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"HOW are you going to tell your dad about this?" Kevin asked with a worried expression as he leaned up against Becca's locker, "Or Reggie for that matter?"

Becca slammed it closed, trying to work out some of her anger and frustration on the stupid thing.

"I can't Kev," She replied as they started walking to their next class together, "You know what my dad would do right? And especially, Reggie."

"Well, can't you get Dr. Beaker to change your partner?" He questioned.

Becca shook her head, "I already tried that. He said he wants me to use this as an opportunity to change my family's mind about the Southside. Ya know, build unity and all that other bullshit."

"Yeah, because Reggie's sure going to go for that after today's little outbreak in the foyer," Kevin shook his head and gave his friend a sympathetic smile, "I'm sorry. I know you didn't really want to get involved with this whole Northside-Southside thing."

She sighed, "It's not your fault Kev. I just need to get this project over with. And you can't tell anyone about us being partners. Especially my brother, okay? Make sure Diego doesn't say anything either alright?"

"My lips are sealed Miss Mantle," He mimed zipping his lips up and throwing away the key.

"Thank you," She could breathe a little easier now, "When did Dr. Beaker say it was due anyway?"

"I think he said in two weeks," Kevin shrugged, "But I was too busy freaking out over my own partner."

Becca smirked and nudged him slightly, "Maybe Diego is into guys?"

"Doubtful, but a guy can dream," Kevin chuckled in response.

Suddenly a great idea came into Becca's mind.

"Kevin," She turned to him with a big grin, "will you do me a favor? Like a big one?"

His eyebrows arched slightly, "Depends on what it is."

"I told Sweet Pea we'd meet after school at the library to start working on this project. Seeing as I can't obviously have him come over to my house and work on it there. Will you and Diego join us?" She asked hopefully, "Just so that Reggie will get off my back and you can take me home after school. Please?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea..." Kevin trailed off as Becca started pouting, pushing her lips out and giving him the biggest puppy-dog eyes he'd ever seen.

"Pleeeeeease," She pleaded with him, "I'll be your best frieeend!"

"You already are my best friend," He laughed.

"I'll be your best friend with sugar on top," She tried again, "Please Kevin, I'm begging you. You don't even have to sit near us if you don't want to!"

The brown-haired boy looked down at the floor and then back up at her again, biting his lip as he contemplated her offer. He couldn't let Becca down, of course not after all they had been through.

He heaved a big sigh, "Fine. But we're only staying for an hour or two and then we're going to Pop's."

And then he smirked at her, "And this time, milkshakes are on you."

Becca grinned happily.

"You drive a hard bargain, Keller, but I accept your terms of surrender," She chuckled and pulled out her shiny American Express card, "Besides, I've got to put this to use somehow."

"Touché," He beamed back as they headed to their next class.


As the last bell of the school day rang, Becca's anxiety levels went through the roof. She wasn't really that nervous about working with Sweet Pea, they'd be in a public place and she still stood behind her mantra that she could handle herself. No, she was much more worried about Reggie finding out her little white lie. She grabbed her chemistry textbook from her locker with a sigh and made her way down to the library. Riverdale High's library was open until five in the afternoon after most school days, and she was beyond grateful that she could take advantage of it.

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