First Day Alone

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It's been a few weeks since we left Forks and I'm still testy with Edward for leaving Bella in the woods. Thankfully, I got a text from Sam saying he had found her asleep in the woods freezing, but otherwise unharmed. We'd had a few fights about it since coming and now I'm getting antsy which means it's time for me to start looking for answers. Judging by the look on Edward's face he knows what I plan on doing and does not approve of what I'm about to do. Only I need these answers to move on from two years ago and get in with the rest of my life. The shock rippling from him causes me to turn his way with the ends of my lips quirked up.

"What you thought I was going somewhere without a plan in mind or a reason to be there. Tell everyone I'll be back soon after I get my answers. If I'm needed y'all have my phone number and I'll be careful to only go out at night."

He nods and I grab my wallet going to my bike before I get on the road. If I'm careful it'll take a day to ride to New Orleans if I watch out for cops as I speed down there. I make it a little earlier than planned, but it's dark out which means I don't have to worry about sparkling. I park in front of a familiar bar before walking in with a smile and here everyone working greet me. That is until the bartender sees me and realised who I am making her look shocked as I stand next to the bar. She comes from behind the bar to give me a huge hug as she laughs like old times. She puts her hands to my cheeks carefully looking me over to make sure I'm okay.

"Rosetta I'm totally fine. Do y'all still need people to do live music every night?"

"Always sweetheart. What brings you back to town?"

"I'm looking for an old friend that haunts the city so I can speak to him. I've got questions he has to answer so I might be hanging around for a while."

"That's great! If you need a place to stay my place is always open to you."

"Thanks Rosetta. I'll take you up on that for tonight. So is the mic open tonight?"

"Go for it!" She says with a grin before going back to bartending.

I walk over to the familiar microphone before flipping through their instrumentals noticing they've got a lot more in the last two years. I pick a song and begin singing the song that I know making the regulars remember me from two years ago. So for the rest of the night any song they call out from the list I sing making them extremely happy. Rosetta is still the natural behind the bar she was a few years ago making me smile as I sing. All too soon it is time for the bar to close and Rosetta leads me to her place where she falls asleep quickly. I leave her a note as I look for his scent around the city until right before sunrise. When my time is up I crumple the note I left Rosetta throwing it away before entering the room she is letting me use. I sit in there devising my plans for the next few days until it's time for the sun to go down.

For the next few days I alternate from singing at the bar and searching the city all night for his scent when I finally find it. I follow his scent to the familiar mansion and I look around before going up the stairs opening the door without knocking. I hear him in his parlour alone as if he was expecting someone to come by which makes sense considering the front door was unlocked. I silently walk towards the double doors before swinging then open to see him sitting there waiting for the doors to open. He smirks seeing me in the doorway until I enter and he gets a better glimpse at me. The smirk falls into a frown when he realises that I am now fully turned into a vampire. Since leaving Forks I stopped wearing the contacts which mean my golden eyes are bared to the world. I prowl closer before sitting in a chair facing him.

"Isadonia what brings you back to my humble abode?"

"I want answers James because I deserve them after everything you did to me. I was turned by James a few months ago because of you asshole!"

"Well I didn't tell him to turn you so it really isn't my fault." He replies lazily sparking my anger.

"No, but you told him his brother was still alive even though I know you killed him. You set him on me for some goddamn reason and he started tracking my sister! Now he's dead and I was turned protecting her from him. Why was he so enamoured with me?"

"If you had blood you would have been able to tell in an instant why. Sadly his brother drained you of but one drop which my spell took. Come on I know you've figured it out."

"Bloodsinger. I was his bloodsinger and he wanted to know about me. God how come I didn't figure this out sooner? Although I was overwhelmed with everything around me at the time." I end softly making him really look at me.

"You've changed your hair colour again. Most of the time it's indicative of your mood and I'm guessing your sad with that deep purple colour."

"None if that is your business James. Why me? Why did you chose me for your experiment?"

"That is such an easy answer for me. You were falling for me and I felt it too, but I am not allowed anyone. So, I saw papers on a similar experiment and decided to try it because if you died it wouldn't matter. You would have been a statistic if you died and I would give up trying. Only you were the only survival and I think it's because of the need to protect everyone you live that you survived. Although you being a full vampire may come with some new trials considering you weren't made like an ordinary vampire."

"That's all I needed to know. Goodbye James."

"Tell your new family and the pack I said hello."

"If I find you or hear about you near either of them you will become the statistic James." I snarl causing him to reel back in shock.

I go back to Rosetta's place where I sit on my bed calming down before deciding to go back to my family. I'm finished with the questions I have and there is no need for me to stick around here anymore. I'll leave tomorrow morning after telling Rosetta goodbye and thanking her for housing me the last few days.

*A/N: The picture above is what colour Isadonia has changed her hair to for this book.*

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