Returning to Forks

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It's been a few days since we met with the Volturi and I've been a little on edge ever since. I don't like the fact that Aro will be keeping an eye on me which means he'll be watching everyone around me as well. That could bring unforeseen problems to our door which makes me worry now that I have Canaan in the picture. I don't want anything to endanger him and having Aro's eyes on me could pose a threat to him.

Canaan tends to stay with me, but if I'm out hunting he seems to stay around Jasper. Everyone was surprised the first few times it happened, but now it seems to be normal. Carlisle and I have been too busy getting ready to go back to Forks to even think about speaking of Canaan. We desperately need to once everything calms down because we need to figure out if he could possibly have vampiric gifts. I've kept a running list in my head of the things I've noticed him doing and sometimes I catch Edward looking surprised. When he left for Forks Canaan was a bit surprised before looking at me with big eyes.

"What's the matter darlin'?" I say kneeling in front of him.

"When is he coming back?"

"We're going to all meet him back at our home in Forks and one day I'm going to take you to meet a few friends of mine."

He nods rapidly before taking off making me smile as I grab some of the last boxes that are here. Once everything is packed up into the cars and moving truck it's time to go home. Jasper smiles as my excitement buzzes through my veins and Canaan giggles making us look at him. This is another one of those times where I feel as if he knows more than we think he does. He gets in the car with Carlisle and Esme as I get on my motorcycle. When we finally make it back to Forks it is dark out making me think of a plan in my head. Once we make it home I pick Canaan up from the car before telling them of my plan. I hunted yesterday in preparation for today and the give small smiles before I start running with Canaan asleep in my arms. I slow down as I make it to the edge of the forest on my father's property to hear all three of them in the living room. I knock on the door and hear my father opening the door as Canaan shifts in my arms making my father's eyes widen. He lets me in and Edward smoothly takes Canaan from my arms. My father hugs me, but I can still feel his surprise at seeing Canaan for the first time ever.

"Dad this is Canaan a little boy I've adopted from New Orleans. His situation there was too precarious for me to just leave him there and I want you to know I can do this. I have a few friends I bet will be happy to watch him if I need them to."

"Are you sure you can handle this, Isa? I don't want you to take on something you can't handle."

"It'll be okay dad. I'm graduating in a few months which means I'll have more free time and if I need to I'll get a job. If you don't mind I'm going to lay him down in my room since he's already asleep and I'll see you in the morning."

He nods and I press a kiss to his and Bella's cheek before Edward passes Canaan to me. I go upstairs quickly before placing Canaan in the middle of the bed pulling the covers over him. He shifts slightly making me worried he'll wake up and be up all night before he relaxes once more. I kiss the top of his head before going back downstairs to see Dad coming up the stairs. He gives me a smile before going to his room as Bella comes upstairs after him. She flinches seeing me waiting and I nod to her room before we enter.

"Now are you going to explain why you decided you needed adrenaline rushes while we were gone?"

"I needed to feel something again and that was the way I knew I could feel anything."

"Have you been to see the pack since Italy?"

"No, Jake is upset and doesn't want to see me plus I'm grounded for just going to Italy."

"I'll try to see if I can talk to him, but you know he isn't my favourite person right now. I'm going to take Canaan to meet the pack tomorrow considering I promised them a surprise."

She nods and I flit upstairs hearing Canaan becoming restless in my room making me worried. I open my door and close it before he rolls over to look at me with beg eyes full of fear and I realise he thought I left him. I slip into the bed and he crawls into my lap before wrapping his arms around me. I wrap an arm around him and put a hand on his head before rocking him from side to side. I can tell that it's going to take him a while before he falls asleep and I hear Edward enter Bella's room. I start singing to help calm Canaan down and after a bit of time he finally falls into a deep sleep. I carefully read a book to help pass the night as I keep Canaan in my arms while I keep an eye on him. For the rest of the night he continues sleeping peacefully in my arms and slowly night becomes day making me give a small smile. Slowly Canaan wakes up and gives a yawn making me smile before he sits up rubbing his eyes to wake up. I quickly shift him to get one of the pair of clothes I brought with me and change him into the new outfit before carrying him downstairs. Dad is already gone for the day and I can tell Bella is still sleeping so I cook him something to eat before going to the reservation.

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