Chapter Three

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    After the fight, the red headed vampire told me to follow her, and I did, though against my better judgement. But seeing as how she just saved my life, I figured I could trust her, at least for now anyways.So, I followed her all the way to the northside side of town where the main highway and the woods were, and we rode our bikes to a dead-end road that was adjacent to the highway. And at the end of the dead-end road, was a long unpaved driveway that we drove down, where there was a two-story L-shaped,manor that sat in the middle of an open field that was surrounded by trees. 

 Upon arriving at her house, we got off our bikes and I looked up at it. For the area that we lived in, it was a very unique looking house, as the front of the house was made of brick, while other parts of the exterior were constructed with oak timber frames that were woven together in a fancy design, while the empty spaces within the frames were painted white. The manor looked very old, which was unsurprising given the fact that vampires were living in it. 

 "Nice house," I said. "It's bigger than mine." 

 "Thanks,"she said. "It once belonged to my great, great grandfather. He was a German citizen who would occasionally come to America for vacation." 

 "A German citizen huh? No wonder the design of the house looks so out of place." 

 "Yeah, my great, great grandfather liked everything that had to do with Germany, so when he had this house built, he decided to have it look as much like home as possible." 

 "Is your grandfather still in Germany?" 

 "No,he's not with us anymore." 

 "Oh,I'm sorry. May I ask what happened?" 

 The red headed vampire looked back at me as we walked up to the door. "Oh sure, he was killed by Huntsmen," she replied, nonchalantly. 

 "Oh,I'm sorry to hear that," I said, awkwardly. 

 The red headed vampire shrugged as we stopped at the door. "Eh, its fine. He was a grumpy SOB anyways. He was far too set in his old ways to change, so its better off that he's dead anyways." 

 I stared blankly at her. Wow, this girl was savage. I made a mental note to not piss her off. 

Anyways,she opened the door and we walked in. Inside, was completely different from the outside, as it all had a very rustic feeling to it, what with the reclaimed wooden walls and the cathedral-like ceilings, with exposed wooden beams, not to mention the very circular living room on the left, which had an in-ground area to it and a natural stone fireplace to match it. The inside felt very open, as the kitchen was right next to living room, while the dining room and what I guessed was an office, was on the other side, with only a grey, stone staircase separating them. 

 And hanging above the living room,was a spherical, copper chandelier that lit up the room and illuminated the red circular carpet that covered the floor of the in-ground area. And sitting on that carpet, was a half circular brown, detailed leather couch that faced the fireplace, which had a huge flat screen television on it. 

 "Mom!Dad! I'm back!" she yelled. 

 They didn't reply. Instead, we could hear her mother giggling like a school girl in the back of the house. So, I followed the red headed vampire into the back,where there was a dark wooden bar with a beer rack on the back wall. And at the bar, were the red head's parents.   

  "Mom! Dad!" she repeated, as we walked over to them. 

 "Oh,hello darling," her mother said, all giddy-like.

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