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AFTER the Black Hood's threatening message, it seemed like a switch had been flipped in Riverdale High. Couples were making out like there was no tomorrow in the hallways while others were practically feeling each other up by the lockers. Suddenly it didn't matter what they were doing. Everyone was a sinner according to this lunatic, so why not go big?

Becca wasn't enjoying one second of it either. Public displays of affection made her extremely uncomfortable, like she was looking in on an intimate moment between a couple. Plus, she had no idea the amount of STDs being transferred from one horny teenager to another. And she really didn't want to know.

"Hey Becs," Kevin leaned up against her locker before Chemistry, "How's it going?"

Becca gave him a nervous smile. She was never really good at this lying thing, especially not to someone she cared about.

"Nothing suspicious why?" She said quickly and then inwardly cursed herself.

Kevin gave her a questioning look but she just shook her head, "Sorry it's all the testosterone and estrogen in the air."

He nodded with a sad expression, "It only reminds me of how lonely and very single I am."

Yeah, you and me both bud, she thought to herself.

"Where's Veronica?" She tried changing the subject.

Kevin rolled his eyes, "Where do you think? On top of Archie's lap in the library of all places."

"Libraries are sacred places, what the hell," Becca dramatically put her hand to her chest.

"That's what I said to them but they just continued sucking face like there's no tomorrow," Kevin sighed.

"Oh hey by the way, did you want to study tomorrow for that chemistry test next week?" He asked as they strolled into Dr. Beaker's lab.

"Sure, we can study at my place if you want," Becca already knew the answer to that. Kevin was always trying to find some excuse to come over to her much larger house.

"Is that even a question?" He shot back with a smile before looking up.

"Good god!" He shrieked, gazing across the room.

"What? Did Dr. Beaker leave his chemicals out again-" Becca was cut off and rendered speechless by the sight in front of her.

Her brother, of all people, was currently on top of a blonde-haired girl on one of the lab desks. Her skirt was flipped up, revealing her silk panties and Reggie was currently sucking on her neck.

"What the fuck Reggie!" She screamed and that finally made him stop.

"In a lab of all places?" Becca said incredulously.

Her brother licked his lips, smirking at the girl who was currently leaning against her elbows.

"Sorry little sis. We can take it somewhere else if you and Keller need this room," He smirked, looking between the two.

Kevin was looking everywhere but at her, choosing to keep his eyes on the floor and away from the sexed-up Reggie.

"Okay first of all. Kevin is so gay a rainbow pales in comparison to him. Second of all, I'm not making out in my favorite classroom of all time. Chemistry is sacred, Reggie," She said exasperatedly.

He shrugged, lifting the blonde off the lab table and setting her on the ground.

"Whatever nerd. See you after school," He shouted back to her as the pair left to find another place to have sex no doubt.

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