Chapter five

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After a crazy weekend I was finally ready to get back to some normalcy, which meant going to school. And even though I usually hated going to school, today was an exception. At least, it was, until I got to my first class of the day.

As the bell rang, our History teacher, Mr. Adamson walked into the class room with a familiar looking girl with red and wavy, shoulder length hair. It was Mira.

The teacher stood in front of us, with Mira standing next to him.

"Ok guys it looks like we have a new student today, her name's Mirajah Velan.

"Hey,"she said, with a wave.

"She was originally home schooled, and this is a new experience for her, so please make her feel welcome."

The teacher looked at Mira and pointed at the empty seat to my left. "You can sit over there."

Mira nodded, and she walked over to the empty desk. As she did, I stared at her,with a look that said "really"? And in response, she shrugged her shoulders,giving me a wry smile as she did.

What was this? Where they trying to keep an eye on to make sure I didn't tell anyone?Or were they just simply looking out for me? I didn't know, but the latter made more sense. Either way, I'd have to ask her myself after class.

Speaking of class, since it was the month of October, our history teacher decided to doa little lesson on the history of Halloween. And of course, he just had tobring up vampires.

"So anyways," Mr. Adamson said. "Vampirism is actually a real thing. Though, those who contract vampirism don't actually turn into bats or anything silly like that. Instead, they just form a disorder where the person is compulsed to drink blood and funnily enough, their teeth actually do grow, but not in the way you see in the movies."

"And while many people believe that the idea of vampires originated in Transylvania Romania, the first actual, documented case of vampirism occurred in Croatia in the 17th century."

Mr.Adamson walked over to his desk and he opened one of his drawers to take out a document and he handed it to one of the students up front to pass around. As it was passed around Mr. Adamson continued talking about vampires, and as he did, I noticed many of the girls staring at him with lustful eyes.

Mr.Adamson was one those hot guy teachers that all the girls fawned over. After all, he had a chiseled chest, a perfectly shaped face, a six pack and a tall stature, so it wasn't surprising that many of the girls were falling for him.Even so, it was rather creepy, seeing as how he was at least in his thirties. I was actually starting to think that Mr. Adamson might be a vampire, as he seemed to be hypnotizing the girls with his good looks. But then I remembered that vampires were the good guys, or so I was led to believe.

Anyways,the centuries old document had finally reached me, and I took a look at it. At the top of the document, was the name: Jure Grando and below was an image of his gravestone. And below the image, were a few paragraphs of information, such as where he lived and what his occupation was and etc.

It didn't seem very interesting to me, so I passed it on to the next person and I continued listening to the teacher talk about vampires, which quickly got boring. And so, I tuned him out until class ended.

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