Edward's Show

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"This is a shit plan and you're being a dumbass. If you wait we might get a text."

"Donia, we would have got one before now if there was one. This is a solid plan anyways despite what you think."

"Yes well if you flaunt what you are we're going to be dragged back into that throne room which is what you want. Seriously though Aro kinda wigs me out with the way he was watching us. He must know I have some kind of gift now and he's interested."

He huffs out a breath as we stand waiting for the sun to reach its peak so he can show everyone that he sparkles. That will definitely make the Volturi kill him and he knows that which is why he's doing it. I check my phone again looking for a text, but there isn't a text making me suspicious. Even if something happened to Bella someone would have told me about it by this point.

"Eddie, don't you think it's weird I haven't got a text ever since we got to Volterra? Seriously I haven't got any since we entered."

"Donia, I doubt they would text or call you if something happened. They would want to tell you face to face instead of through a phone."

I sigh before sitting down and pulling my Kindle app up to begin reading Moon Choosen by P.C. Cast. It occupies my mind for a few hours as the sun begins rising making me move closer to the shadows. I can hear the humans waking up in the city and find out that a festival will happen today meaning more people will be here today. Literally meaning that Edward couldn't have picked a better day for his little show and I flick my eyes to look at him. I go back to my reading considering I know I can't change his mind even if I wanted to because he believes her to be dead. He's spiralling and won't listen to reason so I won't waste my time trying to convince him. Bells begin telling us the time and I groan bored out of my mind.

"Eddie, how am I supposed to tell Esme about this when I get home?" I say as my eye brim with venom.

"I don't know, Donia. I didn't think about it until now."

"God I don't want to tell her if you go through with this. Please let's just go home and wait for Alice to come back to tell us any news she knows." I plead desperately making him look my way.

I don't want to lose Edward as a brother and it's beginning to kill me the closer that noon comes around. Esme will literally be heart broken when she hears the news and I'll have to be the one to tell her when I go home. My heart aches at the though of what she will look like when I tell her that Edward was killed by the Volturi of his own volition. He doesn't realise how many of us are going to lose him if he goes through with this plan. I pull my knees to my chest desperately hoping he will rethink this and we can go home with him alive.

"Donia..." He whispers in shock as my facade falls from my face.

"Yes, I know how to bury my emotions and wipe any from my face of needs be, but you're killing me Eddie. I don't want to lose you as well if I've really lost Bells and I'm terrified of what will happen afterwards. Will we be able to pick up the pieces from losing both of you or will we fail at picking up the pieces?" I say as I feel a sob building in my throat making me turn away.

I can feel how rigid he has become all the way over here as I push everything down to regain control of my emotions. Once I have regained control I shove my hair out of my face before looking at him void of my emotions. I hear the bell ringing signalling it is noon and time for him to show himself if he goes through his plan. I see him commit himself to the plan and put a hand over my mouth as a dry sob leaves it. Hopefully, Bella is okay and Alice is bringing her here because it will take a miracle to change Edward's mind now. I tighten my hands against my scalp not watching as I slowly begin rocking feeling myself come apart at the seams in a way I haven't done in a long time. I violently rock back and forth as I shatter to pieces inside with no one here to help me put myself back together. I hear footsteps running away as silent sobs fall from my lips making me shake as I continue rocking. A sharp gasp meets my ears, but I don't react to it in any way.

"Donia, what's wrong?" Alice murmurs worried.

"We pushed her too far with all of this and she's fractured inside. Donia, look at me please." Edward says making me look up sharply seeing him okay and Bella as well.

I stay in my little ball as I regain myself before people are sent after us because of the almost spectacle. I stand up brushing my hair out of my face while slipping on my facade before we move forward. Alice grabs a hold of my hand before giving it a tight squeeze. We enter the throne room to hear Aro give a laugh making me frown.

"Darling Bella is alive then? That's wonderful for the both of you. Do you mind?" He asks sticking his hand out to Edward.

I barely listen as they talk about what he sees considering I'm wondering if he want to know about me. After what happened to Jane he is bound to be interested in me. He look my way expectantly making me stick my hand out and he grabs it reading every thought I have ever had.

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