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When I first started writing Chemistry, I had no intention of finishing it. I'd seen Riverdale Season 1, and while it was pretty good, I wasn't immediately interested in the show as a whole. I've always been more of a science fiction kind of girl, Marvel and Star Wars are my favorite fandoms!

But then I watched Season 2, and boy was my life changed forever. Sweet Pea has been my favorite character on the show ever since his first episode. I don't know why (maybe it's because Jordan Connor is a total babe), but for some reason, I was drawn to his character. And when they didn't flesh him out, I decided I wanted to instead.

I always thought Reggie had more potential for character development as well, and in the end of Season 2, when he finally came to his senses, I knew I wanted to incorporate him somehow into my story. I'll admit, I'm a sucker for the Romeo and Juliet trope, but I'm hoping you guys liked the Hades and Persephone twist I put on it as well!! Sweet Bee's dynamic is something I thoroughly enjoy and now that I'm coming to the end of this story, I realize just how much I've grown to love the characters I've created. I hope you guys do too because...


I'm not that cruel haha, even if I do love the occasional angst and breaking you guys' hearts. But my real goal with anything that I write is for my readers to feel something for it, to sympathize with my characters, laugh, cry, and hopefully leave you with a good message. This is the first story I've ever finished and the first story I ever published on my Wattpad. Right now, we're ending the book with over 600k reads and 24k votes!!

So really, what I'm trying to say is: thank you. Thank you so much for clicking on my story, even if you never commented or voted. Every milestone meant so much to me and now that we've come this far, I can't wait to see where it goes in the future.

As for Becca and Sweet Pea, don't give up hope ;-) I have a feeling things will work out in the end. Even if I make you cry a couple times in between!

Below is a sneak peek of the sequel, along with some other info for those interested in the next book!

Kel. | @lookingfordroids



❛ You and I got a whole lot of history, sweetheart. ❜

Whether she wanted to or not, Rebecca Mantle has been pulled into the insane drama that seems to plague the little town of Riverdale. With summer come and gone, Becca's got one thing on her mind this school year: destroying her father and his empire once and for all. But this task proves easier said than done, especially when she's trying hard to forget a certain tall and angry Southside Serpent.

Mrs. Lincoln isn't exactly making it easy for her though, when she pairs the two of them up for a history project, causing old feelings and new revelations to surface. Add in a crazy mistress, her mother's mysterious past, and a bunch of cult-recruiting weirdos and junior year just got worse. A lot worse.

It's a good thing she never liked board games, right?


In which Reggie's know-it-all little sister is once again paired up with the Southside Serpents' second-in-command. This time, for a little history project.


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