Chapter 9: Flashing Back?

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I woke up to find myself on the hosital bed with Kian beside me. He had his arms around my shoulders hugging me tight. I was facing away from him but i still felt just as warm. I wrapped my around his and looked around the room. I saw doctors all around the room smiling and taking pictures of us.

"That's so cute!" I heard a nurse whisper to another nurse beside her.

I shifted so I was facing towards Kian and snuggled my head into his chest.

"Awes" Filled the room.

I didn't do it for attention. I was never the one to do things for attention.

I didn't even want anyone to see my scars!

If only I wasn't so stupid to not cut in the stall that one day... nobody would have found out...

3 1/2 years earlier. (Yes!!! I'm doing that!!!)

"Okay mom! Im leaving now!" I yelled to my mom who was upstairs doing some work thing.

"Okay honey! Have a great day at school girls!" She yelled back at Maya and I.

"Love you!" We shouted back.

"Love you more!" She laughed.

We walked out the door to be greeted by some of our friends.

I guess you could call me popular. That may sound like I'm a snobby rich girl who gets whatever she wants... but trust me... I'm not.

It was our Freshman year at a new high school.

"Hey!" I smiled.

"Hi girl! We missed you!" Gabby said to me.

We walked down my driveway and onto the sidewalk.

Maya had made small talk to Amanda, one if her good friends.

Someone came up behind me and covered my eyes with their hands.

"Guess who." The person said changing their voice so I couldn't get it right, but I knew exactly who it was.

"Hmm... Justin Timberlake!" I teased.

Carter twirled me around and pressed his lips onto mine with one swift move. I kissed back and broke away.

"Wow. I never knew Justin Timberlake was such a great kisser!" I teased again.

"Haha very funny. Hey beautiful. I missed you." Carter spoke.

"I missed you more." I said back.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Clarisse, a girl who likes Carter drive up rolling her eyes, but she plastered a smile onto her face as she looked at Carter... I'm guessing she doesn't really like me...

"Hey Carter! Do you want a ride?" She asked motioning to the white convertible.

"Sure." He said.


"I'll sit in the back with Alexandra." He explained.

"Oh... uh, there's not enough broom for her. But you could come! See I've been watching you guys for a while..." Stalker much? "And... not meaning to ruin your relationship or anything... but I saw Alex here kissing another guy." She said.

Why that lying little.. Grr!!!

"Sorry Clarisse..." He snaked his arms around my waist to where she could clearly see. "... but I highly doubt that. Alex isn't like that. So I'd suggest moving onto someone else." He continued.


She rolled her eyes and glared at me.

"I don't even know why you like her... She's not even good looking like, no joke."

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