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SWEET PEA didn't call her back the next day. Or the next. Or the one after that.

She bid each one of her relatives good-bye, with an extra long hug from her grandmother, but in the end, she was glad to return to Riverdale. Despite the towns' negativity and just overall dangerous landscape, she found peace at Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe, sipping her favorite double chocolate milkshake from a vibrant red straw.

A storm of emotions still raged on inside of her. She had barely been able to get her homework done from missing over half this week of school and yet, she couldn't care less whether it was done at all. All she wanted to know was what Sweet Pea thought, what he felt, about her. She would have been fine with him texting her instead of calling her back. Perhaps he had just seen her voice-mail and deleted it then.

Or even worse, he'd heard it and decided to block her number.

Becca hated this not knowing and with school tomorrow, she was bound to see him in first period chemistry. What would happen then? They just go on about their day like nothing ever happened? Perhaps ignoring her was actually his answer to her question.

Becca threw her hands up in frustration, shaking her head slightly.

"Enough with this bullshit," She muttered to herself, getting up to leave and throwing a few bills on the table for Pop.

She was going to get some answers. One way or another.


As Becca pulled up to Sunnyside Trailer Park, her nerves began to get the better of her again. What if he didn't want to see her? What if he just slammed the door in her face?

She tried to dispel these thoughts from her mind. It was true what they said, love makes you crazy. And right now, Becca thought she was going out of her fucking mind.

Steeling herself, she opened the door and got out, intending to march right up to Sweet Pea's trailer and knock on his door herself. She had always been a straight-forward, no bullshit person, and this wasn't an exception. She crossed the trailer park in long strides, well as long as her little five foot, three inches legs could carry her.

Only a couple yards away from his trailer and the door suddenly swung open. Becca stopped in her tracks, wondering if perhaps he had seen her outside of his window. She was about to call out to him, before whatever greeting she had died on her lips.

Toni stepped out from the door, looking like she had slept over at his house. Her pink locks were ruffled from sleep and she wore only a faded t-shirt, tiny shorts, and worn-out looking sneakers. Sweet Pea stepped out after her, crossing his arms and leaning against the door, a tired smirk on his face.

Becca's mouth fell partly open as she looked between the two of them, whatever had happened last night was as clear as day to her.

And then, as if hammering in the final nail to her coffin, Toni reached up and gave Sweet Pea a tiny kiss on his cheek. She gave him a reassuring smile, before walking down the little metal path that led up to his door.

Becca turned away now, running through the maze of trailers before finally getting to the car. She sat in the driver's seat for a second, her chest heaving and tears already pricking at her eyes. How could she have been so stupid? Of course, he and Toni still had a thing. It'd been there all along.

She remembered with vivid clarity how Toni was always around Sweet Pea, always looking out for him. They would nudge each other playfully and share a look between the two of them. Hell, he even drew her in his sketch book. Becca's fists clenched around the steering wheel as she backed out and drove away down the dirt road. They'd be happy with each other, there was nothing holding them back. Toni was a Serpent and had lived on the Southside all her life, just like Sweet Pea.

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