Chapter Nine

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It had been a grueling and boring two weeks since the incident with our history teacher, who just so happened to be a Vampaneze. And I had finally been freed from my punishment and was now able to actually go out of the house and do whatever I wanted.

Although,to be honest, even if I didn't like being grounded, it gave me a chance to read up on some of the books that were in my dad's off. As I did, I got to know the history of the vampires and how they had been at the top of hierarchy when it came to magical beings. Hell, for awhile they had even had power over humans.But then came the Huntsmen some thousand years ago and with their knowledge they'd gained from a millennia of fighting vampires, they were able to beat back the vampires and force them into hiding.

Of course, what the books didn't tell you was that the vampires were being wrongly accused and that the Vampaneze had been framing them for centuries. This bit of information wasn't even in that secret book that my father kept hidden under his desk.

Anyways, aside from having been grounded for two weeks, school had been a bit strange, what with the disappearance of Mr. Adamson and all. Police would occasionally be seen within the school and we of course we had to get a substitute teacher for both our history class and gym. And I had to say, Mr. Velan had done a pretty good job at cleaning up the mess, as the police still had yet to find any suspects and they probably never would, probably.

As for Mira, she had taken a couple of days off from school to recuperate, which was understandable. But eventually she did come back, and she had gone back to her bossy and aggressive-self. Mira had actually asked me to hang out with her after school, which I thought was odd,seeing as how Mira never wanted to hang out with me. I mean sure, we did stuff together, but it was only because we had to, so I didn't really count that as hanging out. Still, I agreed, and I was waiting for her in the parking lot,when all of a sudden, I felt something small, hard and round hit the back of my head.

"Ow!"I complained, looking at the ground as I did. "What the hell was that?!"

Apparently, it was rock that had been thrown at me. The question was, who was it thrown by? I didn't know, but I looked behind me only to see a very angry, looking guy who was wearing a black hoody stomping his way over to me. Who the hell is that?

"You!"he yelled, pointing at me as he did. "You're the reason why we broke up!"

The guy that was yelling at me stopped in front of me, looking down at me as he did. I looked up at him and gulped. This guy was not someone I wanted to mess with, as not only was he taller than me, but both his arms and chest were bigger as well. Plus, he was a lot better looking than I was, what with his richly brown hair and his model-like face.

"Uh, do I know you?"

He grabbed my shirt. "I'm Mira's boyfriend!"

My eyes widened with fear.

"Or at least, I was, until you screwed everything up!"

"Oh,your Mira's boyfriend?"

He shook his head. "Was Mira's boyfriend!"

I chuckled nervously. "Look, I don't know what happened. But Mira and I are just friends. I don't even like her that way! After all, she's bossy, mean and aggressive and occasionally likes to punch me in the gut!"

Luke stared angrily at me. Obviously, he wasn't buying what I was trying to feed him. Having given up, I sighed. Wait a minute,I thought. Why should I have to give into this entitled asshole? I am a Huntsmen after all, surely, I should be able stand up for myself, right?

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