The Volturi

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Once the sun has sunk down Edward stand up and I follow behind him completely on edge. I was hoping we would never have to go near the Volturi, but at least I get to see them for myself instead of only hearing stories. A sense of foreboding runs through me as we walk through the city to the place where they have an entrance to their palace. Edward looks at me before he opens the door that will let us inside and I take a deep unnecessary breath before entering behind me. I know he's worried about them knowing about me and my gifts, but it cannot be helped at this point. I'm not leaving his side no matter what and I give a smile feeling his shock at my thoughts. He's still surprised that someone aside from his family and Bella can care for him that little things like this shock him.

"Excuse me darlin' we need to speak with Aro and it's of grave importance."

"One moment and they'll send someone for you."

We stand off to the side patiently waiting for someone to get us so we can speak with the Volturi. After a few minutes a girl comes out and the receptionist points out way before going back to her work. That's when I hear her heart speed up at the sight of the girl making me narrow my eyes. Edward jostles my shoulder before shaking his head effectively stoping me from narrowing my eyes at the girl coming our way. I hear her name from the receptionist's thoughts and my eyes flicker to Edward remembering what her gift happens to be. He nods telling me I am correct in remembering who we are about to deal with. I straighten my spine because I will look weak to no one and see her give a smirk looking me over thinking that I am nothing. Edward puts a hand to my shoulder to prevent me from acting rash especially in the sights of a human.

"Aro will see you now, but only one at a time."

"Yeah that is going to work darlin' because where he goes I go. Plus I know you're just doing this to antagonise me."

"Donia," Edward whispers in a low voice.

"No, I'm not going to stand down Eddie. You know I'm right and I told you already wherever you go today I will go. I'm not letting you go in there alone so can you lead the way darlin'." I ask with a sickly-sweet smile.

She frowns before walking away with the both of us following her and I give a triumphant smile. Edward chides me in his head as we walk making me shove him almost throwing him off balance. He gives an aggravated sigh before we stop in front of a set of double doors. She looks me over with an aggravated face before giving Edward a smirk making me narrow my eyes. I put my emotionless facade on as she opens the doors and I see the thrones from my vision. Only this time they are occupied and the three vampires are watching us as the two of enter the room. We stop in the centre of the room and I quickly analyse everyone in the room before turning my eyes to the thrones.

"Welcome to Volterra how may we help you?" Aro asks in a soft voice making my eyes lock with his.

I pull my phone out quickly, but see nothing waiting for me making me feel sick inside. My emotionless facade almost falls, but I'm careful as I place my phone away. Edward locks eyes with me asking me if I've hear anything and I shake my head giving a negative. I feel the despair run through him and venom almost pools in my eyes before he looks to Aro who is watching our exchange with curious eyes.

"I would like for the Volturi to end my life because my mate has died." Edward whispers softly.

"Who is this that has come with you?"

"My mate's twin sister who has been living with my family. I assume you know who I am and who I have been living with."

"Yes, Carlisle seems to be finding many lost lambs it seems and she must be another one of them."

"I am new to the coven yes, but that doesn't make me a lost lamb. Are you going to acquiesce to my brother's wish or is this all just a show to you?" I say making Edward look at me as Aro let's out a laugh.

"How dare you speak like that to us?" Caius says outraged at my disrespect.

"Calm brother. We will not acquiesce to his wish because of his gift. It could be more useful with him alive and you could have a spot in my guard." He says trying to get Edward to his side making me narrow my eyes.

I cross my arms over my chest realising what he is doing and frown before looking at Edward. His shock is intense enough that I shove his shoulder bringing him back to us as I raise an eyebrow at him. If we aren't careful Aro may realise I have more than one gift and he looks away sighing. His eyes flicker up to Aro in an attempt to understand his thoughts which makes me roll my eyes.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline your gracious offer. My sister and I will leave now so as to not cause you any problems."

I think we're in the clear when Jane comes forward with a smirk on her face and I narrow my eyes at her. I hear the plan a second before pain hits me and I grit my teeth managing to stay standing as I give a triumphant smile to Jane. She frowns before staring more intently at me trying to get me to crumble and I waver the longer it is held on me. Unconsciously, I barely twitch my hands moving her allowing me to stop the pain from being sent to me. Afterwards I realise what I have done making my eyes flicker to Edward's.

"Well shit."

"Child come here." Aro says curiously.

"Or you could let us go like you should have before that little show right there."

"Alright you are both free to go." He says with a smile as Caius looks furious.

I grab Edward's wrist before dragging him away before they can change their minds. We get into the atrium and I turn to him with wide eyes.

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