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THE ride home to the Mantle house was silent for Becca.

A part of her wanted to give in, to crumble under the weight of everything she had been through these past few weeks. The bomb had been lying within her for months now, Dilton's kiss was the fuse and Jughead's question had been the one to light it. Now, it was only a matter of time before she exploded.

Becca hated crying more than anything. She hated feeling weak and used and manipulated, but that didn't stop those emotions from overcoming her now. As she drove Reggie's car through the maze of roads on the Northside, Becca couldn't help but feel a few tears leak through her hazel eyes. For the first time in several days, Reggie had talked to her that morning, giving her his 'permission' to use his car for the day and claiming that he was catching a ride with someone after school. Which was usually code for he was screwing some girl. Not like she cared though, at least she'd gotten to use the car. At least she could be alone right now.

Keep it together. Keep it together. Keep it together. She repeated the mantra to herself.

As Becca finally pulled into the driveway, she expected to see signs of life at the Mantle house. Instead, the windows were all dark and the winding path that led up to the top of the hill was barren. She quirked an eyebrow, confused at the lack of activity and momentarily shocked out of her thoughts. Reggie may not have been home yet, but her mother certainly should have been if she was making dinner. Her father, well, he was a wild card anyway, so it'd come as no surprise if he wasn't at home.

Becca parked the car, electing to ignore the way their property seemed eerily quiet. The sun had just set, and stars had begun to twinkle outside. But she didn't seem to notice as she turned the car off and leaned her head against the steering wheel. Becca tried to take a deep breath, but when she exhaled, the air came out ragged alongside a tiny whimper. All at once she hugged her arms around her body, the tears finally escaping and falling down her stained cheeks to coat her jeans. Another sob came from the back of her throat and she allowed it to escape her mouth rather loudly. She was shaking, eyes still glassy from crying while tears ran down her face. Becca tried to get her breathing in check, slowing it down as the feeling returned to her numb cheeks.

You're better than this. She continued to beat herself up.

With a few swipes of the back of her hand, Becca's face was now dry though her hazel orbs stayed red. Still, if she could keep herself from looking at someone, she just might be able to convince her family she hadn't been crying. Becca didn't need those questions from her mother and brother, and especially her father.

She grabbed her bag from the back seat, slamming the door and making her way up to the house. The girl wanted nothing more than to skip her birthday dinner and just go to bed early that night. Becca mentally prepared herself for the onslaught of protests from her mother; she wasn't going to be happy, that's for sure.

As she entered the foyer, she slung her bag down near the entryway and headed into the kitchen to talk to her mother. Everything in the house was still dark and quiet and as she crossed the kitchen's doorway, she realized her mother wasn't even home. Odd...

"SURPRISE!" A chorus of voices shouted as the dark-haired girl nearly tripped over her own feet at the loud noise. The lights suddenly flickered on.

"Wha-?" Becca blinked harshly, her eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness.

Kevin, Betty, Archie, Jughead, Veronica, Josie, Cheryl, Toni, and Reggie had leaped up from their hiding places behind her kitchen counters and tables. Some of them had cheap-looking plastic party hats attached atop their heads and decorations had been set up around the kitchen and living room area. Carefully wrapped gifts sat on their dining table and everyone wore matching grins at the girl's surprise.

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