided not to lose hope and gathered all her strength. Despite being surrounded by total darkness, she felt a light illuminate her. She could do it, she had to do it.


Our friends were unaware of what had happened to Naomi and were continuing their journey.
"Mateo, what do you know about the Stone of Darkness?" Elena asked.
"As Kitamos told you, it's a powerful stone that was discovered by the Maruvian magicians on a hill in the heart of Avalor. Initially it wasn't dangerous, on the contrary, it gave benefits. But one of the wizards wanted to take the stone and not to share it with others. He wanted to became the most powerful wizard, so he started to enrich it with all the spells he knew. But all that black magic escaped him, it opened a huge obscure chasm, he could no longer control it and... died.
The other wizards joined forces and managed to dominate it by bringing the stone back to the place where they had found it. From that moment it was called Stone of Darkness and nobody knew anything about it. It's said that only an enormous force more powerful can block that tremendous black magic, but nobody knows what it is".

Gabe and Elena were amazed by Mateo's story.
"So... if Shuriki takes possession of the stone, it will be the end" Gabe said.
"It will not happen. Come on, let's continue our journey" Elena said firmly.
"Wait, it is getting dark. It's better camp here for the night" he retorted.
"Ok, you're right".

They lit a fire, put some blankets on the ground and ate something.
Then Elena greeted her friends and went to sleep.

Gabe was staring at the crackling flames, in the middle of the night.

He wanted to be vigilant to make sure nothing happened to his friends, especially Elena...

"Still awake?".
Gabe turned and saw Mateo approaching and sitting next to him.
"I don't want to sleep"
"But how will you do tomorrow? It lacks little to get to the big hill, we will soon have to face Shuriki!"
"Don't worry, I'll make it"
Mateo looked at him puzzled.
"There is something wrong?" he asked him.
"No, it isn't true. I know that sad face... With me you can confide!".
Gabe was silent for a few moments, he didn't know whether to tell him the truth.
But then he said:
"I love Elena"

"Oh, yes!! I always knew!!" Mateo exclaimed with a shrill voice, leaping up.
"Shh!! Shut up or you will wake her up!!" Gabe scolded him.
"Yes, sorry, eh eh... However you do not seem very happy..."
"Because... I know you are in love".
Mateo burst out laughing.
"Shut up!!!!!" Gabe exclaimed.
"Sorry but I couldn't restrain. How did you come to mind? We are just friends!"
"You... You are... Just friends?" Gabe whispered amazed.
"Of course! Oh, Gabe, how very funny!" he said with giggles.
"But I thought..."
"You were wrong! I'm sure she returns your feelings"
"What are you saying... for her I'm just a friend... she doesn't love me"
"How do you know? You should tell her"
"What?? I hope you are jocking!! I would ruin everything! No no no... Elena will never know anything"
"If you don't say so, I say so"
"Don't do it!! Ok... maybe someday... But I will do it, not YOU"
"Ok... mute as a fish".
Gabe smiled and said:
"Thank you, Mateo"
"For what?"
"You are a true friend"
"Oh, it's nothing! You are too. But now I'm sleepy..." he said yawning.
"Go well, now I'm going to sleep too".

Gabe lay down not far from Elena, he wanted to stay close to protect her. He looked at her and closed his eyes.

But just when he was about to fall asleep, he felt someone touching him.
He immediately opened his eyes.
It was Elena. She was sleeping hugged to him.
Gabe smiled. It was wonderful to be so close to her.
He tenderly stroked her and fell asleep happy.


Esteban was near the port.
Sitting on a bench, he was watching the sun set and shine on the sea.

He couldn't believe it, he was in love with Naomi, that girl who until recently was unbearable.
Those two big blue eyes sent him in confusion...
"But... we have twenty years of difference! I'm too old for her" he thought sadly.
He shook his head trying not to think of her, but he could not.
He had never been in love and now he was managing a whole new feeling.
Suddenly he saw a man with a letter in his left hand.
He looked familiar...
He was Naomi's father! And he was crying!
Esteban approached him and said:
"Good evening Mr. Turner.
I don't want to do your business but... Can I know why you're crying?"
"Oh, chancellor! My daughter was kidnapped!".
Esteban widened his eyes.
"Yes! They hold her hostage, they want a lot of money but I do not have that exorbitant amount! Besides I can not even go to her because my wife is sick, I have to take care of her!
On the letter it says that they are in the Bay of the Deadly Rocks, but I don't know where it is!! I checked on every map, but nothing !! Nothing!! Oh, my beloved daughter !!".
The poor man was crying desperately.
"The Bay of the Deadly Rocks!! I know where it is!!!" Esteban exclaimed.
"Don't fear, I will save your daughter and I will pay the sum. Soon you will be able to hug her again"
"Oh!! God bless you! God bless you!!!! Take my boat!"
"Thank you".

Esteban left Avalor and set off.

"Don't worry, Naomi. I will save you".

 I will save you"

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Me and You❤ - Gabelena StoryWhere stories live. Discover now