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trigger warning: blood and gore are present in the chapter below

"HONESTLY Rebecca, I just don't know what has gotten into you. I mean punching a kid at school?" Her mother lectured her as they waited for Reggie and her father in their kitchen, "I expect that kind of behavior from your brother but certainly not you."

Becca was hardly listening to her though, instead choosing to remain silent and just endure her words. The fire that she'd entered the house with an hour ago had all but been extinguished by her father. All she wanted to do was get through this ridiculous debate and then be alone in her room. She was contemplating telling Sweet Pea not to come tonight, fearful that her father would somehow know if she snuck him into her room.

When she didn't say anything, her mother prepared to continue before she suddenly stopped herself. Melinda knew her daughter well, despite not always being around to show it. Becca was a stubborn person by nature, much like her older brother. It was something the dark-haired girl had inherited more from her mother than her father. So, the fact that she wasn't arguing or even reacting to her words led the woman to believe something else was wrong with her.

Upon further inspection, Melinda noticed how Becca's eyes were bloodshot and despite the makeup that was thrown haphazardly onto her pale face, she could still see the unnatural redness in her cheeks and puffiness in the skin around her eyes. Like she'd been crying. The woman's dark eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Her daughter hated crying, even as a child. Countless memories of the little girl forcing back tears at a scraped knee or broken bone flooded her mind. Whatever had made her daughter cry, it must have been serious.

Her mother instantly backed off, studying Becca with a sympathetic look. Just as she opened her mouth to ask what was wrong, there was a slight knocking on the kitchen doorway. Both of the Mantle women turned to see Becca's father and brother. Reggie looked impatient, not bothering to say anything to either of them. Her father, however, regarded the both of them with a pleasant smile. It did not go unnoticed by Melinda that Becca stiffened in her chair as soon as her husband entered the room.

"Ready to go?" Her father asked in a light tone.

The two of them nodded while Becca abruptly stood up from her chair. As Rick turned to head out the door, her mother stopped her.

"We'll finish this discussion later," She said in a soft tone, hoping to catch her eye.

Becca wordlessly nodded, not meeting her probing gaze and instead following the rest of their family out to the car. They must have looked picture-perfect, her father in a nice suit, her mother in a fancy dress, and Reggie in a pair of slacks and a nice shirt. Becca had forced herself into the only white dress she owned, the color making her look even paler than she already was. The shade didn't suit her, and she absolutely hated white, the way it sucked the color out of everything. But she needed to look nice and her terrible mood had translated directly into her outfit choice.

Besides, her father's approving look at the dress had made her breathe a little easier.

But only a little.

The ride to town hall was short and the four of them sat in an uncomfortable silence, her mother mulling over Becca's odd behavior and Reggie doing his very best to ignore her. Her brother hadn't said a word to her since last night, choosing instead to act like she wasn't even there. Becca had returned his cold shoulder though, equally as pissed at him as he was at her.

The bruises from Sweet Pea's fist were still fresh on his face, and he had played the injuries off as an accident to their parents. How her father had known about what happened last night still escaped her, but she didn't have time to think it over now.

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