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"BECCA," Veronica's smooth voice interrupted the dark-haired girl's train of thought as she turned to see the raven-haired girl leaning against her locker the next day.

Despite Becca's mood already being considerably low, her face did brighten at seeing her friend. The two hadn't had much time together to hang out since they'd made up, and she knew by the look on Veronica's face that she needed help with something.

"Veronica," Becca greeted back, a small smile on her features, "What's up?"

"What are you doing after school today? I need your help with a little project," The youngest Lodge smirked as she shut her locker.

"Well, lucky for you, my schedule's absolutely free. What's this 'little project'?" Becca quirked a dark eyebrow at her.

"Long story short," She began, a less than enthusiastic look on her face, "Nick St. Psycho was holding Archie for ransom money because he wanted revenge."

"Oh my god, Veronica," The dark-haired girl put a hand to her mouth, "Is Archie okay?"

"A little worse for wear, but he'll survive," Veronica clenched her jaw before letting out a sigh, "Luckily, I managed to turn it around and got a cool million for my troubles."

She gave her a smug smile as Becca raised her eyebrows, impressed by her friend's skills.

"Nice job Lodge," She complimented, "But what does that have to do with me?"

"Right, well now that word got out to my dad' partners, they're sending their best and brightest to Riverdale to make corporate/political alliances with my family," Veronica explained, "And I was hoping you'd help me pick out which one of their projects will work the best here in town. All strictly above the table, of course."

Becca smiled at that, breathing out a sigh of relief. No more criminal activity? Perhaps her friend was making good on her promise that she was nothing like her father. Besides, it would help keep her mind off of other things.

"I'd love to, where are these said interviews taking place?" She asked.

"Only at the finest of establishments: Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe," Veronica giggled, "And of course, a milkshake will be in order for your troubles."

"No trouble at all, but I will take the milkshake," Becca couldn't remember the last time she had a milkshake from Pop's. It'd been too long from her favorite dairy treat.

"Then, it's a date," The raven-haired girl assured, looping her arm through Becca's as they chatted down the hall together.


"Okay," Veronica started, glasses perched on her nose and a golden pen ready to write down notes.

Becca sat beside her in a booth at Pop's, a milkshake in front of her and one of the boys that they were interviewing sitting across from them. He was dressed in a pressed, dark suit, same as the others, and there was an air of confidence to each one of them, as if nothing in this world could touch them. And maybe, with all of their money and power, this was true. Still, Becca thought it made them look like giant douchebags.

Veronica nodded for him to begin.

"Canned meat isn't exactly sexy, but it is making a comeback," He began in a cocky tone, "Tell your folks we should open a cannery in that maple syrup factory I saw on the river."

Becca scrunched her nose up in disgust and Veronica glanced at her. The two locked eyes and she gave a slight shake of her head.

"I only like my meat free-range and grass-fed," The raven-haired girl retorted, and Becca had to hide the smirk on her face at the boy's surprise. With that, she scratched his name off the list.

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