Bella's Recklessness

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I'm riding down the highway before pulling to the side because I'm having a vision take over me. I see Bella in the city with Jessica which isn't that weird until I see what she's doing. The dumb girl is getting on a motorcycle with a random man and I realise why. She's trying to get an adrenaline spike running through her system causing me to worry, but she gets off just fine. I can't go back to her because she'll believe everyone is coming back or she'll question me about Edward endlessly. If I don't have a more worrying vision I'll leave her alone to fend for herself. When I make it back to the house Rose is waiting for me meaning Alice saw me coming back today. I sense her unease meaning something had changed in the few days I had been gone and I might not like the changes. I listen carefully and realise that Edward is not here making me realise he left to be on his own. I heave a sigh before we both enter the house where everyone is waiting in the living room. I can tell Alice is almost bursting with curiosity about what I did while I was gone.

"So you got all the answers you need?" She questions in a rush making me give a smile.

"Yes, he was very gracious and answered any questions I had, but I need to warn you first. He's aware of all of you as well as the pack, but he won't make a move after I scared him yesterday."

"So why was the tracker so enamoured with you?"

"If I had blood pumping through me at the time I would have been his blood singer. Basically he was sent to me by James in an attempt to check up on me I guess, but it failed. He did explain why he did what he did to me though and it was shocking. I was right when I said I was an experiment because the witches wanted to see if hybrids could be made with other supernatural creatures. Only none of them worked out except for me and he thinks it's because I have such a strong protective instinct that I survived."

"If the Volturi found out what he was doing he could be killed. He's human, but he knows what we are and the Volturi doesn't like humans knowing about vampires." Carlisle says with a soft tone.

"I'm aware of this, but he is as well and he can fend for himself. He knew I was back so obviously he has people watching the city for him. He can disappear at a moments notice so I wouldn't worry about him. Where'd Eddie go?"

"He doesn't tell us where he's going and I think he left when he did so you couldn't know. He's supposed to call in later."

"Oh that's definitely why he left when he did. It was perfect because I was unable to read where he is going and he can hide out. I can't really fault him, but he needs to tell us where he is in case he runs into trouble."

Everyone cracks a small smile at that and I realise how that sounded making me give a soft laugh. My protective instincts are showing through again and I wasn't even aware of how protective I could get. I understand how protective I am of Bella because I'm the older sister even if we weren't raised together. Everything that happened that day in New Orleans made me realise that the world I thought I knew was in fact wrong. I've been protecting Bella from this other world and from herself for so long that it's natural when I find others I fall in line with. So naturally I'm protective of all the Cullens as if I was protecting Bella because they are my family as well as she is.

"I guess he was right about me being protective over my family and that includes all of you now."

For the next few days I follow Carlisle around the hospital learning even more information on being a nurse or doctor. This time around a few people come around with broken bones allowing me to learn how to set a bone. Sometimes I have to go outside when a lot of blood comes in and I have to regain myself before coming back into the hospital once more. Everything I see just keeps my mind whirling which is good because I don't have the time to worry about Bella constantly. It allows me to be relaxed around everyone with small bouts of worry in the middle of the night because I left her when I promised myself that I would keep her safe from this world. Thankfully the wolves seem to be keeping an eye on her because Billy asked them after the wood incident to keep Charlie's mind at ease over Bella. I check checking in with him, but I don't tell him where we are just in case Bella is listening in on the phone. He knows I'm okay and that I'm going to look for answers soon which makes him happy and he worried less over me right now.

Dad has told me that Bella is having horrible nightmares overnight which means she's getting no sleep. He says she's like a walking zombie during the day and barely reacts to anything that is going on. He says she's a shell of her former self and he doesn't know what to do with her, but he's worried about her mental state right now. That makes me want to come running back to her, but I still pose a threat to her which means I can't go back. He even wants to send her to Florida to stay with mom because of her reactions, but she got upset when he mentioned it. He just wants her to be herself again and I worry that without Edward around she may never be the same again.

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