Chapter one

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To kill a vampire, you had to become a vampire.

Well, not a full vampire, but a half vampire. By doing so, it allowed huntsmen to be able keep up with vampires, as It gave us the enhanced strength, speed, agility and endurance vampires had. Not to mention a longer life span.

Of course, the one thing it didn't give us was the ability to use magic. Which was fine with me. I'd seen my dad in action before and that was when I realized that you didn't need magic to kill vampires. You just needed skill.

You see, I'd been training all my life to become a huntsman and soon the time would come where I would take the ritual and I would become a fully-fledged huntsman. Some huntsmen actually hated becoming half vampires, but honestly, I didn't care, as it was the only way to kill them. After all, as the saying goes, sometimes in order to kill a monster, you had to become a monster.

Tonight, was actually the night of the ritual and I had been preparing myself mentally for the event. I was sitting on the roof of my house, staring up at the moon, when I heard my younger sister Blake talking to me from down below.

"Hey Eli, it's time to get going for the ritual!"

I looked down. "Ok, be there in a minute!" I climbed down from the roof of my house and onto the porch ceiling, where I jumped off it, performing a mid-air summersault and landing on my feet.

My sister glared at me. 


"Nothing," Blake said, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, you two," My dad said, as he left the house. "You ready?"

I looked at my dad. At first glance, you wouldn't be able to tell, but my dad was actually several centuries old. But thanks to the vampire blood he had ingested so long ago, he still looked like he was in his fifties. Not to mention, his black slicked back hair, stayed black and unlike most people, his physique stayed fit as he aged. In fact, he seemed to get better with age.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Good. Now come on, get in the car, we'll get in trouble if we're late."

I nodded, and everyone got into the car and we drove off.

The ritual took place in a secret location, so I had no idea where we were going, only my parents knew, but seeing as how we had just driven past the sign, which said: Now leaving Boroughton; I figured the ritual was taking place outside the town. It made sense. After all, the Huntsguild was a very secretive organization and having their ritual take place within the town, would be like screaming their location to the entire world. Hence, why it was a secret.

Though, it wasn't so far from town, it was about a few miles, out in the country. It had taken us almost a half an hour to get there, but we eventually got there. Upon arriving, we parked at a camp site, which was within the National Boroughton forest, and we got out of the car.

"Hey, I've been here before," said Blake.

"We've all been here before," my dad replied.

"So, this is where they hold the rituals for this area?" My mother asked, as she got out of the car.

"Apparently so."

"Ah, you are here," said a hooded figure.

Out of instinct, my dad immediately took out his pistol.

The Huntsguild: A Huntsman's oathWhere stories live. Discover now