Chapter 3: Won't Miss You!

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A/N: Hey guys. Guess what...? IT'S SUMMER!!!!! I'M GONNA BURN ALL MY OLD SCHOOL WORK!!! YAY!!!! Since it is summer, i'll be updating A LOT more. I know i haven't updated in forever. I was going to update a yesterday, but the flu came over me and i felt like crap. It's getting better but i still have a cough. I felt like i could update. Part of the reason i haven't been updating is that i have no ideas. I thought of a risky one, but i guess it will have to do. Anyway, i need help. If you could send me a message of an idea you have. I will put your account name (If wanted) and come up with an idea for the storyline. Thanks!

Okay now back to the story.

*Alex's POV*

I ran down the street to my house. I looked back to see Cameron yelling, "You just made the wrong choice Espinosa! The wrong choice!" at Matt and ran off. Oh wow.

I opened the door to my house and saw my twin sister on the couch crying. I ran to her side and hugged her. She hugged me back and cried into my shoulder. Oh yea. Did i meantion i had a twin sister? (A/N If i said she didnt have any siblings... i lied, sorry)

"Maya! Its okay, its all okay." I said to her.

Maya was actually a popular girl in my school. We wern't identical twins but we still looked similar, exept she was way more beauitful than me. Maya and I were abused by are dad, Kyle. Mom didn't know. He told us that if we told anyone, he would sell us to some rapest. I don't know why he acted like he did, but he acts... Okay now. He is still alittle abusive. I knew it was risky to talk to him like that when Taylor was with me, but i knew he wasn't going to give away his true colors with Taylor around.

Anyway, Maya loves me and i love her. We have always been super close. Even when mom passed away, we just grew closer to each other.

"Maya, what's wrong?" I asked her.

She sniffled a few times and held out her arm. "That monster, we call dad, just snapped my arm." She sobbed louder.

"Oh my god Maya! Why?!" I was frightened. Did he really do this to her? Was he really that mean? What else is he going to do? Should we... run away?

"All i did was took his car and accidentally scratched it. When i got back i begged for apoligy but he grabbed my arm and hit it with his metal bat 3 times. He hit with so much force it broke the bone. Ally, help." She explained to me. She called me Ally. She only calls me that when she knows something bad will happen to us, or something bad has happened.

"Wait here." I said. I ran upstairs and walked into my dads room.

"Daddy?" i said into the room.

"Yes?" He asked with anger in his eyes when he saw me.

I hesitated. "I wanted to say that i was sorry about what happened earlier today. Those kids are mean and they made me say it so you would get mad at me. I swear i didn't mean it." I lied. I meant every word i said to him. For all i care, he can die in a hole in hell.

His mood seemed to lighten up. "Its okay sweetie. I understand. Just don't do it again." I nodded and walked out of the room.

"I'm going to go get doughnuts for us.I'll see you later." I said.

"Okay." He replied.

I wasn't really going to get doughnuts.

"Maya." I whisper. She looks at me.

"Yea?" She askes.

"Grab some food and money. We're leaving this place once and for all." I say. Her eyes lit up with joy.

"Really?" She whisperes. I nod and grab a backpack.

She gets up and grabs some food quietly. I run up to the bathroom as and grab some gauze and medical tape, and a sling. I also grabbed some pain killers. I sped walked to my room and grabbed the 450 dollars i saved up... who knows how.

I walk to Maya's room and grab her $425 and shove the money into the bag. When i get back downstairs, Maya had the counter full of useful snacks. She also grabbed the emergency money my mom saved for us and hid it from Kyle.

I counted the money altogether, "Oh My God Maya. 1,785 dollars...!" I say. She smiles and the makes an 'oh wait!' face. She runs to the other side of the room and pulls out a camcorder, laptop, and our phones. She shoves them in the bag and fills it with all the food and money.

"Ready?" She asks. I sigh but nod. This was the last thing that reminded us of mom. I grabbed the car keys and ran out the door with Maya behind me. We pull out of the driveway without being caught. I sped down the road, but then relized that we didnt plan where to go.

"Maya? Where should we go?" I ask.

She hesitated. "Somewhere where he won't find us, Omaha Nebraska." I nod and drive that way. This is going to be a long day.

A/N Im so sorry this chapter was so stinkin short but its like 12 am and im really tired. But yea. Send me a message on what i should do next! dont forget to add your name if wanted. I hope to get some ideas, so...


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