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peek the manip I made in like five minutes for this chapter above :) pls don't steal it!! also I tried to put her glasses in there but it didn't work so just pretend she has glasses lol

"YOU did what now?" Becca asked her brother, hoping he was just messing with her.

Reggie sighed, rolling his eyes.

"I lent my car to Jughead and Archie for an illegal drag race between the Ghoulies and Serpents and I need you to cover for us when we go," He said again, "Besides what's the problem? They promised me nothing bad would happen and if they get so much as a scratch on my car, it's coming out of their pockets, not mine. Plus, they're fixing it up for me for free. This way I won't have to spend all of next Saturday getting the radiator cleaned down at our garage."

"What's the problem?" She asked incredulously, "Are you for real right now? Let me remind you that you're grounded until Christmas break and on extremely thin ice with dad right now. One wrong move and he'll send you away to some fancy military school and then it's bye-bye to sex and football. And I know those mean a lot to you."

Reggie crossed his arms and retorted in a bitter voice, "It's not like I'm on thin ice with dad all the time anyway. I'm surprised he hasn't sent me away to military school already just so he doesn't have to see me every day."

Becca sighed heavily, breathing in through her nose and letting it out of her mouth.

"Besides, Kevin will be there, so you won't be alone. And you can double-check Betty and Jughead's work on the car just to make sure there'll be no problems," His mouth drew upwards into a smirk, "Plus if Keller is there, that means his old man won't be anywhere near us so we're not gonna get caught if that's what you're worried about."

"Going to a drag race wasn't exactly how I wanted to spend my Saturday afternoon, Reggie," Becca countered.

"Oh right. Because you'd prefer to be cooped up in your little tech fantasy land making code and studying for the ACT like a nerd," He snorted, "Trust me, you don't have any actual plans Bec."

Despite Becca's glare at the word 'nerd', he could sense her indecision. He decided laying it on thick would help win her approval.

"Please Becca," He pleaded, grasping his hands together in a prayer, "I haven't been able to get out of this house for a week and it is killing me."

She gritted her teeth, knowing his stupid puppy-dog eyes would get her for sure.

"Ugh fine, but you owe me a milkshake the next time we're at Pop's," She warned, crossing her arms.

At this rate, she was going to have so many free milkshakes racked up that she would never need to pay for her own again. She could definitely get used to that arrangement.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Her brother squeezed her shoulders tightly, "You won't regret it."

"Oh, I probably will," She replied, sighing heavily.

What had she gotten herself into?


Kevin came by later on Saturday afternoon in his truck to pick them up since Reggie's car was already at Herk Harvey Bridge with the others. Becca had made up the excuse that she was going to the Southside to meet someone and work on homework. She managed to convince her dad that she needed to bring along Reggie for protection, to which he finally relented, telling both of them to call him if something bad happened. They happily complied and here she was, digging through the scrap metal that was the underside of Reggie's car. It was a beautiful car, a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. It was a gift from their father, the only gift he'd ever given Reggie, but it was a bucket of bolts if she ever saw one. The Ghoulies' car sat next to it, looking much newer and more reliable than theirs.

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