Bella's Birthday Disaster

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I flit downstairs with my bag and give a grin before getting on my bike causing Emmett to laugh at me. I stick my tongue out at him before flipping my hair out of my face and place my beanie on top of my head. I head to school where I meet up with Jasper and Alice before Edward and my sister show up which means Alice has time to pounce me. As soon as I'm off my bike she pulls me into a hug before putting something in my hands making me roll my eyes. I open it to see a beautiful necklace that I carefully put on before looking closer at it making me realise what the crest is. With wide eyes I look up to see the two of them smiling making me give them a huge grin as Edward drives up.

"Happy Birthday!" Alice says as Bella gets out of the car.

Bella's eyes widen as she tries to get Alice to be more quiet about it, but I know she is going to fail at that endeavour. Alice is someone you can not hold back when she truly wants to do something, but you can try to reign her in on it though. She places something in Bella's hands and Bella makes a face because she asked all of us for no gifts this year, but this is Alice we are talking about. I snicker at the look causing her to flick her eyes my way before giving me a slight push making my eyes widen. She gives a small smile before getting on Edward's other side away from me. I give a soft laugh knowing she's doing it because she knows I'll push her back for the little push she gave me. Edward shakes his head at me with a tiny smile causing me to grin before I head off to class.

The rest of the day is pretty boring and slow making me question why I've even come back to school. Oh yeah it's because I want to go to college eventually so I have to finish high school. I heave a bored sigh as I walk through the lunch line getting little food and a soda. I make it to the table where Alice and Jasper are already sitting. I sit in my seat ignoring the whispers that are flowing through the room at my sudden reappearance. I forgot how gossipy the school is whenever anything unexplained happens like my sudden absence from school. I roll my eyes at some of the theories before leaning back against my chair as Bella and Edward enter the cafeteria. People pay them no mind as I hear one voice loud and clear making me want to bang my head against the table.

"She obviously wants the attention and that's why she disappeared for so long."

"What's my cover story again Al?"

"You went after your sister and somehow caught something that made you extremely sick. Carlisle kept you away from the public because you could have caught anything they brought near you could have killed you."

"Thanks I'll be right back and I promise to be sort of nice to her." I say with a bit of a smile before fluidly standing up from my seat.

The cafeteria falls silent as I stand up knowing that I'm going to single someone out to speak to. I slowly walk the cafeteria making all of them squirm and a smirk plays on my face. I can feel Bella's confusion as I make it to the table I want to be at. I place my hands on the table watching them squirm as I just stare at them.

"I really think you should evaluate what you think of people Jessica. Maybe you would like to have some attention on you, but not everyone likes attention. I also want to make sure you remember our talk from a few months ago because the same goes now as it did then. Hope the rest of your day is good darlin'." I say before walking back to our table and opening my soda.

I can feel Edward's disapproval all the way over here making me turn and give him a cheeky smile. Bella gives a small smile just as the bell rings for us to go to our next class making me huff. Since I got ahead last year I have two free periods back to back meaning I'm done for the day thankfully. I human run out of the school before getting on my bike and driving out to the house to start setting things up. Alice was going to skip school to do this, but I convinced her that she didn't need to do that.

I start setting up with a bit of help from Emmett and Rose while Esme is baking the cake. When Alice comes home later we've only got the finishing touches left and she helps with them. Finally, we are done and Alive ushers me into the room that was set up for me since I was turned. I see the outfit laying on my bed and give a smile before changing into the clothes Alice set out for me. Rose knocks on my door before fixing my hair for me since she knew I'd probably just leave it down. Once she's finished we hear Bella and Edward arrive outside before we flit downstairs to the living room. Rose stands with Emmett and I sit in one of the armchairs that is in the room.

Shortly later most of the gift giving is over, but Bella still has to open her gift from Carlisle and Esme. She seems to struggle for a second and I furrow my brows before the scent hits me as she puts her finger in her mouth. I'm rigid trying to keep myself from moving at the smell of her blood and see Jasper doing the same.

"Paper cut," she says quietly before looking between Jasper and me.

Edward growls as Jasper moves to attack Bella and I stay rigid hoping it will keep me from doing the same. Only Edward shoves Bella back into a glass table I set up and the scent of her blood explodes in my nose. I put a hand to my nose, but I can feel myself losing control as Rose picks me up and drags me out as Edward and Emmett drag Jasper out. Once away from the scent Jasper regains a bit of clarity before taking off and I regain a piece of myself as well. I know if Rose hadn't grabbed me I surely would have pounced Bella in a second without any regrets until later. I take off before they can ask if I'm okay and unconsciously I follow Jasper's thoughts to where he is. He whips around as he hears me coming and relaxes a tad seeing it's only me and no one else. I almost fall to my knees before gripping onto a tree to keep me stable for a few seconds.

"Did they send you to bring me back?" He says quieter than normal.

"No, I unconsciously followed you after I took off when they brought me out here. If Rose hadn't grabbed me I would have pounced on Bella without a thought and killed her. My own little sister that I've promised to protect."

Before we can say anything more we whip our heads to see Carlisle coming into the clearing. I hear his thoughts and lock eyes with him as he gives me an apologetic look already knowing I heard his thoughts. I stand up straight without a tremor in my body as I wait for him to break the news.

"After the events tonight and some careful consideration of a week we've decided to leave Forks. People are starting to notice at the hospital that I'm not ageing and it will be a good idea to leave town. Donia you are welcome to stay if you want because your family is here."

"Carlisle the only thing that kept me from attacking Bella was Rose grabbing on to me. If y'all are leaving then I'm coming with because I don't trust myself around humans alone. I thought I was ready, but I'm not."

"Tomorrow you can say goodbye if you want but we leave tomorrow night."

We nod before he goes back home and I sit down to think of who I'm going to see. I'll see my father and the pack because they deserve to know that I'm leaving Forks.

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