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THE next morning at school, Becca tried to push yesterday's events out of her mind. Her and Betty still had to do their little snooping party tonight and she was more than a bit nervous about what they were going to find.

"Did you just want to spend the night at my house?" Becca asked the blonde-haired girl as they walked through the halls of Riverdale High, "It'll make it look less suspicious to my dad, plus we're both going to Veronica's confirmation tomorrow anyway."

Betty nodded, a smile on her face, "Sure, I'll come by after school and bring my stuff."

Never in a million years would she have thought she'd ask Betty Cooper to have a sleepover. Oh, how times were changing. For better or worse, Becca didn't know yet.

The younger Mantle nodded, her mind still far away from their conversation. She tried to make small talk with Betty instead, to keep her thoughts at bay.

"So, I'm guessing Jughead wasn't a barrel of sunshine after he ran out of the Wyrm yesterday, huh?" She asked lightly.

Betty's expression turned grave and she looked down, "He's just worried about everyone getting evicted is all. Plus..."

She bit her lip before looking around hesitantly.

"He's probably going to get kicked out of the Serpents for what he did anyway, if we don't find that head. And soon," Betty admitted, a sad look on her face.

Becca raised her eyebrows in surprise. So, they were taking this 'Snake Charmer' thing seriously, huh? She wondered, not for the first time, if that meant they were considering kicking Sweet Pea out as well for his hand in all of it.

"Don't worry too much about it," Becca gave her a comforting smile, "Worrying about it won't make it any better."

Betty nodded absentmindedly, her eyes now on the floor instead of Becca.

"I better get to Chemistry," Becca gave her a nudge, "But I'll see you after school, okay? I'll text you my address later as well."

Betty seemed to brighten up at this and she gave an affirmative nod.

"I'll bring my bobby pins," She smiled, but the grin didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Great," Becca replied, giving her a small smirk before the two parted ways.

She shook her head as she entered Dr. Beaker's classroom and stole a glance at Sweet Pea who was already seated on the far side of the room. Tonight was about finding out about her dad and what kind of person he was. Anything else could wait.


Her father bid them all good night, heading out to Pop's and the Lodge's poker game. With him gone, her mom left for the barbecue as well, telling all of them to stay out of trouble.

"Well ladies," Reggie looked between Betty and Becca after the door closed behind her mother, "I would stay and you know, help you paint your nails and all that, but I've got a hot date and an even hotter party to go to."

Betty cast Becca a glance with a roll of her eyes.

"Have fun bro, but not too much fun," Becca said with an amused expression.

"Oh believe me Becs," He winked at her before heading out the door, "I will surely try."

Just as soon as the door shut behind him, both Betty and Becca shared a knowing glance. Grabbing her USB drives, the two of them turned down the hallway under their spiral staircase and down another one until they arrived at the large doors to her dad's office. As expected, they were both locked and Betty pulled a bobby pin out of her ponytail. With a few twists of her wrists, the lock clicked, and Becca swung the doors open.

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