Bella Knows

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I pull up to La Push probably looking like hell, but I pushed myself harder than last time to get here based on my vision. I pull up in front of Billy's and swing off my bike seeing Bella's truck already here and already turned off. I hear shouting and take off to the clearing next to the house when I hear a hand meets flesh. I swing around the side of the house seeing Paul shaking as he fights his shift and see Bella standing in front of him.

"Bella Run! Get to the house!" I say as I flip over her and feel something fly over me.

I growl seeing Jake already shifted and Paul shifts when Jake comes his way. I push Bella behind me as the two of them take off into the forest to fight out of sight. I move forward, but know that I'm needed here instead of in the forest and if Jake hurts me then Paul will go for blood. Sam nods before taking off into the woods to make sure that they don't seriously hurt one another over this. Embry and Jared joke around with Bella as I worriedly watch the forest before looking at her. Automatically, I see the bags and dark circles under his eyes and realise just how much she has been not sleeping since we left. They take her to her truck and drive it to Sam's house while I follow behind on my motorcycle. When we get there Bella looks at me for the first time since I've appeared and I can feel her confusion. She's obviously wondering why the hell I've come back all of a sudden and why now of all times. I give a small smile before following the boys up and into the house as Emily peeks out to see who is here.

"Isa where's the surprise you promised us?" She questions with a pout.

"Complications came up, but I'm picking up the surprise in a few days. I'm really excited about it too."

"Oh who is this?" She queries seeing Bella for the first time.

"Bella Swan my baby sister. Jacob got around the gag order of course."

"Ah the vampire girl."

"I guess that makes you the wolf girl?" Bella asks feeling uncomfortable.

"As well as your sister yes. Leave it to Jacob to find away around the order."

I lean against the wall next to the kitchen before giving a delicate sniff and smell pancakes. I let out a happy sigh at the smell and Emily laughs knowing how I love the smell of her pancakes. I hear the three wolves coming towards the house and watch as Bella awkwardly stands around unsure of what she is doing here in an unfamiliar house. Sam comes into the house as Emily sets the food out for all the wolves to eat. Paul comes over and kisses my forehead before going to get some to eat making me give a soft smile. I feel Bella's surprise as Jake comes in and gives me a glare surprising her once more.

"I'm guessing Jacob didn't tell you that we had a falling out? That's fine by me Jacob, but now that she knows she'll ask you about it because I won't tell her why considering it'll upset her more. Bella can we talk outside?"

She nods and moves out of the house, but before I can leave Jacob blocks the way making me sigh. I simply flick my wrist and he moves far enough away that I can go through the door without a problem. Feeling his shock makes me smirk and I hear Paul snicker behind me as Bella turns to me. She twiddles her fingers nervous and I can feel her disbelief that I am standing in front of her right now. I give a small smile as I sit on the front steps of the house before lighting a cigarette.

"You've got questions, don't you? For away and I'll answer what I can."

"Why are you back now all of a sudden when you could have stayed away?"

"I had a vision that Jacob indirectly told you that he's a shifter which is against the Alpha's orders. You were to remain ignorant of the wolves like other humans because you already know about vampires. It means more danger for you now and they don't want that."

"What did Emily mean when she said you were a wolf girl? You're a vampire isn't that weird?"

"Paul imprinted on me when we first came to Forks and it was weird at first, but it isn't now. It's natural at this point for the two of us as you saw."

"How is he?"

"I'm not positive because I raced here to make sure you would be okay. He checks in, but I haven't heard since the last one so I don't know how he is. I'm sorry Bells."

"Why did you leave me here all alone?" She says with pain in her voice causing me to look away.

"I wanted to protect you Bella how hard is that to understand? I almost killed you on our birthday, did you know that?"

"You were fine on our birthday. You came nowhere near me."

"Only because Rose picked me up before I could move to hurt you. Had she not carried me outside where I ran away I would have killed you without a thought. That's what I am and what the Cullens are Bells. I never want to hurt you and leaving was the only way to make sure I wouldn't hurt you."

Her surprise flows into me as I stomp on the cigarette before standing up and going inside. Jacob is angry and glaring at me once more, but I could care less right now. Paul pulls me in his lap before Bella comes back into the house behind me. I calmly watch as they all eat with a small smile before the bison comes back to me making me go rigid.

At this point the vision has to be being sent to me for me to have seen it so many times in a row. If it could my heart would be pounding as I watch the vision play out I fear. Then I realise the time frame was not what I thought it would be and I'm going to need to leave tonight. I need to be in New Orleans tomorrow night and I'll have to speak to James beforehand. When I come out of the vision Paul has grabbed my hand in his and all the wolves are watching me.

"Well Li I was wrong about that surprise. I'm picking it up tomorrow and I'll have to leave tonight to get there in time."

"Your vision was about the surprise?"

"Yes, it was and I have to leave in an hour to speak with someone down there about this. Hopefully, everything goes according to my plan."

"Why do you need a plan to get the surprise?" Paula asks confused.

"It's gonna be tricky getting it from where I'll be at. That is why I'm speaking to someone beforehand because they will make sure that nothing happens to me afterwards."

"Sounds dangerous. Is it necessary that you get this surprise?" Paul asks as his worry pulses into me.

"It is necessary or I wouldn't be taking the risk. I've got to get in the road before it gets too late."

Paul let's me get up before standing up and kissing my forehead. I give a smile before waving to everybody as I leave the house. Once I get my motorcycle started I race off towards New Orleans to speak with James.

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