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BECCA stomped up the stairs as soon as she returned home, not wanting to talk to anybody. She was still mad at her father beyond belief, but she was irritated at Sweet Pea too. Why the hell would he question her about all of that? Especially after how he had opened up to her with his sketch book? All she wanted to do now was be left alone.

"Becca? Why were you out so late?" Her father's voice floated up to her as she was about to enter her room.

Her fists clenched involuntarily. He was the last person she wanted to see.

"Were you with Kevin?" He asked, arching an eyebrow.

White-hot rage blinded her. First Kevin was mad at her, now Sweet Pea too. And she still had Dilton fucking Doiley to worry about. Was there anyone else who wanted to shit on her day while they were at it?

With caution thrown out the window, she shot back harshly, "Why the hell do you care dad? You don't seem to care about breaking the law!"

His eyebrows raised in surprise, but an angry look crossed his face, "What did you just say to me young lady?"

"You heard me," She seethed, "Or should I provide evidence huh?"

"Rebecca Therese Mantle, you will not speak to your father that way! Come down here at once!" Her mother entered the foyer, her hands now on her hips.

Good, might as well get everyone together to witness the arrest of Rick Mantle. Shoving her door open and throwing her backpack down on her bed, she dug through the mound of clothes in her closet before finding the offending file tucked safely away. Becca yanked it out from under a pair of jeans before practically stomping down the rest of the stairs to her awaiting parents. Her father, she noticed, looked nervously at what she had in her hand.

"What is this Becca? And why are you acting this way?" Her mother said sternly.

"You wanna know why I'm acting this way?" She said in a hard voice and then pointed at her father, "That man right there, your husband, my father, is a drug lord!"

"Rebecca what are you talking about?" Her mother asked sharply.

Becca slammed the file onto their dinner table, causing the chandelier above them to creak slightly.

"This is what I'm talking about mother," She hissed, opening up the envelope.

The pictures spilled out, all there as she had remembered it.

"This is what dad has been doing. This is why he has all that extra money. It's not because of his stupid SoDale project, it's dealing drugs!" Becca yelled as her mother hesitantly picked up the photographs.

"Rebecca-" She cut her father off with a harsh glare.

"And did you also know he's been lying about where he's been?" She continued, "He's been going to Pop's for months now even though he hates that place. And I had a little look into your personal account and for your information, he has been funneling thousands of dollars each month to Hiram Lodge for almost a year! And before you say anything, I know we don't have that kind of money!"

Her mother was silent for a moment, the photographs shaking in her hand, "Is this true Rick? Are these true?"

She held up a picture of the packets of cocaine and jingle jangle.

"Yes dear, but I can explain-"

"What the hell is going on down here?" Reggie entered into the dining room, looking incredulously between them all.

Becca crossed her arms, leaning back with a hard expression, "Go on dad, tell them what's really going on here."

Her father heaved a sigh, shaking his head, "Rebecca, this is not what it looks like."

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