Leaving Forks Behind

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The next morning I head straight to the police department and go to my father's desk to see him getting ready to go. He stops when he sees me before giving a big smile and his happiness flows into me making me feel sad about doing this. I came home to be with him and these last few months I've been unable to be anywhere near him. He pulls me into a hug that I carefully return before taking a few steps back knowing he will get upset. I let out a sigh pushing a stray piece of hair behind my ear before I begin talking.

"Dad I cane to tell you that I have to leave Forks for a long while."

"No! I'm not letting you leave Forks ever again! Last time you followed your sister you got so sick no one could be around you!"

"Daddy I know you are terrified of me leaving, but I need to go. Do you remember when I begged you to come back two years ago because I needed to come back? Well now I need answers about what happened and I have to leave to get them so please let me go."

"Alright, but you can't just disappear on me. I want to know where you go and when." He says gruffly.

"I will keep in touch, but I ask that you not tell Bella where I am. She might try to come after me and I don't want that because I don't want her hurt if she tries to follow me."

"Alright I'll not tell Bells if that's what you really want."

"Thanks dad." I say before pressing a kiss to his cheek and leave the prescient.

I carefully walk into the woods for a few miles before flitting to the reservation unsure of who's going to be there. Part of me hopes Paul is there so I can say goodbye, but another part is afraid of his reaction because I hate causing him any type of pain. I make it to the house and the door is thrown open as someone throws themselves out of the house. I real back when the warm body wraps me up in a tight hug before throwing me over their shoulder. I groan realising who has picked me up before giving a soft laugh.

"Em I thought we were past the throwing me over your shoulder phase already!"

"It's too amusing when you react to it! Everyone is waiting inside for you considering we knew you were on pack lands already."

"Then put me down you idiot! I don't have much time to speak with you guys and I really want to explain everything."

He sets me down worried by the fact that my tone went from playful to serious so quickly. He leads me inside where everyone is seated around the table with serious expressions and I make my way over to Paul. He pulls me into his lap and I give a small smile as his arms wrap around my waist from behind.

"As you all know yesterday was my birthday as well as Bella's. Alice threw her a party and when she was opening the last gift she got a paper cut, but that's all it took. Jasper and I almost attacked her and then Edward in a way to get her away from us pushed her back without thinking about the strength he was using. She hit a glass table  and they had to drag us out of the room before we attacked her. That incident paired with the fact that people are noticing Carlisle isn't ageing was the tipping point. We're leaving tonight to somewhere I don't know at the moment. My phone number will change, but here's the new number and if my sister asks you don't know anything."

"What do you mean we?" Paul says softly.

"Paul I'm not safe around anyone and even right now it's not safe for me to be around here. You are wolves built to fight vampires, but I'm a new born and that makes me even more dangerous. Even right now I can smell the blood pumping through all the hearts in the room and it takes every ounce of my strength not to move for the kill. Sorry Li it was not my intention to scare you I'm just trying to let y'all know how dangerous I am now. I don't know how long I'll be gone for, but if you need me call and I'll come back no matter what the time is."

I stand up and walk outside where I stop knowing Paul wants to talk with me. I make a move to grab a cigarette, but his hand engulfs my own stopping my movements and I look into his eyes. For a few moments I lose myself in his eyes before I screw mine closed knowing I don't have long until we're leaving. For a beat I keep them closed before opening them with my resolve steeled against what he might say.

"Do you really have to leave?" He says so softly that if I didn't have enhanced hearing I would miss it.

"Yes, but I will come back one day Paul. This is not for forever it's only until I feel like I have control over my thirst. I've been so careful and last night scared the hell out of me when I came back to my senses because I was so close to killing my baby sister. I swore two years ago I would protect her and I did against the tracker earlier this year. Now I need to protect her from myself because I'm a danger to her."

"Alright just tell me when you get there and if you leave to go somewhere else. If anyone turns we'll call you if it's someone you know so you can be here."

"Thanks darlin'." I say making him give a smile.

Before I can guess what he's doing he closes the space between us and presses his lips to mine. Startled I just stand there before smiling and kissing him back. He smiles when he pulls back before pressing a kiss to my forehead making me smile. He goes back in to the house as I flit into the forest before hoping over into the Cullen territory and making it home. Everyone is here except for Edward, but we all get in our vehicles to wait for him so we can leave at a moments notice. Once he gets here he edits his thoughts which causes me to tap my foot against my bike, but I let it go as we leave for where we're going to stay for a while.

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