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THE next day at school, Becca was getting her stuff out of her locker when she was suddenly greeted by the sight of Kevin...and Veronica.

"Hey Kevin," She said to him, surprised to see the Lodge girl as well.

"Hey Becs, this is-"

"Oh, she knows Kev," Veronica cut him off and then turned her expression to Becca with a smile, "We met at the SoDale open house the other night."

Kevin looked somewhat surprised and a bit apologetic as he looked between the two of them.

"Hey Veronica," Becca said in a flat tone and gave her a polite smile before turning back towards her locker.

"Listen," The raven-haired girl said again, catching her attention once more, "Kevin told me you don't really like other people, but I'm hoping you might want to come to Pop's later after school with us?"

Becca sighed, wanting nothing more than to gouge her own eyes out. Huh, she'd been thinking about that a lot lately. Perhaps it was the elevated levels of socialization.

"Plus, Kev here tells me you're a hacker," Veronica said with a wicked smile, "A good one."

Becca's brown eyebrow arched up in intrigue. She shot a glance at Kevin, letting out an irritated breath. Sometimes she hated him and his big mouth.

"Actually, the best," She replied, slamming her locker closed, "Why do you ask?"

Kevin and her shared a look. Becca suddenly got the distinct feeling they were plotting something.

"I'll explain after school at Pop's," Veronica said again, her smirk growing wider, "Milkshakes on me."

As much as Becca wanted to say no, she couldn't turn down one of Pop's famous milkshakes, and for free? Sign her the hell up.

"Alright," She relented, looking between the two, "But it will be just us right? No other tagalongs? I can only handle so many people without becoming annoyed five seconds into the conversation."

Veronica nodded triumphantly, "Yep! Just us. Promise."

Becca nodded before Veronica waved good bye to her and Kev and left to go down the hallway. She turned her accusing gaze back at Kevin and crossed her arms menacingly.

"What?" He asked, clearly confused by her expression.

"Don't 'what' me," She spat, irritated, "Why did you tell Veronica Lodge of all people that I could hack into things? Now her and her friends will never leave me alone."

"I actually do have a reason for that, but it will be discussed over a milkshake at Pop's after school," Kevin said with finality, "And anyway, you need some more friends Bec. Especially after everything that happened with-"

Kevin cut himself off suddenly and he looked at her with hesitant eyes. Becca gritted her teeth before walking away from him, not bothering to care if he caught up to her or not, seeing as they were both going to the same class. Even though she knew Kevin meant well, she had made it very clear she didn't want any more friends, especially with someone like Veronica Lodge who was now Riverdale High's new it girl alongside Cheryl Blossom. She just hoped that whatever Veronica needed help with, it was going to be interesting.


Becca took the red plastic straw of her double chocolate milkshake in between her lips as Veronica and Kevin sat across from her, all of them sipping down freshly made ones with whipped cream and cherries.

"So," Veronica said with another smile on her cherry-painted lips, "I need your help on something."

She took out an eerily familiar laptop from her Gucci handbag, laying it on the table.

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