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BECCA was pacing around the second-floor's abandoned classroom trying not to freak out. Whoever the hell it was who had sent those threatening messages was going to first get their nose broken and then she was going to hack into whatever they had those pictures on and delete their evidence. No one was going to manipulate her, especially using Sweet Pea.

"Well, hello Miss Mantle," A familiar voice said behind her.

Becca turned around to see who it was, and her mouth fell completely open.

"Dilton?" She asked incredulously, "You're the one who sent me those messages?"

The lanky boy leaned back against one of the lab tables, trying to play it cool but Becca could see the nervous look in his eyes. A forced smirk made its way onto his face.

"Surprised huh?" He asked smugly.

"Yeah," She replied, "Surprised you came here without any one to protect you. Delete those pictures or I swear to god, you'll end up bleeding on the floor."

Dilton looked taken aback for a moment, involuntarily taking a few steps back from her. He hadn't anticipated her to be so forward with her threats. However, after a moment the nervous look disappeared as he realized something she didn't, and he let out a breathy chuckle.

"Oh Becca," He said as if she was a child, "I know what you're thinking, but it won't work. You see..."

He whipped out his phone, "This isn't the only place I have those pictures saved, so I'm safe from your hacking skills. And those pictures aren't the only evidence I have of your little love affair with that disgusting snake."

He was starting to get bold, a complete 180 from his normal reserved attitude. Becca was finding that perhaps Dilton was starting to show his true colors instead.

"We're just friends," She grit out, crossing her arms, "Why do you even care anyway Dilton? What do you have to gain from all of this?"

Unexpectedly, his expression softened, and he walked towards her.

"You really don't know?" He asked, a hurt look on his face.

"Know what?" She shot back, growing even more irritated by the minute.

He let out a laugh completely devoid of humor, "We've been in math club for how many years now? And in all the same classes since sixth grade?"

He shook his head, "And here I thought you were actually smarter than me."

"Spit it out Doiley," She said sharply, venom dripping from her voice.

Her fists were clenched at her sides, and for once she knew how Sweet Pea felt before wanting to punch someone's lights out.

"I like you!" He finally shouted, his dark eyes on her, "How did you never see that?"

Then his expression turned dark as he said bitterly, "Oh right, because you were too busy falling over Jason Blossom last year to even notice me."

A murderous look crossed her eyes as she replied lowly, "First of all, keep his name out of your mouth Doiley. Second of all, if this is some kind of twisted promposal, then my answer will always be no."

He sighed, obviously not satisfied with her answer, "Oh Becca, my sweet, sweet Becca. I tried to do this the nice way at Reggie's party, but when you turned me down so...rudely, I had to resort to black-mailing for you to even notice me."

"So, here's going to be the deal," Dilton said this in a deathly quiet voice, one Becca had never heard from him before, "You agree to go out on a couple dates with me and I won't e-mail all of my incriminating evidence to your father and Sheriff Keller. Sound like a deal?"

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