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"DAD?" Becca knocked on his study door before poking her head in.

Rick Mantle sat at his desk, looking over piles of paperwork. When his gaze snapped up, meeting his daughter's own curious one though, he gathered up the remaining stacks to put away in one of his locked drawers.

"Rebecca," He greeted back, folding his hands together on top of the now clean, wooden surface, "Come in."

She opened the door wider, slipping inside before shutting it again. Despite her heart in her throat, she managed to take a deep, calming breath. Now was not the time to be nervous.

Turning around, she masked her nerves with a nonchalant look, strolling as gracefully as she could on her crutches up to her father's desk.

"Have you been thinking about my offer?" He asked, watching her intently as she sat down across from him.

"Yes, I have," She answered, her jaw clenching as he wasted no time to get down to business, "And I have an answer for you."

He leaned forward ever so slightly in his seat, his eyes scrutinizing her closely.

"Think carefully about your next words, Rebecca," Her father warned, "You know what I can do."

For a brief moment, anger flashed across her face and she tightened her grip on his chair. But as soon as it had come, it was gone. She was going to have to learn to suppress that if she wanted to make this work. If she wanted the lie to be believable.

"I do know," Becca began, folding her own hands on top of his desk and mimicking his stance, "Which is why I'm in."

Rick arched a dark eyebrow, though his face held no indication of surprise, "Just like that?"

"Just like that," She replied simply, leaning back and crossing her arms, "I'll do whatever you or Hiram want, and in exchange, you'll leave my friends and family alone. Those were your terms, if I remember correctly."

"They were," He agreed, a slight edge tinting his voice, "And just so you know, this means you'll do whatever I say, when I say it. No plotting against me, no altering the deal, no helping the enemy, and certainly no telling anyone else."

The dark-haired girl swallowed thickly, his harsh conditions hitting her like a slap in the face, each one wrapping its chain around her and creating a prison. She'd already violated one of those by telling Reggie, but that was something her father didn't need to know.

"And in exchange," A self-satisfied smile grew on his lips, "I'll make you my heir and leave your friends out of my plans. Are we clear?"

Becca licked her lips, hesitating only for a second. The lock on her chains clicked into place.

"Crystal," She shot back, narrowing her eyes.

The two of them made eye contact, neither one of them backing down.

"Excellent," Her father affirmed with a smirk, holding out his hand.

She gripped his palm in her own, shaking slightly. Only when he released it, did she feel like she'd made a deal with the devil.

And perhaps Becca had.

But as she turned to leave, a victorious smile grew across her cheeks. Because the devil she'd made a deal with wasn't her father.

It was her.

Those chains were iron-clad, but she'd find the key.

He'd won this battle.

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