Learning How to Move on

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For the next few days I go back to the hospital with Carlisle and get back to learning and analysing everything I can. This allows me to slowly process the situation with Jacob without breaking every single time I think about it. It's reminiscent of how Paul and I first were, but if the rest of the pack can handle the fact that I'm a vampire and witch mix now the he can too. Maybe he just needs time away from me to process what happened to the both of us without me being around him. If he can't wrap his head around it the I won't go out of my way to speak to him like we once did. I might have just lost my best friend to this world on his first phasing and I may never get him back.

"Donia, what are you thinking about? You're face is quiet serious compared to the last few days."

"I was just thinking of the situation at La Push again with a clearer mind. I've come to the conclusion that if he really wants nothing to do with me then I've lost him, but it can't be helped. Some people enter our lives and stay for forever while there are others that come and go as lessons about the world."

"You always seem to surprise me with the maturity you speak with. I would think you were much older with the aura of maturity you have."

I give a smile at that before a serious car wreck comes in and the smell of blood hits me at once. I stop breathing in hopes that I can stay this time around because I'm curious to see what they will do. For a few minutes I'm fine, but blood is pumping out of the poor persons wounds and I have to leave the hospital. I sit out front until I've regained myself and can enter feeling like I'm in control over myself and my thirst. I go to speak when the vision from a few days ago comes to me once more as if it's urgent that I go there soon and I begin to wonder if I'm being sent this vision. I've got visions from others before and I've been able to ignore them, but this is one I cannot ignore.

I come out of one vision to see another that sets my nerves on fire as I realise who the culprit is. Oh I'm going to have his fucking hide when I go to La Push and they'll have to stop me from hurting him. There's a fucking gag order that he somehow got around and I want to know why he decided he could ignore the order. Nothing gives him the right to do what he has done and he thought he'd already seen me mad, but he's got another thing coming. I let out a breath of agitation after leaving the vision to see Carlisle's furrowed brow as he kneels in front of me. I blink confused before seeing how much time has passed since the first vision I saw.

"Sorry the visions are coming in more often and I tend to be comatose to the world when they happen."

"It's fine. I came to check on you when you didn't come back and saw you were in the middle of a vision. What did you see might I ask?"

"The first one is a surprise for everyone when I come back from New Orleans in a few weeks. The second one was someone getting around a gag order from Sam that I'm going to have to deal with. Why can't Jacob just follow orders when we need him to so desperately?" I grumble out the last part making Carlisle smile.

"Jacob may believe that he has a reason that allows him to break whatever order he was given. You'd have to ask him yourself why he did it."

"Oh I know why he did it the idiot. He's crushing on Bells and that's the order he broke. We agreed for pack safety and for her safety that she know nothing of the pack. Besides Jacob the other wolves aren't sure whether to trust her around them or not. They know she's a danger magnet and they're busy as it is."

"Ah that is why you're upset. Bella knowing about the wolves means more danger could come her way if she isn't careful."

"Yes, I worry that the Volturi may notice that she's more aware than a normal human and that could give her more danger. She's also being reckless as of late because I think she's trying to get an adrenaline rush, but I ant be sure myself."

"You shouldn't worry because the Volturi are not aware that the pack exists so they have no reason to go to Forks. Although with Jacob getting around the order you might need to go back to La Push in case anything happens."

I nod and the two of us go home before I tell Esme the reason I'm running off again. She's a bit sad to see me leaving again, but knows I'm going for a good reason. That makes me realise that Edward hasn't checked in since I've been back and I click my tongue at that. I'll have to send him a text to check in to ease some of Esme's nerves about one of us being gone all the time. With me at least I come back for a period of time whereas Edward never comes back to stay. I get on my motorcycle before sending a strongly worded text to Edward demanding he check in with Esme or I'd come find him wherever he is hiding right now. I hear a phone ring inside and give a satisfied smile before it's time for me to leave back to La Push for a few days. With that thought I realise my sister will be seeing me for the first time since our birthday and wonder how she'll react to me being around the Rez. Time can only tell and I'm quickly getting closer and closer to La Push.

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