Big Fight

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I'm dressed in a flannel and jeans when I show up at the bonfire to see the Elders sitting there. They all give me smiles from knowing me from such a young age and I give a wave before I'm thrown over Embry's shoulder once again. I give a laugh before seeing the look in getting from Jacob and the laugh dies off causing Embry to turn around. He sighs and I feel his sadness enter me making venom pool in my eyes because his sadness runs so deep. He sets me down, but I stay faced away from everyone as I regain the emotionless facade I've been wearing overnight. When I turn back around I have a smile on my face and I see Billy look at his son confused before looking to me. I shake my head before moving to sit next to Paul as the telling of the stories is about to begin.

At the beginning of the stories everything is alright and everyone is completely engrossed as Billy speaks. I listen just as intently as I did as a child barely noticing the chuckle Paul gives seeing me. I turn to him with a smile before I feel the eyes burning into my head and turn to see Jacob glaring at me hatefully. My hands tighten before I grab my lighter and a cigarette turning to Paul.

"Do you mind if I smoke a cigarette?"

"No, go on ahead." He says running a hand through my hair as he looks at Jacob.

I light my cigarette as Billy continues and I lose myself in the stories once more like a small child. Once he finishes I give an unnecessary blink before finishing off my cigarette. I drop my butt on the ground and stomp on it before placing it in the nearby trash can. Paul follows me before wrapping an arm around my waist as everything is put away and it's time for the pack to head to Sam's. I help Emily with most of the pans and place them in the kitchen where they'll sit for a little bit. I'll wash them in a few hours before I leave so that Emily doesn't have to worry about it. Everyone sits on the couches and Paul pulls me in his lap while they have a quick meeting on patrol duty. I mindlessly analyse the room out of boredom when I feel the spike of anger from Jacob. I flick my eyes to his and raise an eyebrow to see what he's so pissed about.

"How can you sit there like nothing's wrong when there is? Your sister is depressed and you sit here smiling."

"You think I don't know what is leaving has done to Bella? She's fucking reckless and no one is there to stop her! Would you rather a blood-sucking leech be near her and harm her?"

"No and you shouldn't even be here! You're a danger to everyone and they can't even see it because you have them wrapped around your little finger! Why are you even here?"

"I'm here because part of my family is here and I dislike being away for long. I get that I somehow betrayed you because I didn't tell you I was turned, but the governing vampires would have killed you! I didn't want to hurt Billy by killing his son!"

"I can protect myself and anyone I need to!"

"No, Jacob you can't and you're being foolish! The Volturi could easily kill me and no one could stop them from doing it. I have been in this world for almost three years and you've been in it overnight. What makes you think you're any better at surviving in this world than I am? I've tried to be nice for the sake of the pack, but I guess it's good I'm going back to the Cullens later." I spit out at him completely furious and unable to get a handle on it.

"Good because Bella is safer with all of you leeches gone from Forks even if she doesn't think so."

"Let me get this straight with you mutt. I'm gone to keep her safe because I almost killed her on our birthday and I would never forgive myself for hurting her. This is my baby sister I've sworn to protect that you're crushing on and it's making you think you know what's best for her. I'm sorry Li for raising my voice, but I think it's best I leave."

Paul's arms tighten around my waist when I say this and I hate to leave him for an unknown amount of time, but I can't handle this. Not right now at least because it's too fresh and hurts too much for me to deal with this. Paul starts vibrating under me until I place a hand on his arm that is wrapped around my waist and I hear Jacob scoff.

"Paul please I can't right now." I softly plead.

He lets go of me, but keeps a hold of my hand to lead me to my bike before I leave. I keep my eyes away from Jacob as we leave the house and a part of my weight leaves me. Paul runs a hand through my hair knowing somehow without me saying how much Jacob is killing me right now. He presses a kiss to my forehead about to leave before I stop him.

"I'll be back in a few weeks and I'll have a surprise with me."

"I hate you having to leave, but I know it's necessary right now. I promise I won't get in any intentional fights with Jacob while you're gone."

I nod before getting on my bike and starting the engine before putting my Bluetooth earpiece in. I call Edward as I make my way out of Forks since he didn't text me last night as promised. Plus, I just want someone to talk to on my way back so I don't lose my cool in front of everyone. It takes a few rings for him to pick up, but he sounds confused when he answers.

"Donia, what's wrong?"

"Wow that was a quick observation over the phone. Why didn't you text last night?"

"Don't change the subject Donia. I stayed in London, but I'm moving to somewhere in Europe tomorrow. What's wrong?"

"The newest pack member was one of my best friends until last night when he ended up phasing. Now he hates me for what I am and for leaving her behind in Forks."

"Who is this wolf that's treating you like this? Why isn't the pack doing anything about it?"

"Jacob Black is someone I've known since birth and we've been best friends ever since. The pack can't really do anything because he's just using words plus he isn't allowed to harm me. It's one of the absolute laws of the tribe that keeps an imprint safe."

"At least you will have some measure of safety if you ever need to go back. It'll get better Donia don't worry."

"Thanks Eddie."

We hand up just as I pull up to the house where everyone is sitting in the living room causing a small smile on my face. I race up the steps and open the door to see everyone which lets me relax because they're still safe. Jasper's eyes flicker to mine reading them and I realise my emotions from earlier are in full view.

"So the vision came true then?" He asks softly.

"Yeah. One of my best friends has given up on me because I'm a vampire and he utterly hates me now. He just phased yesterday and he hates me for leaving Bella."

"Did you tell him why you left?" Esme asks sounding confused.

"Yes, but he refuses to believe anything that's coming from my mouth right now. I decided to leave the pack for the time being so there wasn't any conflict amongst the members."

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